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豬流感病毒英語(yǔ)問(wèn)答 對(duì)英語(yǔ)作文有幫助

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豬流感病毒英語(yǔ)問(wèn)答 對(duì)英語(yǔ)作文有幫助

  The swine flu virus in the U.S. is the same one causing a deadly epidemic in Mexico. What is swine flu? What can we do about it? WebMD answers your questions.

豬流感病毒英語(yǔ)問(wèn)答 對(duì)英語(yǔ)作文有幫助


  和人一樣,豬也會(huì)得流感。有4種不同的A型豬流感病株常在豬之間傳播 .最近幾種豬流感病毒屬于H1N1和H3N2亞型.豬罹患流感后一般不會(huì)致死.最新爆發(fā)的這種感染人類(lèi)的豬流感病毒很不同尋常。它有可能已從豬,鳥(niǎo)和人流感病毒中獲取了基因片斷.并且已從本來(lái)不會(huì)在北美出現(xiàn)的歐亞豬流感毒株類(lèi)型里獲取了基因。   What Is Swine Flu?

  Like humans, pigs get the flu. Four different type A swine flu strains commonly circulate among pigs. Most recent swine flu viruses have belonged to the H1N1 and H3N2 subtypes. Pigs typically get sick but usually don't die from swine flu.

  The new swine flu virus infecting humans is very unusual. It's somehow acquired genes from swine, bird, and human flu bugs. And it's also got genes from Eurasian swine flu viruses that aren't supposed to be in North America.



  Do Humans Get Swine Flu?

  Normally, swine flu bugs don't infect people. Historically, there's a case every year or two in the U.S. among people who have contact with live pigs.

  But from December 2005 to January 2009 there was an uptick in swine flu cases. There were 12 human swine flu infections during this time. Eleven of these people had direct or indirect contact with pigs; in the twelfth case it was not known whether there was pig contact.

  It's possible this uptick was due to improved reporting systems, but the CDC says "genetic changes in swine flu viruses and other factors might also be a factor."

  The new swine flu virus is different. It's not yet clear that it's here to stay. But it is infecting humans, and that has world health officials keeping a close eye on it.

  3、 豬流感會(huì)在人群之間蔓延嗎? 醫(yī).學(xué)教育網(wǎng)整理


  Can Swine Flu Spread From Person to Person?

  The U.S. residents infected with swine flu virus had no direct contact with pigs. The CDC says it's likely that the infections represent widely separated cycles of human-to-human infections.

  4、 豬流感的癥狀? The Symptoms of Swine Flu

  What Are the Symptoms of Swine Flu?

  Swine flu symptoms are similar to regular flu symptoms and include cough, sore throat, fever, chills, headache, and fatigue. Some patients have also reported nausea惡心 and diarrhea腹瀉. There is no easy way to distinguish swine flu from other types of flu or other germs. It takes a lab test to tell whether it's swine flu.




  如果你曾經(jīng)聽(tīng)到過(guò)豬流感,很可能是你回憶起了或者讀到過(guò)1976年那次在新澤西Fort Dix的豬流感在入伍新兵里的爆發(fā).那一次持續(xù)了一個(gè)月然后消失了。來(lái)得突然,去得也很神秘. 當(dāng)時(shí)有240例感染;死亡一例。 在Fort Dix傳播的是H1N1型豬流感毒株,與導(dǎo)致災(zāi)難性瘟疫的1918-1919年流感相同,那場(chǎng)災(zāi)難奪走了上千萬(wàn)人的生命。(1976年)出于一種新H1N1病株大流行可能隨著冬季卷土重來(lái)的擔(dān)心, 導(dǎo)致一次匆忙上馬的項(xiàng)目,以發(fā)明一種豬流感疫苗并對(duì)所有美國(guó)人接種. 那次疫苗項(xiàng)目后來(lái)問(wèn)題百出-- 其中包括公眾恐慌導(dǎo)致了過(guò)多的危險(xiǎn)的過(guò)激反應(yīng),這還算小麻煩.在4000多萬(wàn)美國(guó)人接種后,這個(gè)徒勞的努力被放棄了。目前證實(shí)尚無(wú)豬流感大流行事件。

  Have There Been Previous Swine Flu Outbreaks?

  If swine flu sounds familiar to you, it's probably because you remember or have read about the 1976 swine flu outbreak at Fort Dix, N.J., among military recruits. It lasted about a month and then went away as mysteriously as it appeared. As many as 240 people were infected; one died.

  The swine flu that spread at Fort Dix was the H1N1 strain. That's the same flu strain that caused the disastrous flu pandemic of 1918-1919, resulting in tens of millions of deaths.

  Concern that a new H1N1 pandemic might return with winter led to a crash program to create a vaccine and vaccinate all Americans against swine flu. That vaccine program ran into all kinds of problems -- not the least of which was public perception that the vaccine caused excessive rates of dangerous reactions. After more than 40 million people were vaccinated, the effort was abandoned.

  As it turned out, there was no swine flu epidemic.



  It's possible that the seasonal flu vaccine might provide partial protection against H3N2 swine flu bugs. But the strain that appeared in California is the H1N1 swine flu strain. It is very different from the H1N1 human flu strain included in the seasonal flu vaccine.

  It's not known whether previous infection with human type A H1N1 flu might provide partial protection against the type A H1N1 swine flu in the current outbreak.

  However, the CDC has made a "vaccine seed" from swine flu isolated from an infected person, and has begun the process of developing a vaccine should the need arise. Whether a vaccine could be produced in quantity by next flu season is a huge question.

  Is There a Treatment for Swine Flu?

  Yes. While the swine flu bug is resistant to older flu medicines, it remains sensitive to Tamiflu and to Relenza.

  7、 豬流感流行對(duì)公共衛(wèi)生安全的威脅有多嚴(yán)重?


  How Serious Is the Public Health Threat of a Swine Flu Epidemic?

  Any flu epidemic is worrisome, especially when a new strain of flu bug is involved.

  "Influenza A viruses new to the human population that are able to efficiently transmit from person to person and cause illness may represent a pandemic threat," the CDC warns.

  It's worrisome that, unlike seasonal flu, the swine flu outbreak in Mexico is attacking healthy young people. That's a hallmark of pandemic flu bugs.

  But it takes more than a new virus spreading among humans to make a pandemic. The virus has to be able to spread efficiently from one person to another, and transmission has to be sustained over time. In addition, the virus has to spread geographically.

范文先生網(wǎng) www.panasonaic.com


  是的.雖然對(duì)老的流感藥有耐藥性,它仍對(duì)達(dá)菲(Tamiflu)和樂(lè)感清(Relenza) 很敏感。

  I Got a Flu Shot. Am I Protected Against Swine Flu?

  No. There is currently no swine flu vaccine.

  9、 吃豬肉會(huì)得豬流感嗎?


  Can You Get Swine Flu by Eating Pork?

  No. You can only catch swine flu from being around an infected pig -- or, if it's the new swine flu virus, from an infected person.

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