


時(shí)間:2022-10-09 12:17:57 個(gè)性簽名 我要投稿




  傷感英文個(gè)性簽名 1

  1、l wish you loved me.但愿你愛過我.

  2、Pale moonlight, I declare lonely and shadow.蒼白的月光下,我和影子述說寂寞.

  3、If you look for it, love actually is all around.如果你用心尋找,你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)愛其實(shí)無處不在.

  4、If there is no separation growth also does not have belongs to.如果沒有別離,成長也就無所附麗.

  5、Time urged me to go against your life.時(shí)間慫恿我背離你生存.

  6、Im fine, thanks for not asking.我很好,謝謝你的忽略.

  7、If someone truly loves you, they will never give you a reason to doubt it.他若真愛你,就不會(huì)給你任何理由去懷疑.

  8、The truth is, if I could be with anyone, itd still be you.事實(shí)上,如果我和別人在一起,那個(gè)人還是你.

  9、One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory.想要得到幸福的關(guān)鍵之一就是你要學(xué)會(huì)健忘.

  10、Strong desire is the starting point of all achievemen.強(qiáng)烈的欲望是取得任何成就的第一步.

  11、You ruined my desire is to love you may.你毀掉的是我渴望繼續(xù)愛你的可能.

  12、Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.愛情是一種對(duì)抑制不住的欲望的不可抵御的向往.

  13、I deserted for half a century did not wait for my followers.我荒蕪了半個(gè)世紀(jì)也沒有等到我的信徒.

  14、Love is so short, forgetting is so long.愛那么短,可是遺忘那么長.

  15、Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.幸運(yùn),其實(shí)就是準(zhǔn)備遇到了機(jī)會(huì).

  16、I love very much, a minute only love you sixty seconds.我的心愛得不多,一分鐘只愛了你六十秒.

  17、There are no trails of the wings in the sky, while the birds has fliedaway.寧愿笑著流淚,嘢不哭著說后悔 心碎了,還需再補(bǔ)嗎?

  18、I will keep waiting till we meet.我會(huì)一直等待,直到與你相遇.

  19、Play this should not be out of the play, the only thing to do is timely to leave.參演這部本不該出的戲,唯一能夠做的就是適時(shí)離開.

  20、Your hand luxuriant line entanglements into the city in whose laughter.你掌心華麗的線條糾結(jié)進(jìn)了誰的城池里歡聲笑語.

  21、My hand not forget the temperature of your hand.我的手忘不掉你手的溫度.

  22、I know it seems that only love what you are trained to live up to whatextent.似乎只有我自己知道愛你到什么程度受過什么辜負(fù).

  23、Lonely lonely, I am still thinking about someone.孤獨(dú)寂寞的時(shí)候,我會(huì)靜靜的想著某人.

  24、Time is the fault of fatalistic testimony people.時(shí)光的宿命就是見證人們的過錯(cuò).

  25、I did not catch you when you pass you do not stop.擦肩而過時(shí)我沒有拉住你你也沒有停留.

  26、I just don‘t like you anymore.我只是不再那么喜歡你.

  27、Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away withtears.有時(shí)候,惟有一場(chǎng)眼淚,我們才徹底清晰了視線.

  28、No promise, only said not over of lies.沒有不變的承諾,只有說不完的謊言.

  29、Do not,for one repulse,give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.不要只因一次失敗,就放棄你原來決心想達(dá)到的目的`.

  30、I want to forget you, forget about any of your memory.我想忘掉你了,忘掉關(guān)于你的任何記憶.

  31、A lot of things, we can be touched, but can not shed tears.很多事情,我們可以感動(dòng),卻不能流淚.

  32、Life is simple.You make choices and you dont look back.人生很簡單,做了決定就不要后悔.

  33、Although the relationship is no longer as concerned about it, but how canyou say broken off.關(guān)系雖然不再一樣,關(guān)心卻怎么能說斷就斷.

  34、If there is a suitcase, Ill spiralling out to stray.如果有皮箱,我會(huì)一發(fā)不可收拾的去流浪.

  35、Love soaked in paper, deduce sadness.愛情浸過紙,演繹憂傷.

  36、Opens the full of trees, pear can never bears apple.開滿梨花的樹上,永遠(yuǎn)不可能結(jié)出蘋果.

  37、If love is misunderstanding, who let I can return to perfect.如果愛是場(chǎng)誤會(huì),誰讓我能回到完美.

  38、Someone said, my love, I just thought.有人說,我的愛情只是我的自以為.

  39、The best way to forget a relationship is another new beginning a relationship.忘記一段感情的最好辦法是從新開始另一段感情

  40、We all lose one another along the way.我們都失去了彼此的路上.

  41、Sometimes, only a tear, we completely clear sight.有時(shí)候,惟有一場(chǎng)眼淚,我們才徹底清晰了視線.

  42、Sadness buried deep down.悲傷埋藏在心底深處.

  43、Each youth will be old, but I hope that your memories have been good.段青春都會(huì)蒼老,但我希望記憶里的你一直都好.

  44、Love warms more than a thousand fires.愛情的熾熱勝過千萬團(tuán)的火.

  45、Cried enough, you will go, injury will be good.哭過了就好了,你都會(huì)走的,傷也會(huì)好的.

  46、Let life be beautiful like summer flowers.愿生如夏花之絢爛.

  47、Sometimes goodbye is the only way.有時(shí)候,除了說再見,無路可走.

  48、The life of the traveler why cant forget.生命的過客何必念念不忘.

  49、Time always too long, long to palpitate.歲月總是太長,長到心慌.

  50、Close your eyes, and see yourself, you are clearly visible.閉上眼,看不見自己,你卻清晰可見.

  51、There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy.沒有哪一種激情像嫉妒那樣深植人心.

  52、My eyes have shallow sea land old clap vita etched a bay miss.我眼中有淺淺的海,前塵舊事拍岸,侵蝕出一灣想念.

  53、Who Loved the pain is to forgive, black is the darkest despair.最疼的疼是原諒,最黑的黑是絕望.

  54、All or nothing, now or never.要么沒有,要么全部.要么現(xiàn)在,要么永不.

  55、The fragmentation of the separation, this is you want to end.支離破碎的分離,這是不是你要的結(jié)局.

  56、Who would be afraid mad treasure to the final but still unable to retain anything.誰都會(huì)害怕拼了命的珍惜到最后卻還是什么都留不住.www.panasonaic.com

  57、Love a flower bloom to accompany it, love a man to accompany him to stray.愛一朵花就陪它綻放,愛一個(gè)人就陪他流浪.

  58、Dont look back, just havent found leave your reasons.不回頭,只是還沒找到留下的理由.

  59、Mistake is temporary regret but missing is the forever one.過錯(cuò)是暫時(shí)的遺憾,而錯(cuò)過則是永遠(yuǎn)的遺憾.

  60、You said that love me for a million years. Oath to become a lie.你說過愛我一萬年,誓言變成了謊言.

  61、I only hope to have around you, you can warm my air.我只希望身邊有一個(gè)你,可以溫暖我的空氣.

  62、Whos who of the hook, and who is who of redemption.誰是誰的劫,誰又是誰的救贖.

  63、My favorite place in the entire world is right next to you.整個(gè)世界,我最愛的地方就是你的左右.

  64、I should not have to rely on sustenance to the touch than the future.是我不該把依賴寄托給觸碰不到的未來.

  65、I forget, or you have not loved.是我忘不掉,還是你未曾愛過.

  66、In the good can not help but forgotten, also arrived, but sad memories.在美好也禁不住遺忘,在悲傷也抵不過回憶.

  67、Every day there are in the world, every day someone in depravity sorrow.這個(gè)世界每天都有人在墮落,每天都有人在憂傷.

  68、Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.凡是值得做的事,就值得做好.

  69、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.任何值得做的,就把它做好.

  70、Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.你笑,全世界陪你笑;你哭,惟獨(dú)你一個(gè)人哭.

  71、Im afraid of serious to the wrong person.我怕認(rèn)真給錯(cuò)人.

  72、Im fine, fit forget.我很好,放不下也忘不掉.

  73、Youre like a sun. Gave me the great semi-decadent people hope.你就像一道陽光.給了我這種半頹廢的人莫大的希望.

  74、I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it.我對(duì)你的愛從來沒有停止,只是我不再讓別人知道而已.

  75、You are traces of past injuries, but now is the field memories.從前你是傷的痕跡,現(xiàn)在不過是場(chǎng)回憶.

  76、I pretended to be indifferent to it.我假裝無所謂才看不到心被擰碎.

  77、What good method, can let the lonely become obedient.有沒有什么好辦法、能讓寂寞變聽話.

  78、Come to an end only lonely melancholy is a taste of life.曲終人散只有孤寂惆悵才是生活的原味.

  79、Between us are only separated by one step, and I can not move you.我們之間僅隔一步,而我卻不能邁向你.

  80、Delay is the deadliest form of denial.拖延其實(shí)就是最徹底的拒絕.

  81、For you, I have only to remember the identity of strangers.對(duì)于你,我始終只能以陌生人的身份去懷念.

  82、Love is a kind of chance encounter, and one can neither waiting norpreparing for it.愛是一種遇見,不能等待,也不能準(zhǔn)備.

  83、Some people will never be forgotten while some are always substitutes.有些人永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)被遺忘,有些人永遠(yuǎn)只是代替品.

  84、I just miss once, but forget that we have not had their own.我只是懷念曾經(jīng),卻忘記了我們都已不是曾經(jīng)的自己.

  85、To unmb the pain to laugh off my.痛到麻木 才能笑得暢快淋漓.

  86、Sometimes, the everlasting and vows of eternal love is not in proportion.有時(shí)候,天荒地老與海誓山盟是不成正比的.

  87、I dont give a shit on your care the least about me.我不在乎你對(duì)我的不在乎.

  88、Because of you . I was changed. I tried. I sad too.因?yàn)橛心,我改變過,我嘗試過,我哭過.

  傷感英文個(gè)性簽名 2

  If not, why meet, if no, why love


  I have no feelings for him I don't love her anymore Why would this be so? That our love lost years


  Love a person too much,the heart will be drunk;Hate a person too long,the heart will be broken


  The furthest distance in the world Is not all of the above,but using one’s indifferent heart To dig an uncrossable river For the one who loves you


  Some things, only with the memories Some people, can only be a traveler


  Love is hurt, love is pain, love is the life of the desolate, a city a person's life love dearly


  Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you


  Some of the time, is to love quietly escape Escape the figure, hide not open is a silent feelings


  Hear a name, think of some things, the city quiet let the heart tremble


  Some things, some people, not really want to forget, you will forget


  Everyone has a sad, want to hide is


  Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you


  The most painful goodbyes are the ones never said, but the heart already knows it's over


  Love makes man grow up or sink down


  We never really grow upWe only learn how to act in public


  傷感英文個(gè)性簽名 3

  1、Sometimes goodbye is the only way.有時(shí)候,除了說再見,無路可走.

  2、Touch the air once again miss you breath.用手觸摸空氣,再一次懷念你的氣息.

  3、I am still concerned about the left,you do not see my time.離開后我依舊在關(guān)注,看到了你不需要我的時(shí)光.

  4、When I cry,someone to hug me,and I will cry more.當(dāng)我哭泣時(shí),有人擁抱我,我會(huì)哭得更厲害.

  5、Determined to be tired heartless indifference.有心才會(huì)累,無心者無所謂.

  6、we always ask for man to innocent as child, but able as father.我們總是要求男人有孩子一樣的眼神,但要有父親一樣的能力.

  7、Tied memories of our time,our memories of the time tearing.回憶綁住了我們的時(shí)間,時(shí)間扯斷了我們的回憶.

  8、You can't be my poem, just as I can't be your dream. ???你不能做我的詩,正如我不能做你的夢(mèng).

  9、And you think that love is only,F(xiàn)or the lucky and the strong.你說,愛是唯一,我們那么幸運(yùn),我們矢志不渝.

  10、Sometimes,the everlasting and vows of eternal love is not in proportion.有時(shí)候,天荒地老與海誓山盟是不成正比的.

  11、Love soaked in paper,deduce sadness.愛情浸過紙,演繹憂傷.

  12、Money is not everything. There‘s Mastercard & Visa.鈔票不是萬能的,有時(shí)還需要信用卡.

  13、In the future,I will not wait,even if you are in.以后的以后,我不會(huì)再等待,縱然你在.

  14、Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要著急,最好的總會(huì)在最不經(jīng)意的時(shí)候出現(xiàn).

  15、One of the worst feelings in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone.世上最糟糕的感情就是最終與一個(gè)讓你感到孤獨(dú)的人度過余生.

  16、Initially did not know,the last not to recognize.最初不相識(shí),最后不相認(rèn).

  17、I give my future fill in color,afterwards just know,you are that color.我給我的未來填上了色彩,后來才明白,你就是那色彩.

  18、Sometimes words cannot express the burden of our heart.有時(shí)候,心中所承受之重是無法用言語來表達(dá)的.

  19、I pretend I do not care you but still I feel the pain.我假裝不在乎你,但痛的是我自己.

  20、I would like to say that the fact you good,you do not even know.我想說其實(shí)你很好,你自己卻不知道.

  21、It hurts when your heart is being broken while his heart is being fixed by someone else.你的心被傷得好疼,他卻早已移情別戀.

  22、take away love, and our earth is a tomb.沒有了愛,地球便成了墳

  23、The life of people is habit to those who are not used to the habit of habit.人的一生就是習(xí)慣去習(xí)慣那些不習(xí)慣的習(xí)慣.

  24、He that can’t endure the bad,will not live to see the good.忍不了痛苦,就見不到幸福.

  25、Crowded accidentaly across not anymore人潮擁擠再也不會(huì)不期而遇

  26、If there is a suitcase,I’ll spiralling out to stray.如果有皮箱,我會(huì)一發(fā)不可收拾的去流浪.

  27、To love for the sake of being loved is human,but to love for the sake of loving is angelic.以愛還愛的是人性,但為愛而愛的是神性.

  28、Take chances,give everything,and leave with no regrets.抓住機(jī)會(huì),全心付出,不留遺憾的離開.

  29、You said,love is too deep but don’t let their destruction.你說過,愛的太深卻不要讓自己沉淪.

  30、Just because someone doesn’t love you as you wish,it doesn’t mean you’re not loved with all hisher being.只因?yàn)槟橙瞬蝗缒闼笎勰,并不意味著你不被別人所愛.

  31、Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you.時(shí)間在流逝,生命中人來人往.不要錯(cuò)失機(jī)會(huì),告訴他們?cè)谀闵械囊饬x.

  32、LOVe is a dashed line,we in different paraph愛情是一條虛線,我們?cè)诓煌亩温?/p>

  33、Held your hand,as if threads on your fingers around.握過你的手,仿佛余溫在指尖纏繞.

  34、All love is secret, all soulful only for you.所有深愛都是秘密,所有深情都只為你.

  35、Do not meet does not mean not miss,do not contact just to cover up nostalgic.不見面不等于不思念,不聯(lián)絡(luò)只是為了掩飾眷戀.

  36、Habit with you,with you in,so happy.Also fear of losing you.習(xí)慣有你,有你在,很開心.同時(shí)也害怕會(huì)失去你.

  37、Love and a cough cannot be hid.愛情跟咳嗽一樣是掩飾不了的.

  38、Moving forward can’t go through the distance,going backward can’t walk out the memory.前進(jìn)走不完距離,后退走不出回憶.

  39、Love sought is good,but given unsought is better.愛是美好的,但不經(jīng)意間降臨的愛更為美好.

  40、It hurts when you’re being ignored by the person whose attention is the only thing you want in the world.這個(gè)世上,你最想要的就是那個(gè)人的注意,而他總是忽略你,這是很傷人的事情.

  41、Because you are the demons of my life,I volunteered to degenerate.因?yàn)槟闶俏乙簧哪д,我自愿墮?

  42、In the sentimental days,I take time,messy floating.在那些感傷的日子里,我拿流年,亂了浮生.

  43、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.任何值得做的,就把它做好.

  44、Know that you have the love of the people,my heart suddenly sank.知道你有喜歡的人了,我的心一下子沉下去了.

  45、You said you love me, will not stop你說的愛我,會(huì)不會(huì)就此停止

  46、Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.在你嘗試了解他人和盼望他人了解你之前,先把你變成一個(gè)更好的人和了解自己的人.

  47、No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them won’t make you cry.沒有人值得你流淚,值得你流淚的人是不會(huì)讓你哭的.

  48、Return to mou that past once,but it’s only a game.回眸那過往的曾經(jīng),原來只是一場(chǎng)游戲.

  49、In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.到頭來,你活了多少歲不算什么,重要的是,你是如何度過這些歲月的.

  50、A land of broken promises,put together not return yesterday.碎了一地的諾言,拼湊不回的昨天.

  51、There is no remedy for love but to love more.治療愛的創(chuàng)傷唯有加倍地去愛.

  52、A person thinks unforgettable memories,maybe someone else already forgotten.一個(gè)人自以為刻骨銘心的回憶,也許別人早已經(jīng)忘記了.

  53、One day someone will walk into your life,then you realize love was always worth waiting for.有一天那個(gè)人走進(jìn)了你的生命,你就會(huì)明白,真愛總是值得等待的.

  54、No two people are not suitable,only one does not want to go together in the heart.沒有不合適的兩個(gè)人,只有一顆不想在一起的心.

  55、Some wounds will never heal.有些傷,是永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)愈合了.

  56、Hans your smile,had been flurried my time passag.謝謝你的微笑,曾慌亂過我的年華.

  57、You will never understand love if you are always sane.永遠(yuǎn)那么理智,就永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)懂得愛情了.

  58、Men alleged oath,but is a beautiful lies just.男人所謂的誓言,不過是個(gè)美麗的謊言而已.

  59、 morgen, die zukunft, die sich zuerst?明天未來,哪一個(gè)會(huì)先到?

  60、Time to settle all the pain,I also settle the memories.時(shí)間擺平了所有的傷痛,我也擺平了回憶.

  61、If you can,I’d rather you did not know,at least not like this heart is lost.如果可以,我寧愿當(dāng)初不認(rèn)識(shí)你,起碼不會(huì)像現(xiàn)在這樣心都丟了.

  62、There are many people around happy,but I am not one of them.周圍幸福的人有很多,但是我卻不是其中一個(gè).

  63、Our love is the process of fairy tale,but no ending.我們的愛情有著童話的過程,卻沒有結(jié)局.

  64、To those who have given up on love:I say, “Trust life a little bit.”對(duì)那些不愿再愛的人,我只想說:“再多信任生活一點(diǎn)點(diǎn).”

  65、Like the wind dunk as pain memories were blown,but love is in imperceptible in the cold.像風(fēng)灌進(jìn)回憶一樣痛被吹散,愛卻在不知不覺中著了涼.

  66、I thought I was me, but I have not.我以為我還是那個(gè)我,可我已經(jīng)不是了.

  67、No one must leave no one.沒有誰一定離不開誰.

  68、Sometimes you have to let people go because they’re toxic to you.Let them go because they take and take and leave you empty.有時(shí),你不得不讓某些人離開,因?yàn)樗麄兘o你的只有傷害,讓他們離去,因?yàn)樗麄円寻涯愕男囊驯惶涂?

  69、Until I met you before they know what stupid people have stupid fu.直到遇見你,才知道什么叫做傻人有傻福.

  70、If this is not love,what is there to look forward to.如果這都不算愛,還有什么好期待.

  71、Happiness by adding those sad there the elements.幸福中總會(huì)摻加那些悲哀的元素.

  72、no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.沒有人值得你流淚,值得讓你這么做的人不會(huì)讓你哭泣.

  73、Happiness is a way station between too much and too little.幸福是太多和太少之間的一站.

  74、When the whole world is about to rain, let’s make it clear in our heart together.當(dāng)全世界約好一起下雨,讓我們約好一起在心里放晴.

  75、The way l wear noose,Like necklac我把繩索套在脖子上,就像帶上了名貴的項(xiàng)鏈

  76、Go back to the things I had to pretend to be never had回不來的東西我只好假裝從來沒有擁有過

  77、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.縱然傷心,也不要愁眉不展,因?yàn)槟悴恢钦l會(huì)愛上你的笑容.

  78、Love is not painful.Circumstances make it painful.And if you’re really in love,that pain will also seem beautiful.愛本身不會(huì)讓你痛苦,只是外界環(huán)境讓你們痛苦,但是如果你真的用心愛了,那種痛也是美麗的.

  79、Keep me in your memory,leave out all the rest.把我放進(jìn)你的記憶里,不要管其他的.

  80、Emotion is the innate weakness of human.情感是人類的本質(zhì)弱點(diǎn).

  81、If the worst thing in the world is to die,then what kind of difficulty we can not overcome?如果人生最壞的只是死亡,生活中怎會(huì)有面對(duì)不了的困難.

  82、Some things turn around for a lifetime.有些事一轉(zhuǎn)身就一輩子.

  83、It is not weary,as soon as under us stands forever.不疲倦,我們下一站永遠(yuǎn).

  84、I use memories under an end to end the iron between us the story.我用回憶燙下一個(gè)句號(hào)來結(jié)束我們之間的故事.

  85、I would like a switch you to use my years long stay.我愿用我一切換你歲月長留.

  86、A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.一個(gè)真正的朋友會(huì)握著你的手,觸動(dòng)你的心.

  87、Life is a journey, not the destination, but the scenery along the should be and the mood at the view.人生就是一場(chǎng)旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的應(yīng)該是沿途的風(fēng)景以及看風(fēng)景的心情.

  88、No one indebted for others,while many people don’t know how to cherish others.沒有誰對(duì)不起誰,只有誰不懂得珍惜誰.

  89、One needsthings to be truly happy living in the world: some thing to do, some one to love, some thing to hope for.要得到真正的快樂,我們只需擁有三樣?xùn)|西:有想做的事,有值得愛的人,有美麗的夢(mèng).

  90、The time that you are my fatal時(shí)光深知你是我致命的愛人

  91、Sorry,don’t talk with me,we are not friends.對(duì)不起,別和我說話,我們不是朋友.

  92、Apologies don’t fix broken hearts.道歉無法修補(bǔ)一顆破碎的心.

  93、Smile though your heart is aching.Smile even though it’s breaking.盡管心痛甚至心碎也要微笑.

  94、Silence,a man the greatest frustration.沉默,一個(gè)男人最大的無奈.

  95、I’m tired of people who judge me without knowing my history.我討厭那些不了解我,卻對(duì)我指手畫腳的人.

  96、Please be happy.請(qǐng)務(wù)必快樂.

  97、For in all adversity of fortune the worst sort of misery is to have been happy.在所有不幸中,最不幸的事是曾經(jīng)幸福過.

  98、Love is not a maybe thing. You know when you love someone.愛不是什么可能大概也許,一旦愛上了,自己是十分清楚的.

  99、Not a woman because she is beautiful and the soul of the love.沒有一個(gè)女子是因?yàn)樗?靈魂美麗而被愛的.

  100、It’s not about what you say,its about what you do.關(guān)鍵不是你說什么,而是你做什么.說得再好,沒有行動(dòng)又怎樣.

  101、Never expect the perfect man,it’s not because that u cannot find,but just becoz there is no perfect man.不要期待完美的男人,不是因?yàn)槟闫诖坏,而是根本沒有完美的男人.

  102、never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.縱然傷心,也不要愁眉不展,因?yàn)槟悴恢钦l會(huì)愛上你的笑容.

  103、Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因?yàn)榻Y(jié)束而哭泣,微笑吧,為你的曾經(jīng)擁有.

  104、We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.如果沒有人愛我們,我們也就不會(huì)再愛自己了.

  105、Strength shows,not only in the ability to persist,but the ability to start over.堅(jiān)持需要勇氣,重新來過更是如此.

  106、Forever is a long time,but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side.永遠(yuǎn)好遠(yuǎn),但若有你相伴,我愿和你共度此生.

  107、You once said to be with me forever,but now it is my one.你曾經(jīng)說要和我到永遠(yuǎn),可是現(xiàn)在卻是我一個(gè)人.

  108、Give you a gentle knows more than I who live in your chest.誰住在你的胸口比我更懂得給你溫柔.

  109、If not,why meet,if no,why love.若是無緣,何必相遇,若是無份,何必相戀.

  110、I love very much,a minute only love you sixty seconds.我的心愛得不多,一分鐘只愛了你六十秒.

  111、I love you,love can not my world without you.我愛你,愛到我的世界不能沒有你.

  112、Never stop smiling, not even when you’re sad, some man fall in love with your smile.永遠(yuǎn)都不要停止微笑,即使在你難過的時(shí)候,說不定有人會(huì)因?yàn)槟愕奈⑿Χ鴲凵夏?

  113、i am looking for the missing glass-shoes who has picked it up誰撿走了我的玻璃鞋,尋找遺失的玻璃鞋.

  114、What persistent,pursue,lusted after of,is all’t take it with.所執(zhí)著的,所追求的,所貪戀的,都是生不帶來,死不帶去的.

  115、There is not a passion so strongly rooted in the human heart as envy.沒有哪一種活力像嫉妒那樣深植人心.

  116、Whatever happened in the past is gone,the best is always yet to come.無論過去發(fā)生什么,最好的永遠(yuǎn)尚未到來.

  117、No one takes you as the world丶沒人把你當(dāng)成全世界

  118、Love,then heard anyhow Valentine scattered forget it.情話聽過就算了吧,情人散了就忘了吧.

  119、Don't fear you forsake, just afraid of losing you.不是怕你丟棄,只是怕失去你.

  120、Perhaps the wind.Let acid,suddenly burst into tears.也許是山中酸風(fēng)入眼,讓人突然地淚流滿面.

  121、Most come to an end,there is no autumn sorrow.走到最盡頭,沒有秋風(fēng)的哀愁.

  122、The youth,the scenery along the way again also is just a paper elegance.青春,沿途再美的風(fēng)景也只不過是一紙風(fēng)華.

  123、Mi manca alla deriva,i miei sentimenti non hanno.我的想念漂浮不定,我的感情一直不在.

  124、Sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with ears.有時(shí)候,惟有一場(chǎng)眼淚,我們才徹底清晰了視線.

  125、love ,promised between the fingers.finger rift,twisted in the love愛情…在指縫間承諾指縫….在愛情下交纏

  126、If love is the representative of the happiness,that what is happiness.如果說愛情是幸福的代表,那幸福又是什么.

  127、Happiness is always full of flaws.幸福始終充滿著缺陷.

  128、Love is not only a sentiment but also an art.愛情不僅僅是感情,它也是藝術(shù).

  129、Standing in a corner of the world,watching the sunrise and sunset.站在世界某一個(gè)角落,看著日出日落.

  130、 Well, not that emotional, but I move the heart.說好了不動(dòng)情,我卻動(dòng)了心.

  131、Some troubles are made up of us,and we tend to take it as a reality.有些煩惱是我們憑空虛構(gòu)的,而我們往往卻把它當(dāng)成真實(shí)去承受.

  132、I fundus of sadness,except for you who can see.我眼底的悲傷,除了你誰都看得見.

  133、You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind.你也許已走出我的視線,但從未走出我的思念.

  134、I’m leaving you because you never asked me to stay.我正在離去,因?yàn),你從未開口要求我留下.

  135、Vulnerable to the attack,who are incurable.每一個(gè)百毒不侵的人,曾經(jīng)都無藥可救過.

  136、We’d better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past.后悔過去,不如奮斗將來.

  137、They say losing it after treasure,lost treasure actually hurt more than anything else after.人們都說失去后才知道珍惜,其實(shí)珍惜后的失去比什么都痛.

  138、 you said to me forever, forever not i will tomorrow.你對(duì)我說永遠(yuǎn)永遠(yuǎn),永遠(yuǎn)不是我要的明天.

  139、You just want to get my attention, not my heart.你只是想引起我的注意,并不是要我的真心

  140、If at the outset I brave,ending is different.如果當(dāng)初我勇敢,結(jié)局是不是不一樣.

  141、I love you not for whom you are, but who I am when I ’m by your side.我愛你并不是因?yàn)槟闶钦l,而是因?yàn)槲以谀闵磉叺臅r(shí)候我是誰.

  142、The hard part isn’t making the decision. It’s living with it.做出決定并不困難,困難的是接受決定.

  143、i love you not because of who you are, but because of who i am when i am with you.我愛你,不是因?yàn)槟闶且粋(gè)怎樣的人,而是因?yàn)槲蚁矚g與你在一起時(shí)的感覺.

  144、if i could only be with you in my dreams ,baby, well,i would want to sleep forever.如果只有在夢(mèng)里才能和你在一起,那么,寶貝,我寧愿長睡不起.

  145、I just miss once,but forget that we have not had their own.我只是懷念曾經(jīng),卻忘記了我們都已不是曾經(jīng)的自己.

  146、I’m just folk.I have mood swings.我只是個(gè)平凡人,我也有我的小情緒.

  147、When you love someone you have to learn to let them go.一但你愛上一個(gè)人,你同時(shí)需要學(xué)會(huì)如何放手.

  148、If I should see you,after long yearHow should I greet, with tears, with silence.若我會(huì)見到你,事隔多年.我如何賀你,以眼淚,以沉默.

  149、I like your life across the meteor,fleeting.我就像你生命中劃過的流星,轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝.

  150、Don't realize too much which will let you down.不要知道得太多,會(huì)難過.

  151、Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people before you meet the right one,so when this happens ,you’ll be thankful.也許上帝讓你在遇見那個(gè)合適的人之前遇見很多錯(cuò)誤的人,所以,當(dāng)這一切發(fā)生的時(shí)候,你應(yīng)該心存感激.

  152、However lets the human who I worry,I choose forgot.然而讓我牽掛的人,我選擇去忘記.

  153、Every day there are in the world,every day someone in depravity sorrow.這個(gè)世界每天都有人在墮落,每天都有人在憂傷.

  154、No matter how bad your heart has been broken, the world doesn’t stop for your grief. The sun comes right back up the next day.不管你有多痛苦,這個(gè)世界都不會(huì)為你停止轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng).太陽依舊照樣升起.

  155、No amount of damage I don’t care,wiped away tears tell yourself prohibit to cry.再多的傷害我也不在乎,擦干眼淚告訴自己不準(zhǔn)哭.

  156、Feelings of time always forward,never weak retention eyes.感慨時(shí)間的永遠(yuǎn)向前,從不懦弱的滯留眼前.

  157、Trying to erase in any way,in the age of time,I did not meet and you give me the same pain traces.試圖用任何方式肆意地抹去在年歲的時(shí)光里,我卻在沒遇見和你給我一樣的傷痛痕跡.

  158、It’s better to be alone than to be with someone you’re not happy to be with.寧愿一個(gè)人呆著,也不要跟不合拍的人呆一塊.

  159、why to ask so much when you are in love if you ask too much, maybe you no longer love. the mature never ask the past, the wise never ask the present and the open-minded never ask the future.愛,有何必多問?問得太多,只怕就不愛了.成熟的人不問過去;聰明的人不問現(xiàn)在;豁達(dá)的人不問未來.

  160、lichou away gradually, such as at continuously infinite.離愁漸遠(yuǎn)漸無窮,迢迢不斷如春水.

  161、Where there is great love,there are always miracles.哪里有真愛存在,哪里就有奇跡.

  162、Gray memories when I come to watch other peoples tragedy.灰色的回憶,我當(dāng)別人的悲劇來觀看.

  163、It is because of heart bottom touch that empty,so he just so painful.就是因?yàn)橛|碰到心底的那一點(diǎn)空,所以才會(huì)那么痛.

  164、You never know how much cared,until you lose each other.你永遠(yuǎn)不知道有多在乎,直到你失去彼此.

  165、Beautiful than her,but I still than on your feelings for her.我比她美好,可是我還是比上你對(duì)她的感情.


  167、Long absence,my old love,who is going to help me teasing your new love.久違了我的舊愛,誰來幫我戲弄你的新歡.

  168、Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.好的愛情是你通過一個(gè)人看到整個(gè)世界,壞的愛情是你為了一個(gè)人舍棄世界.

  169、I love you not for whom you are,but who I am when I’m by your side.我愛你并不是因?yàn)槟闶钦l,而是因?yàn)槲以谀闵磉叺臅r(shí)候我是誰.

  170、The story without tortuous how can teach people to grow.故事若不曲折怎么能教人成長.

  171、Love makes man grow up or sink down.愛情,要么讓人成熟,要么讓人墮落.

  172、I even dead,also you together.我就算死,也要拉著你一起死

  173、Yesterday,today you let not again find you.昨天把你放開,今天不一定再把你找到.

  174、Love,from zero start.愛,從零開始.

  175、Disappointment is injured,than be more painful thing.失望是比受傷,更讓人痛苦的事情.

  176、Without you by my side,I will be better off than you.沒有你在我身邊,我會(huì)比你過得更好.

  177、put my broken heart together again把我破碎的心再拼湊起來

  178、Save your heart to somebody who cares.把你的心交給在乎它的人.

  179、If this is not the end if I still love you.如果這不是結(jié)局如果我還愛你.

  180、To think of,the in the mind is not any of ripples.再想起,心里也沒有了任何的漣漪.

  181、A lot of things,we can be touched,but can not shed tears.很多事情,我們可以感動(dòng),卻不能流淚.


  183、Loving me when I’m mad當(dāng)我生氣時(shí)你護(hù)著我.

  184、Loving me for who I am愛上像我這樣的一個(gè)人.

  185、We soon believe what we desire.我們欲望中的東西,我們很快就信以為真.

  186、I prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness.我要的,不只是短暫的溫柔.

  187、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫過于,他近在身旁,卻猶如遠(yuǎn)在天邊.

  188、Alone a person cannot feel happiness.獨(dú)自一個(gè)人無法感受幸福.

  189、But I think everything turned out.原來一切只是我以為.

  190、I don’t deny that I am a nostalgic person.我不否認(rèn),我是個(gè)懷舊的人.

  191、I absolutely don’t say I love you,this is between us the tacit understanding.我絕對(duì)不說我愛你,這是我們之間的默契.

  192、Always some wisp sadly belongs to you.總有一縷悲傷屬于你.

  193、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.對(duì)于世界而言,你是一個(gè)人;但是對(duì)于某個(gè)人,你是他的整個(gè)世界.

  194、Did meet,the total is better than never to meet.曾經(jīng)相遇,總勝過從未碰頭.

  195、You don’t deserve my tears.你不配我為你掉眼淚.

  196、In my heart was in my eyes I ever let you choose.入我心還是入我眼我從來都是讓你選.

  197、I lied when I said I didn’t like you. I lied when I said I didn’t care. I lie every time I try to tell myself I will never fall for you.我說不愛你,那是假話;我說不在乎,那是假話;我告訴自己對(duì)你再不會(huì)有感覺了,那也是假話.

  198、Your happy passer-by all knows, my distressed there is no place hides.你的幸福路人皆知,我的狼狽無處遁形.

  199、The thorough revenge is to forgive and forget.最徹底的報(bào)復(fù),是原諒和遺忘.

  200、Thank you to accompany me through that period,neither long nor short but hard heart.謝謝你陪我走過那一段,不長不短卻刻苦銘心.

  傷感英文個(gè)性簽名 4


  1. The reason why you are sad is that the person who knows you are sad never asks why you are sad.


  2. I can only put you in my deepest heart forever.


  3. The most cruel thing is not to become a stranger all of a sudden, but to gradually become a stranger.


  4. If you give all your enthusiasm to others, you will only get scalded yourself.


  5. The happiness you gave me before is accompanying me now.


  6. A person cry, a person smile, a person walk, a person's life habit, gradually numb to love


  7. I always wanted to give you the best in the world, but later I found out that the best in the world is you.


  8. All loved ones, loved ones, are doing the same thing, breaking the law.


  9. The wind is still blowing. The flowers are still in bloom. The sun is still rising. But some things have changed.


  10. He didn't accompany you when you were sad. He didn't cherish you when you stayed. Frankly, he doesn't like you so much.


  11. I just don't want to be savage, which doesn't mean I'm not fighting.


  12. Don't put your sadness on your face, it will appear to be hopeless.


  13. I can walk ninety-nine steps to love you and one hundred and one step back to leave you.


  14. I can suffer a lot, but I can't stand half of the grievances.


  15. I also had a dream, but it didn't work out later. The hand of time always wrote love as love.


  16. Some things can't be explained. If you think it's worth it, it's worth it. If others say it's worth it, you don't think it's worth it.


  17. I don't say or disturb. I just miss you for a while every day.

  傷感英文個(gè)性簽名 5


  A person, a dream, an empty city, a lifetime of heartache.


  There is no love for life, only love and life.


  I like you like a madman, but you can't see like a blind man.


  Weak complaint, you think I don't care.


  No matter how tenacious a person is, there is always a soft place in his heart that can't be touched.


  If you really know me, you should know that the more optimistic people like me are, the more silent they are, the more turbulent they are.


  The reason why you are sad is that the person who knows you are sad never asks why you are sad.


  The most tiring thing in the world is to live in hypocrisy.


  Sadly, when you already know the truth, he lies in front of you.


  You are a dream that I haven't finished in my poor life, and I am the wind that blows between your thoughts.


  He can cry with me, laugh with me, grow up with me, be childish with me, but we will not be together.


  I want to have a home with you. There's only you and I don't have her.


  I miss you, a little bit deep, a little bit frequent, and even thicker day by day.


  Don't take a person too seriously, because in that person's heart, maybe you are nothing!


  If you don't get paid in return, you need to know how to stop. Otherwise, you will disturb others and hurt yourself.


  Years take away memories, but memories will become more and more clear.


  Some things are not worth remembering all the time; some people don't need to pursue all the time.


  Boys are particularly face, even break up like to say I am tired, do not admit that they are tired.


  Floating a dream, only my autumn night alone cool west wind, just complain infinite, just passing by, just passing by.


  Lonely people, no matter who they are, are all lonely.


  Promise is too cheap, oath is not reliable, now who is by your side, cherish it.


  Some things, hidden in the heart is a great grievance. Words to the mouth, and I feel that nothing is worth mentioning.


  No one is tired of drinking because of the wateriness, so don't abandon life because of the wateriness.


  This summer as before, no surprise, no you.


  The best way to make a person strong is to have someone who wants to protect.


  Slowly feel that those who did not come together, those days that can not go back, have its reason.


  Now there is only sake left, leaving me a white head. He has love letters, he has wine, and he has others to accompany him.


  It's not that I don't want to fall in love, but I'm afraid that I will give it to the wrong person again.


  When single, envy the sweetness between lovers, when in love, miss the freedom when single.


  Qingming, her continuous feelings into inspiration, flowing from the fingertips, into your heart.


  There is always a person who has been living in the heart, but farewell to life.


  I don't even know for whom the tears flow.


  One day you can go to my heart, you will see that it is all your sorrow.


  Later, I found that the world is really big. If I didn't meet deliberately, I would never see you again.


  I really mean to you, but I can't compare her affectation to you.


  The best three words are not I love you, but together.


  We will never again as before, as hard love, until crying out.


  The feeling of missing someone is like drinking a cup of cold water and then condensing into tears.


  I will never be desperate to love someone, even you.


  Some people can't say what's good, but no one can replace it!


  You are too careless. You can take some responsibility. I always wear a hat.


  The day you like is the most beautiful day, and the living method that suits you is the best living method.

  傷感英文個(gè)性簽名 6

  1、LiChou away gradually, such as at continuously infinite.


  2、Bianguai people suddenly started a gentle love, love when people understand the deterioration of the niggling over.


  3、Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad,someone might fall in love with your smile.


  4、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.


  5、Teaching me the meaning of love.


  6、Die bunte Welt, nicht zu ernst nehmen .


  7、Often by those I ignore, only in lost just know that is the most precious.


  8、Never expect the perfect man,it's not because that you cannot find, but just because there is no perfect man.


  9、No amount of damage I don't care, wiped away tears tell yourself prohibit to cry.


  10、Shadow, with her veil drawn, follows Light in secret meekness,  with her silent steps of love.


  11、Picking me up when I'm down.


  12、would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful.


  傷感英文個(gè)性簽名 7

  1、Sorry, I do not love you.


  2、Finally understand,I really do not


  3、Love is a carefully designed lie.


  4、Glass is fragile heart


  5、To unmb the pain to laugh off my.


  6、Far from eyes,far from heart


  7、Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.


  8、[Overexert masque manauez solitaire. ]


  9、Do not let yourself live like a joke.


  10、Softhearted is sick, but you are life.


  11、have islose the beginning


  12、You are my first,you are my last.


  13、For you, i am willing to give up everything, including you.


  14、If you leave me, please don’t comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.


  15、Love makes man grow up or sink down.


  16、No fit only Jane do not cherish


  17、Some dreams never sleep.


  18、Time cut scar is called growth.


  19、One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you tryhard to forget are already gone.


  20、Go back to the things I had to pretend to be never had.


  21、Cry me a sad river


  22、It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone,an hour to like someone,and a day to love someone- but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.


  23、A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you,only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go.


  24、Add salt to the wound to disinfection or pain more thoroughly


  25、You never know, I those pretend doesn't matter.


  26、To dear me,don't think about the one who is not supposed to be.


  27、Thank you for every time I need you when you are off the chain


  28、If one day you lost me, I‘ll never let you find me.


  29、Silence is a girl's loudest cry.


  30、Not to pay, to know not overdo sth.


  傷感英文個(gè)性簽名 8


  My initiative is very cheap in your eyes?


  I have been hurt once,I don't want to be hurt again.


  You never know how I cry for you.


  No matter how painful things you experience,they will gradually forget in the end. Because,nothing can rival time.


  When tears run out,it should be strong.


  I like you like a madman,but you can't see like a blind man.


  I'm afraid that I didn't even have the identity to be jealous and the courage to forget.


  I have done two bravest things: I like you and I decide to forget you.


  Maybe he's just addicted to ambiguity,but you're gone.


  Someone once said that when you stop to think about whether you love someone or not,it means you no longer love him.


  I haven't drunk the strongest wine,but I gave up my favorite.


  If love is always let down,why not spend the rest of your life alone.


  We are parallel tracks,which will not be misplaced unless there is an accident.


  Always learn to love yourself when you are hurt all over the body.


  The most embarrassing thing in the world is not that he doesn't love you,but that he said he loves you very much,and finally gave up you easily.


  I do not speculate with people,please consciously shut your mouth!


  Maturity is not the aging of the heart,but the grinning of the broken heart.

  傷感英文個(gè)性簽名 9


  1. What did the rain wash away? What did the sun bring after the rain. No, none.


  2. You walk in the rain, you never take an umbrella, you have your own sky, it never rains.


  3. The cold rain outside the window cuts the world and splashes on the glass, just like my heart is broken and torn.


  4. The world is too big or meet you, the world is too small or lose you.


  5. You always feel that you can't put down a person. It's not necessarily love. It's just persistence and memory


  6. When it rains around the world, let's make an appointment to clear up in our hearts.


  7. Youth is like a heavy rain, waving and sprinkling, but it's a pity that I got a bad cold in this rain.

  When it's raining, say sad sentences


  8. Don't let the rain in my world only knock on the windowsill. I know that you don't like this quiet.


  9. The sound of the rain is murmuring, like living by a stream. I prefer to rain every day, thinking that you are not coming because of the rain.


  10. He's just the one who accompanies you on that rainy day. When the rain stops, it's time for him to go.


  11. It's not so fantasy now, but I still like rain. When it's raining, I sit alone at the window and count the raindrops.


  12. The haze of the sky, the silence of the earth, and the roar of the wind can't go deeper into my heart than the murmur of the rain. Make a cup of tea and sit in the window quietly watching the rain falling from the window. The air is filled with a fresh air.


  13. There are rainy days in a person's life, but it will always be sunny after the rain. A good friend is an umbrella, which will accompany you in rainy days.


  14. Eyes are raining for you, but heart is umbrella for you.


  15. I can't give you a sun, but at least I can give you a ray of starlight.


  16. It's raining. I don't know who you are holding umbrella for and whose warmth you keep in your arms.


  17. If you say less, you will be afraid of regret; if you say more, you will be afraid of disturbance. I like you, four words, just right.

  傷感英文個(gè)性簽名 10


  Follow the steps you through the remotest corners of the globe.


  There are so many melodies in the world, but they can't talk about their feelings.


  The most cruel thing in the world is when you know I love you, but I don't know I love you.


  The so-called missing, just a person's wishful thinking.


  Lonely night, unreal drunk, we have the love is very beautiful.


  Flower has double meaning: eternal love, hopeless love.


  Once was just a fraud, he let us all hurt very deep.


  Why to prove anything, to live better, but for your own.


  You make me a meter of sunshine, but gave me a life of the vicissitudes of life.


  Can not accompany you to the end, is to have more regrets.


  I'm looking at all of you, including the one you like.


  Rice in the pot, I'm on the bed.


  Whether happiness is too heavy and too heavy, excessive use does not itch does not hurt.


  I smiled to unlock the poison of memories, laughing eyes blurred.


  I miss is no words don't say, I miss is a beautiful time.


  The feeling of loss is so strong, and in the end I have nothing.


  Wipe away the tears on the face, but do not take away the feeling of pain in the heart.


  The passing of time, like the flowing water, lost forever no longer come back.


  Alone is not that no one cares about you, but you do not care about the people who do not care about you.


  Hush, don't talk, I'm just a little sad.


  Sometimes life is a pool of stagnant water, passion is your stones.


  In the end, I'm not ready yet, you're far away.


  Before I knew it, I was in the winter. I met the last leaf.


  I close my eyes, I can't see myself, but I see you.


  Hold the greatest hope for the greatest endeavor, make the worst plan.


  You have to give me the full of feeling, and that feeling, but contains the.


  If it is not for me, it is you forget the time.


  Any misfortune, loss, or loss is likely to be a favorable factor for us.


  Since the beginning, it is not easy to say that the end.


  There is heaven, let heaven to take care of you!


  The choice to spend a lifetime is not necessarily the most love, the most love may not be able to spend a lifetime.


  Don't want to find words to describe a Yuemiaoyuehei Cangmang.


  This life to cherish, because the next life, love or not love, will not see.


  I hate the fact that you say you want me, but you don't do anything.


  Don't say you don't love me, because you never loved me.


  With you to hold my hand, I will be brave to go forward.


  It turns out that everything is going to be in the past.


  Without you, I'm so alone.


  Young frivolous, happy time.


  We always laugh at the stories of others, but weep for our own stories.


  Finally not so persistent, I will laugh with you.


  I want to get a marriage license with her!


  When I see you smile, it's all in trouble.


  Let the future come, let the past pass.


  Maybe love is just a day, without flying birds, it will be like a calm.


  When you are happy, you listen to music. Sad when I began to understand the lyrics.


  Because I love you, so how many times do you hurt me, I still smile to face.


  I'll dress up as little as you can.


  I just want you one, I don't want anything else.


  I love the boy, the smile is very good, but not for me.


  Why so painful wounds, but also used to block sharp pain.


  To go with you is like walking on a very clear morning.


  You say I don't love you, but I love you and how can.


  It's important to have two directions: one is to go out, the one is to go home.


  There are thousands of kinds of love in the world, but no one can do it again.


  Exhausted I actually want to embrace the gentle.


  Standing on the bridge in front of you, accompany you to drink the soup bowl.


  Accustomed to your indifference, sudden concern will let me know what to do!


  Did not see me, do you mind if there is a little lost.


  Don't come back I've been chasing my freedom.









