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get along with造句

時間:2022-06-07 16:56:35 造句 我要投稿
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get along with造句


get along with造句

  1、We settled down here after we left hometown.我們離開家鄉(xiāng)以后就在這里定居下來。

  2、We get along very well with our neiborghs.我們和鄰居們相處的非常融洽。

  3、She was such an unruly child that nobody could get along with her.她是如此一個無法無天的孩子,所以沒有人能和她單獨相處。

  4、My brother and sister get along with each other.我弟弟和妹妹相處得很好。

  5、The ability to communicate well can help us get along with others.好的溝通能力有助于我們與他人的相處。

  6、Can you get along with him?你和他處得來嗎?

  7、For he is unassuming and easy, i get along with him.我跟他很合的來,因為他沒有架子而且容易相處。

  8、I found him to be unassuming and easy to get along with.我發(fā)現(xiàn)他沒有架子,很好相處。

  9、How do you get along with your brothers? 你跟你的兄弟相處得來嗎?

  10、Not only do we get along with our mees now, we could not live without them. 我們現(xiàn)在不僅習(xí)慣了與自己的模因共處,而且離了它們就無法存活。

  11、They three get along well with one another; one is married, another is still a bachelor, and the other has a girl friend.他們?nèi)吮舜讼嗵幱淇? 一個已婚,一個仍是光棍,而另一個則已有了女友。

  12、You must learn how to get along with each other in your new school.你必須學(xué)會在新學(xué)校里如何與人相處。

  13、Do you get along with all you relatives?你跟所有的親戚都處得來嗎?

  14、He is the last person that Ill get along with.他是我最不愿與之相處的人。

  15、She was such an unruly child that nobody could get along with her.她是一個不守規(guī)矩的孩子,沒人能和他相處。

  16、We should let bygones be bygones and try to get along with each other.我們應(yīng)當(dāng)本著既往不咎的原則重新合伙。

  17、I really get along with him.我真的和他相處得很好。

  18、Ability to get along with people is an asset in business.與人友好相處的能力是從事商業(yè)活動的有利條件。

  19、Do you get along with your boss?/Do you and your boss get along?你跟老板合得來嗎?

  20、How to get along with the client, how to win sales in the process of recognition is vital.如何與客戶相處,如何在銷售的過程中贏得客戶的認(rèn)可是至關(guān)重要的。

  21、I get along well with my classmates.我和同學(xué)們相處很好。

  22、Mary get along with her classmates.瑪麗和她的同學(xué)相處得很好。

  23、I am sure you would get along very well with him.我相信你一定會跟他相處得很好。

  24、A sense of humor enabled him to get along well with others.幽默感使他能與人相處愉快。

  25、Do you get along with your parents now?那你現(xiàn)在跟父母相處得怎么樣了?

  26、How to get along with roommates?你和寢室室友相處得如何?

  27、Do you get along with all your fellows?你和你所有的同事相處都很好嗎?

  28、Ability to get along with people is an asset in business.在商業(yè)界,能與別人相處是可貴的。

  29、Many people get along with someone because they have a lot of money.許多人與人走近是因為他們擁有很多的金錢。

  30、Alice seems to get along with everyone very well.艾麗斯似乎和每個人都處得很好。

  31、He is ungenerous and hard to get along with.這種地方魚龍混雜,你要特別小心。

  32、Do you get along with your relatives?你跟你的親戚處得來嗎?

  33、You can get along with people anywhere.你在任何地方都能與人相處。

  34、I did not get along so well with my stepmother.我和繼母關(guān)系不太好。

  35、Im new here,but my new classmates are friendly,so I get along with them.我是新來的,但是我的新同學(xué)很友好,所以我和他們相處得很好。