


時間:2022-06-07 16:32:30 個性簽名 我要投稿


  個性簽名是為了展示自己的個性、喜、怒、哀、樂、因此被叫做個性簽名,每個人每天、每時、每分、 每秒、都會有不一樣的心情。”下面是hi小編帶來的qq英文個性簽名大全,希望對你有幫助。


  1、I just want to be free in my world.我只想在我的世界里,自由自在。

  2、I want to be different in your heart.我想成為你心中的特別。

  3、You can cry,But you can not lose.你可以哭但是不能輸。

  4、Sometimes I really miss you, but I dont want to be too active. Im afraid its not worth it.要不是夠不著 真想親自己一口。

  5、My attitude is based on how you treat me.我對你的態(tài)度取決于你怎么對待我。

  6、If its not true, I want to kiss her.沒有誰為了要我微笑而拼命想要討好。

  7、One day, we all the world, one day, we are no longer young.舊情復燃的結果就是重蹈覆轍。

  8、This ridiculous pain, let me cry in the night with tears.你說過的承諾,一個個回頭嘲笑我。

  9、If this life, can not be, can not care, I would rather be alone in this lifetime.漸漸的知道了,很多東西可遇而不可求,不屬于自己的,何必拼了命去在乎。

  10、I still love, only less than with persistent.我還愛著,只是少了非在一起的執(zhí)著。

  11、You are in my heart.你在我心里。

  12、Maybe you should not give me hope.或許你當初就不該給我希望。

  13、Please dont give me the extra evaluation without reading my story.有時候其實我很想你,但我又不想太主動,我怕這樣看來我對你來說毫無價值。

  14、never frown,even when you are sad.縱然傷心,也不要愁眉苦展。

  15、At the end of the last you take away your fragile simplicity and the most of the people I cant put down.童話都是騙人的,所有的謊言都來自于它。

  16、Her tears melted his heart. 她的眼淚使他心軟。

  17、Mans eyes are black heart is red, sometimes red heart also black.一個人的記性最好不要太好、因為回憶越多,幸福感越少。

  18、When you are up high, your friends know who you are; when you fall, you know who your friend is.有一天,我們各安天涯,有一天,我們不再年輕。

  19、There is no such a person, just know, you really did not think it would be like this now浪夠了你也別回頭 我從來不等狗。

  20、Dont blame others why you are always hurting you, ask yourself why you can allow this to happen.堅信一句話:沒有人會讓你輸,除非你不想贏。

  21、A persons sleep, a persons space, a persons miss, the picture of two people.有很多時候我不是不在意,而是害怕在意過后你也不懂。

  22、Your love is the pick up,or choose to throw away.不要怪別人為什么總是傷害你,問問你自己為什么會允許這種事發(fā)生。

  23、Live your life and forget your age.過你的日子,別去想你過了的日子。

  24、Those troubles, always linger.那些煩惱,永遠揮之不去。

  25、I dont know 你要多久才能重新輪回到我的世界驅走陰霾。

  26、Its not like you are not fond of you.別人的生離死別與我毫不相干。你眉頭輕皺我就無法袖手旁觀。

  27、The memory that can not be forgotten, I have loved you.到最后心空了,所有的美好都留在了曾經。

  28、No one indebted for others, while many people don’t know how to cherish others.沒有誰對不起誰,只要誰不明白愛惜誰。

  29、Young and ignorant of us, and what is the qualification of love.有時候,你問的問題,對方一直在閃躲,那就是委婉的告訴你,真實的回答很殘忍。

  30、You made my life ,Holly,but i‘m just one chapter in yours 你完整了我的人生,但我卻只是你人生中的過客。

  31、Someones death has nothing to do with me. Your eyebrows is lightly wrinkly I cannot stand idly by.再見,時光。再見,那個我喜歡了整整一個曾經的人。

  32、Laughter is the most true of the tears is the most free release.在沒有讀懂我的故事情況下,請不要給我多余的評價。

  33、Do not always in the past memories of the lingering, yesterdays sun, the sun does not dry clothes.眼淚的背后是另一種明白,放棄背后是一種成全。

  34、If I join the flames would you to forget about ones own to save me or on the sidelines to laugh at me.喜歡你才孩子氣不喜歡你分分鐘高冷過你爹。

  35、you not feel consumes me how many tears. 你一句沒感覺 消耗了我多少眼淚。

  36、Our relationship is like mango and Zhejiang, Wang Laoji and China JDB, a good voice and Im a singer.....當你失戀時,你就會想起我。想起我當時的痛,想起你是怎么傷我的。

  37、Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.把你的臉迎向陽光,你就不會看到陰影。

  38、Time cut scar is called growth.時間劃破的傷疤叫做成長。

  39、Gradually know, a lot of things can not be met, not their own, so why bother to care.過著平淡的生活,活出不同的味道。

  40、Any unhappy is a waste of time.任何不快樂的時光都是浪費。

  41、When you are in love, you will think of me.不要總在過去的回憶里纏綿,昨天的太陽,曬不干今天的衣裳。

  42、I like a lot of people. But I only love you.我可以喜歡很多人,(www.panasonaic.com)但我只愛你一個。

  43、Not to mention the old cast Xintai shameful is sichanlanda is perseverance.你沉默的時候太用心,安靜了我的整個世界。

  44、Put you in my heart.把你放在我心底。

  45、You said commitment, a look back at me.最后你只帶走你脆弱的單純和我最放不下的人。

  46、I love you already tired.愛你的我已經累了。

  47、A boy can do everything for girl.一個男孩可以為女孩做任何事。

  48、By the end of the heart is empty, all of the good in the past.你的愛究竟是該拿起、還是該選擇丟棄。

  49、If love, time and distance, will not hinder.若愛,時間和距離,都不會是阻礙。

  50、The fairy tale is a lie, all the lies are from it.當你在高處的時候,你的朋友知道你是誰;當你墜落的時候,你才知道你的朋友是誰。

  51、The wave is enough. You dont look back. Ive never had a dog.警察叔叔的告白方式“注意你很久了,請跟我走一趟!

  52、A persons memory is best not too good, because the more memory, the less happiness.我們的關系就像芒果臺和浙江臺,王老吉和加多寶,中國好聲音和我是歌手。

  53、My first thought is always you. 我第一個想到的,永遠是你。

  54、Well, not that emotional, but I move the heart.說好了不動情,我卻動了心。

  55、Miss a person, two people of the picture.一個人的想念,兩個人的畫面。

  56、Goodbye, time. Goodbye, that I love the whole of a man.人的眼睛是黑的 心是紅的 有時眼睛一紅心也就黑了。

  57、Love is the result of recommit the same error.有沒有這樣一個人,剛剛認識的時候,你真心沒想過以后會是現(xiàn)在這樣。

  58、The police uncle s confession "pay attention to you for a long time, please follow me"笑是最真實的偽裝 淚是最自由的釋放。

  59、So persistent love you, is from love, or not willing to.那些遺忘不了的記憶,都是我愛過你的證明。

  60、No one is trying to please.年少無知的我們,又有什么資格說愛。

  61、all or nothing, now or never.要么沒有,要么全部。要么現(xiàn)在,要么永不。

  62、all or nothing, now or never 。要么沒有,要么全部。要么現(xiàn)在,要么永不。

  63、Sometimes, you ask the question, the other party has been Dodge, that is euphemistic tell you, the real answer is cruel.若此生,得不到,護不了,吾寧愿此生孤獨到老。

  64、Do not let yourself live like a joke. 不要讓自己活得像個笑話。

  65、No one will let you lose unless you dont want to win.一個人的失眠,一個人的空間,一個人的想念,兩個人的畫面。

  66、Behind the tears is another kind of understanding, giving up is a kind of perfect.這么執(zhí)著的愛著你,是出自愛情,還是不甘心。

  67、You are the one,in particular.I care,I treasure.你是唯一,是特定的。我在乎,我珍惜。

  68、Live a plain life, live a different flavor.若我投身火海你會奮不顧身地去救我還是隔岸觀火去笑我。

  69、For every love there is a heart to receive it.每一份愛,總會有一顆心會感受到。

  70、I`m hot going to kid you.我不是跟你開玩笑的。

  71、Morgen, die Zukunft, die sich zuerst?明天、未來,哪一個會先到。

  72、There are a lot of times I do not care, but fear that you do not understand別說棄舊投新太過可恥 難道死纏爛打就是堅持。









