


時間:2024-06-07 17:42:12 導游詞 我要投稿














  Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. Today, I will take you to the "paradise on earth" - Suzhou garden.

  Before we get to the classical gardens, let me introduce the classical gardens to you. In 1985, Suzhou garden was rated as one of the top ten scenic spots in China. According to records, there are nearly 200 gardens in Suzhou. Canglangting, Shizilin, zhuozhengyuan and Liuyuan represent the artistic styles of Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty respectively. At the same time, it is known as the "four famous gardens" of Suzhou classical gardens

  We have come to Liuyuan, the first stop of today's Golden Tour. Liuyuan is located in Suzhou, which is a garden road. It uses the comparison techniques of light and shade. You can enjoy it well, but you should also pay attention to hygiene and be a civilized tourist.

  If we don't stay in the garden, let's go to the lion forest. The lion forest is full of variety, which is worth seeing.

  Through the lion forest, about 5000 meters out, you can see Hanshan Temple. When it comes to Hanshan Temple, you must naturally think of "Hanshan Temple outside Gusu city goes to the passenger ship at midnight" in "Night Mooring on maple bridge". It's named after a Hanshan monk who lived here in the early Tang Dynasty. Now, on one side of the monument in the temple, there is a poem "Night Mooring on maple bridge" carved on it!

  Well, Hanshan Temple is here. Now you can watch Hanshan Temple carefully.

  Dear friends, we had a wonderful day in Suzhou, the "paradise on earth". See you tomorrow!





































  你們好!歡迎來到蘇州園林參觀。我是你們的導游,姓潘,就叫我小潘或潘導好了。下面就讓我?guī)銈內(nèi)⒂^吧! 蘇州園林以山水秀麗,典雅而聞名天下,有“江南園林甲天下,蘇州園林甲江南“的美稱。那里既有湖光山色,煙波浩淼的氣勢,又有江南水鄉(xiāng)小橋流水的詩韻。

  此刻我們來到了拙政園。拙政園是我國四大古典名園之一。它位于蘇州婁門內(nèi),是蘇州最大的一處園林,也是蘇州園林的代表作。你們看,拙政園建筑布局是不是疏落相宜、構思巧妙,風格清新秀雅、樸素自然它的`布局主題以水為中心,池水面積約占總面積的五分之一,各種亭臺軒榭多臨水而筑。主要建筑有遠香堂、雪香云蔚亭、待霜亭、留聽閣、十八曼陀羅花館、三十六鴛鴦館等。下面你們拍拍照吧,細心點,不要掉到水里或亂扔垃圾了! 參觀了拙政園,此刻你們跟我來到了滄浪亭。滄浪亭是蘇州最古老的一所園林。滄浪亭園內(nèi)以山石為主景。瞧,迎面一座土山,滄浪石亭便坐落其上。假山東南部的明道堂是園林的主建筑,此外還有五百名賢祠、看山樓、翠玲瓏館、仰止亭和御碑亭等建筑與之襯映。造園藝術與眾不一樣,未進園門便設一池綠水繞于園外。山下鑿有水池,山水之間以一條曲折的復廊相連,多美麗啊! 下面你們看到的是獅子林。是蘇州四大名園之一。因園內(nèi)石峰林立,多狀似獅子,故名“獅子林”。林內(nèi)的湖石假山多且精美,建筑分布錯落有致,主要建筑有燕譽堂、見山樓、飛瀑亭、問梅閣等。獅子林主題明確,景深豐富,個性分明,假山洞壑匠心獨具,一草一木別有風韻。




  Hello, everyone. Speaking of classical gardens, everyone will think of Suzhou. However, more than 200 years ago, the gardens in Yangzhou, the ancient city of Jianghuai, were better than those in Suzhou. As early as the Qing Dynasty, some people have made such an evaluation of Jiangnan scenic spots: "Hangzhou wins with lakes and mountains, Suzhou wins with shops, Yangzhou wins with gardens and pavilions." It can be seen that at that time, Yangzhou was famous for the beauty of gardens in Jiangnan. As early as the Han Dynasty, Yangzhou had large-scale garden architecture, and later there were innovations. In the Qing Dynasty, due to the highly developed handicraft industry, commerce, transportation and salt industry, and the six southern tours of Qianlong, Yangzhou gardens flourished rapidly. However, in history, many gardens were destroyed by wars and wars. Now only a few gardens, such as Geyuan, Heguo, xiaopangu and houyechun garden, survive.

  History and name of Geyuan

  Friends: today we are visiting one of the ten famous gardens in China. Geyuan is located at the back of 318 Dongguan Street in Yangzhou city. In 1820, Huang Yuyun, the salt general manager of Huaihe and Huaihe rivers, rebuilt it on the site of Shouyi garden in Ming Dynasty. Huang Yuyun thinks that bamboo is solid, guilty, straight and chaste, which has the style of a gentleman. Because the shape of the three bamboo leaves is like "Ge", he named "Ge yuan" after the sentence meaning of Yuan Mei's "Yue Ying Zhu Cheng Qian Zi". Su Dongpo once said: "it's better to eat without meat than live without bamboo. No meat makes people thin, and no bamboo makes people vulgar." The original intention of naming the master of the garden after bamboo is revealed.

  General situation of gardening spring landscape

  "Yangzhou wins by famous gardens, and famous gardens win by stacked stones.". Geyuan is an urban mountain forest with bamboo and stone as the main body and stone as the characteristic. The rockery of Geyuan adopts the technique of overlapping stones by dividing peaks, and uses different stones to show the scenery of spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is known as the rockery of four seasons, which is the only isolated example of domestic gardens. The plants in Geyuan are mainly bamboo, and the most suitable landscaping materials for bamboo are all kinds of strange peaks and stones, such as lingtouqiao Taihu stone peak, thin and craggy stalagmites, etc. The combination of bamboo and stone forms a distinctive bamboo and stone landscape in the garden. Tourists, now we can see that at the entrance of Geyuan, the gardener has set up a group of small bamboo and stone scenes with unique ingenuity. At the beginning, the theme of bamboo and stone as the center of the garden is clearly pointed out.

  Geyuan is just behind the Huang's residence. You can enter it from the middle of the house. You can see two flower stands on the left and on the right when you turn left. On the platform, there are green bamboo pavilions, and there are uneven stalagmites stacked among the bamboos. From a distance, it looks like a spring bamboo shoot that has just broken the ground. Continuous sunlight reflects the sparse bamboo shadow on the wall of the garden gate, forming a pattern of "Ge" shape, which sets off the plaque of "Ge yuan" in the middle of the garden gate. The "new bamboo shoots" swaying in the breeze symbolize the spring mountain forest. This real and fake bamboo scene is set against the white wall of the front residential part and stands on both sides of the garden gate, which has the meaning of "spring mountain is the beginning". I don't know if the tourists can appreciate the feeling of returning to the earth in spring. This is the spring scene in the famous four seasons mountain scenery of Geyuan.

  [garden summer scenery: yiyuxuan Xiashan]

  After enjoying the spring scenery, let's go to enjoy the summer scenery. So where is the rockery in summer? From the spring scenery of the two flower beds into the garden gate, there is a four side hall. In front of the hall, there are two flower beds stacked with lake stones. Bamboo is planted in the West and osmanthus is planted in the East. Therefore, this hall was originally called osmanthus hall, but now it has been renamed "yiyuxuan" on the plaque. Looking south from the hall, you can see green everywhere, green bamboo and conggui nearby. Through the four terrazzo windows and the moon cave gate on the wall, you can also see the bamboo and stone scenery we just passed by. Close range and long-range are different from inside and outside, but they are separated. This kind of gardening technique of borrowing from each other inside and outside to increase the depth of the first scene in the garden is unique and unique. From the sweet scented osmanthus hall to the west along the porch, after a dense bamboo forest, you come to the edge of the pool and look north across the water. Under the blue sky, there is a towering Taihu stone rockery with rich antiquity and clear lingzheng. There are stone caves at the bottom of the mountain and stone platforms on the mountain. The shape is changeable, just like clouds in the sky. This is the summer mountain. There is a clear pool in front of the mountain. There is a curved bridge on the water, leading to the entrance of the cave. The tail of the water is cleverly hidden, giving people the impression of "how deep the courtyard is". Lotus is planted all over the pool. At a glance, "the lotus in the sun is red", highlighting the theme of "summer".

  Walking on the curved bridge, we can enjoy the beauty of the summer mountain. We can see the strange stones on both sides. Some of them are as independent as Wang He, and some of them are as naive as rhinoceros. Looking up, you can see that the flying stones at the mouth of the valley are just like magpies climbing the plum blossom to welcome the guests; at the long jump, the monkeys are playing on the top of the mountain. It's really beautiful scenery and beautiful stone. When you enter the cave, you feel a little gloomy at first. Then you get used to the light falling from the stone gap above, and you feel that the cave is spacious. The water in the small pool flows into the cave, and the stone color of the lake is blue and gray. Enjoying the scenery in the cave in summer makes it cool. The cavern can be traversed, ascended and turned several times to the top of the mountain. There is a small pavilion isolated on the rockery. There is an ancient pine in front of the pavilion, stretching out of the cliff, adding the lush atmosphere of the summer mountain. Standing in the pavilion, looking back at the rockery, in the cave stone crevice, Magnolia crisscross, stone steps on both sides, rain hit banana Pavilion. Walking in the meantime, I can see the thick shade and green shadow, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

  [autumn landscape: Huangshan stone - Autumn Mountain]

  Friend: if the summer scenery shows the elegant and quiet artistic conception with the fresh and soft curve of Taihu stone, then the autumn scenery shows the majestic magnificence with the bold and unconstrained straight line of Huangshan stone. Because Huangshan stone is not only the most powerful mountain in the north, but also the most picturesque rockery in the south. The whole rockery is built on huangshitan, Anhui Province, which is a cliff with hanging rocks. Some of its rocks are yellow and some red. The main side of the rockery faces to the West. When the sun goes down, the red glow reflects, and the color is very eye-catching. In the crevice of the cliff, there are pine and cypress, whose green branches and leaves are just in contrast with the brown yellow rocks, just like a picture of autumn mountains. On the top of the mountain, there is a Square Pavilion, in which people can overlook the surrounding landscape. To the north, they can overlook the green poplar City, the thin West Lake, the Pingshan hall and the Guanyin Mountain. This is also one of the traditional Chinese gardening techniques: borrowing scenery. In ancient China, there was a tradition of climbing high in autumn. Geyuan Huangshan stone is the commanding height of the whole country, and the theme of autumn is played up by Chongyang climbing.

  The appearance of Qiushan is high and abrupt, and its internal structure is complex. Stone cave, stone platform, stone Deng, stone beam and small buildings in the mountain are intertwined and integrated to form a complicated three-dimensional sightseeing passage in the mountain. It not only has plane detour, but also has three-dimensional winding. Tourists, if you are interested, you can enjoy the elegant demeanour of Qiushan, a famous Yangzhou mountain with ingenious design and superb stacking techniques.

  [winter landscape of Garden: toufenglouyuexuan - loushang]

  Looking south from Huangshi rockery, to the west of Sanying building, there is a quiet scenic spot. The main building in this area is a small hall open from north to South and enclosed by walls from east to west. These buildings seem to bring some "Beijing flavor". If you look at these houses, the corners are small, the roofs are gentle, and the shapes are heavy. Why is this so? It turned out that during the prosperous period of the Qing Dynasty, emperors would visit Yangzhou when they went to the south. Yangzhou salt merchants have strong economic strength. In order to "welcome Luan", they try their best to figure out the emperor's preferences. As a result, many garden buildings follow the style of Beijing buildings. Gradually, some buildings in Yangzhou gardens also have some "Beijing flavor". This small hall called "toufenglouyue" is no exception. In the south of the hall, there is a flower terrace with Xuan stone. On the terrace, there is the south boundary wall of the garden, and there is a small rockery with Xuan stone. This is the winter mountain. Xuanshi is produced in Xuancheng, Anhui Province. Its color is as white as snow. It is also called Xueshi. This scenic spot used to be a place to enjoy the snow and tea around the stove in winter. In order to make the rockery snow even when it doesn't snow, xuanshishan is placed under the north wall of the south boundary wall. Looking from the hall, the hills on the stage are all white, as if the snow has not gone away. Because Xuanshi contains quartz, although its color is white, it will shine in the sun. If it is placed in the sun, it is contrary to the theme of enjoying the snow. The Dongshan mountain is shady, so we can see the Dieshan family's careful observation.

  Outside the eastern boundary wall of Xuanshi mountain is the population Department of Geyuan. In order to make the meaning of winter more sufficient, the gardener regularly arranged 24 round holes on the wall, forming a unique picture of leaky windows. When the gust of wind blows, these holes, like the sound holes on the flute, will make different sounds, such as the call of northwest wind in winter, to assist the theme artistic conception with sound. What's more mysterious is that through the rows of wind and moon, you can see the green bamboos and stalagmites in the spring scenery. I don't know if my friends have the association of "winter goes and spring comes".

  Dear friends, the rockery of Geyuan sums up the so-called painting principles of "spring mountain is light but like smile, summer mountain is green and like drop, autumn mountain is clear and like makeup, winter mountain is bleak and like sleep" and "spring mountain is suitable for traveling, summer mountain is suitable for seeing, autumn mountain is suitable for climbing, winter mountain is suitable for living". There are also "yiyuxuan", "baoshanlou", "fuyunting", "zhuqiuge", "loufengtouyuexuan" and other ancient buildings in the park. Against the backdrop of these pavilions and pavilions, and dotted with ancient and famous trees, the four seasons rockery is more simple, elegant, profound and magnificent. Although the winter scenery gives people the cold feeling of snow. However, the west wall of the spring scenery has opened two circular leaky windows. The branches and bamboos come across the wall, and give people the profound artistic conception of "blooming spring buds in winter". The whole landscape is like a huge picture, forming a beautiful harmony.

  The main landscape of Geyuan has been toured. After visiting a garden, would you sigh with this kind of sigh: Yangzhou garden is indeed the essence garden in gardens.


  你們好,很快樂相識你們。今日,就由我?guī)銈內(nèi)ト碎g天堂蘇州欣賞園林。 在車還沒到古典園林之前,我先為你們介紹古典園林吧!1985年蘇州園林即被評為中國十大風景名勝之一。據(jù)記載,蘇州城內(nèi)大小園林將近200處。其中滄浪亭,獅子林,拙政園和留園分別代表著宋朝,元朝,明朝和清朝四個朝代的藝術風格。同時被稱為蘇州古典園林的四大名園。 我們已經(jīng)到了今日黃金游的'第一站留園。留園位于蘇州是園林路,它應用了分和,明暗等比較手法。你們可以好好去欣賞了,不過也要留意衛(wèi)生,做一個文明的游客。 留園不留我們,那我們就去獅子林吧。獅子林改變多端,值得一覽。 穿過獅子林,出去約五千米,就可以望見寒山寺了。

  說到寒山寺,你們肯定自然的想起《楓橋夜泊》里的姑蘇城外寒山寺夜半鐘聲到客船吧?因為唐初有一個寒山的和尚在這里住過而得名。現(xiàn)在在寺內(nèi)存碑一方,上面還刻著《楓橋夜泊》一詩呢! 好了,寒山寺到了,現(xiàn)在你們可以細致欣賞寒山寺了。 各位摯友,我們在人間天堂蘇州度過了美妙的一天,我們明天再見!





















