


時間:2023-02-10 12:37:54 求職信 我要投稿





 。1)Explain the reasons for writing the job search letter (簡明寫求職信的理由) a. Your advertisement for an assistant chemist on June 30 th newspaper arouses my interest a great deal.I hope to offer my service at you company because of my following qualifications;… 貴公司在6月30日的報紙上登載的招聘助理藥劑師的廣告,引起了我極大的興趣,我希望能到公司供職,以下是我所具備的任職資格;…… b.In reply to your advertisement in yesterday Wuhan Evening Paper,I respectfully offer my service for the position. 看到貴公司在昨天的武漢晚報上登載的廣告,我很愿意在這個崗位上為貴公司的發(fā)展作貢獻。 c. Your very attractive advertisement in yesterday Changjiang Daily seemde made to order for me…and me for the job. 你們在昨天的長江日報上登載的廣告非常有吸引力!仪『梅浅_m合做這份工作。 d.This morning China Daily carried your advertisement for a computer operator at a large company. 今天早晨的中國日報登載了貴公司欲招聘一名計算機操作員的廣告。 e. Ability to organize marketing campaigns and to supervise employees. 能組織市場營銷活動,監(jiān)管下屬員工。 f. Six valuable years of experience in the retail grocery business,with both a small privately ownde chain and a large corporte chain. 具有6年在零售雜貨店工作的寶貴經歷。同小型私營聯銷店和大型公司聯銷店都胡商業(yè)往來。 g.Direct first -hand knowledge of all phases of the business operation. 具有商業(yè)經營的各個步驟的直接的第一手資料。 h.I should like to apply for the position mentioned in your advertisement in Changjiang Daily of October 18. 我很高興應聘貴公司在10月8日長江日報上登載的廣告中所提及的工作。 i.Learning from Mr.Hong that you are looking for a sales manager,I should like to apply for the position. 從洪先生那里得知你正在尋求一位銷售經理,我很高興能應聘這個職位。 j.In answer to your advertisement in today Hubei Daily for a secretary,I wish tender my service. 貴公司在今天湖北日報上登載的招聘秘書的廣告,我希望能得到這個職位。 k.I would like to apply for the position of financial director you have advertised through the Personnel Market on Chezhan Road. 通過貴公司在車站路人才交流市場的廣告,得知你們欲招聘一名財務主管,我很樂意應聘這一職位。

  (2)Explain the reasons for leaving your previous employment (說明你離開以前工作崗位的理由): a.My reason for leaving my present employment is that I want to obtain broader experience in trading. 我離開我現在單位的'理由是:我想在貿易領域取得更多的經驗。 b.At present I have to leave my position as my presint employer have been forced to liquidate his business. 因為我現在的雇主已經破產,所以,我不得不離開我現在的職位。 c.I have to leave my present job because I have little change to be promoted. 我必須離開我現在的崗位,因為,我很少有機會得到提升。 d.The only reason why I am leaving the present position is that I try to win another opportunity to better myself. 我離開我現在的職位的理由,只是為了贏得另一項完善自己的機會。 e.On account of the discontimuance of business at the company,I left the office. 因為公司的效益不景氣,所以,我辭職了。 f.I would like to do with your company where the work will be more diversifiedand on a higher creative level. 我很愿意到貴公司工作,因為,那里的工作富有多樣性并且更富有創(chuàng)造性。 h.My present job can not offer me much chance for me to tap my potential in the field of computer.But the job you advertised on the newspaper is what I have desired to apply for ,because it offers me …… 貴公司在人才市場刊登的廣告中所提供的工作,向我的能力提出了更大的挑戰(zhàn)。 i. There is no prospect of promotion where I am at present and I would like something more challenging. 在我目前的職位上,沒有提升的機會。同時,我喜歡更富有挑戰(zhàn)性的工作。

  (3)Express the demand for the starting salary (表示希望得到的起始薪金) a.I hesitate to state a definite salary. But ,so long as you have requested me to do so, I should consider 1500 yuan a month satisfactory. 我不愿意說出一個確定的薪金數目,但是,如果你要求我這樣做,我覺得一個月1500元就可以了。 b.I am willing to serve on probation for some months at a small salary. 我愿意見習幾個月,這只需要低水平的薪水。 c..Although it is difficult for me to determine what kind of salary level I can meet,I should consider 1000 yuan a month appropriate. 雖然讓我決定我所能得到的薪金水準比較困難,但是,我還是認為一個月1000元對我來說比較合適。 d.I am willing to start with a smal salary. 我希望從低薪開始。 e.My present job pays 15000 yuan a year, in additon to health benefits and bonuses.I am looking to start here at 1200 yuan or above that figure with periodic inceases b ased on performance on the job ,plus the usual benefits package. 我現在的工 作待遇除了健康保險和獎金外每年還有15000元薪金。我想在貴公司工作的起點為每月1200元或更高,然后按工作表現,定期增加工資當然還包括一般的福利待遇。 f.I should require a commencing salary of 1000 yuan a month. 我需要的薪金起點是每個月 1000元。

  (4)Express strong personal qualities(表達個人的特長) a.My resume shows my success in corrdination a busy schedule of collegiate studies,part-time jobs,and extracurricular a ctivitise. The presidency of the students union at the university provides evidence of the trait which you require for the growth of your company. 我的履歷表顯示了我讀大學時,在學習、兼職工作和課外活動之間合理安排繁忙的時間的才能。我在大學時任學生會主席,就是這一特長的有力證據,而這一特長正是你們公司發(fā)展所需要的。 b.I have received a good education and learned taking notes in English shorthand. 我受過很好的教育,并且學習過英語速記。 c.During my summer job with a joint venture in Tianjin,I gained a great deal of first -hand knowledge about foreign trade and learned how to communicate with people of defferent interests and backgrounds. 在暑假期間,我曾到天津一家合資企業(yè)工作,獲得了很多有關外貿的第一手資料,并且學會了怎樣與不同興趣和不同背景的人進行溝通。 d.My education has provided me with a broad background in the field of foreign trade and sales promotion. 我在外貿和促銷兩方面受到過很全面的教育。 e. As a result of my experience in these two programs mentioned above, not only have a basic understanding of managerial processes, but also understand the terminology and viewpoint of professionals in data processing. 由于我受到前面所提到的兩項培訓計劃的經歷,我不僅基本了解管理的工作程序,而且還懂得專業(yè)術語和觀點的數據處理。 f. This educational background plus my courses and experience with computers certainly rquip me to be an asset to your financial management department. 我的學歷和我所修的計算機課程和實踐經驗對貴公司財務管理部會大有幫助。 g. My fluency in English and French is first-rate. 我的流利的英語和法語是一流的。


Dear Sir or Madam:

  I am writing in response to the advertisement you placed in the Sunday paper for a sales manager in your company. Your company has a reputation for producing high-quality products like Mandolin network system. I am interested in joining such a professional organization.

  As you can see from the enclosed resume, my previous work in an export company has provided me with lots of opportunities to contact all kinds of customers and suppliers home and abroad. By communicating with them, I have got very familiar with the international trade and the current market. Besides, my educational training at university concentrated also on international trade which equipped me with a solid foundation in sales and trade.

  As such, I believe that my service could be of great benefit to your company in terms of customer relation and new business connections.

  I hope to have an opportunity to meet your human resource manager in order to let you know more about me. I enclose a resume and could be available for an interview at your convenience. Looking forward to hearing from you and thank you for your consideration.

  Sincerely yours,xxx


  dear mr ho

  application for the position of legal officer.

  in response to your advertisement for the above position in the jobspower.com on january 5, i am sending my resume for your consideration.

  i have worked for two big law firms for five years and then become a consultant for over a year. my responsibilities include drafting, reviewing and following contracts, as well as handling legal activities and company secretarial documents. i believe that these experiences would make me succeed in this position.

  being responsible, independent and able to work under pressure, i believe that i will have a very positive impact on your firm. i look forward to your favourable reply. thank you very much.

  yours sincerely


  Since 1999, many organizations have participated in the School for teachers of information technology training, given all the teachers said the school Animator, Flash, Authoware software, and this semester I have a history of high-group collective group lesson preparation to the group talk about three other teachers how to use Flash, Photoshop software, courseware production history, by history teacher Teaching and Research Group Leader and Members alike.

  Second, in terms of education:

  Since the beginning of 20xx as class work, brought about by the class of outstanding achievement, in 20xx, two years in a row in 20xx was named outstanding teacher. At the same time, Yangquan a forum in his "big cattle Forum" moderator, opened up a "class forum", "心靈驛站" and other columns, a number of themes arising from the strong response of students, such as: "the class teacher and students can become a friend? "" how to deal with students online to play all night? "," Student Case Analysis "and other themes, students often respond to the theme of communication through the Internet so that teachers learn more about the mental activities of students, but also with the students do not meet online frank exchanges, strengthening the future of targeted education students to create the conditions laid the foundation. At the same time also strengthened between the class teacher, class teacher and student exchanges and communication between.

  Advise their students to actively participate in various extra-curricular competition in 1999, the third in the national patriotism education in primary and secondary school students in the competition, won the outstanding teacher award in 20xx primary and secondary school students across the country to celebrate the 80 anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party education activities won the Outstanding Teacher Award for guidance.

Third, teaching and research areas:

  1, to write theses. Since the edge from the work involved in teaching, while pay attention to summing up of education, teaching experiences and lessons with the case, and written papers.

  June 1998, thesis on "extra-curricular activities and historical analysis of classroom teaching with examples," a film by the Chinese urban social income "excellent collection of teaching experience in education reform."

  August 1998, the preparation of the "distribution of Yangquan moral education and the development and utilization of resources," a book by the City Archives, the Urban Institute file information as the development of the outcome of the file first.

  June 20xx, thesis on "the history of modern education technology and innovative teaching education" by the Chinese Research Association for Education and intelligence as the outstanding achievements of the academic committee of the first prize.

  In 20xx, the paper "Innovation education in the application of modern educational technology" has been published into the Radio "Chinese teachers books," The first series of "history lesson students study innovative capacity-building" in the.


  Dear Sir or Madam:

  I am writing in response to the advertisement you placed in the Sunday paper for a sales manager in your company.Your company has a reputation for producing high-quality products like Mandolin network system.I am interested in joining such a profeional organization.

  As you can see from the enclosed resume, my previous work in an export company has provided me with lots of opportunities to contact all kinds of customers and suppliers home and abroad.By communicating with them, I have got very familiar with the international trade and the current market.Besides, my educational training at university concentrated also on international trade which equipped me with a solid foundation in sales and trade.

  As such, I believe that my service could be of great benefit to your company in terms of customer relation and new busine connections.

  I hope to have an opportunity to meet your human resource manager in order to let you know more about me.I enclose a resume and could be available for an interview at your convenience.Looking forward to hearing from you and thank you for your consideration.

  Sincerely yours,J.S.Wu








  *** 敬上


  May 2th, 20xx

  Dear Mrs. Ou,

  I am writing in application for the post of Marketing Consultant that you advertised in today’s newspaper.

  As you will see from my curriculum vitae,I am a 20-year-old college student in Business English form Hubei University of Education.I have taken every course about Marketing offered at college. Apart from the academic experience in college,I have part-time worked as a campus agent in New Oriental.I also was a minister of communication in an English Club.And I have attended courses in negotiating skills.

  I am interested in the post advertised because I have the ability to work under the pressure and it seems to be what I am expecting:to work in an active team environment.

  I hope to have the pleasure of your granting an interview,I am available at any time.Enclosed please find the resume.And my university tutor will be happy to supply a reference.

  Yours sincerely



  The leadership of the distinguished company:


  It is an honor in your busy schedule to read my cover letter, thank you! I am a Department of Automation, graduating students will receive bachelor's degree. University during the period laid a solid theoretical foundation for the professional, good organizational skills, teamwork spirit, pragmatic style of work.

  Proficient professional knowledge of digital signal processing technology, analog / digital electronics, C programming language, automatic control, 80X86 principle, etc.; skilled such as the use of Windows XX/XP operating system; skilled use of Office, Excel office automation software; learning photoshop, Flash such as mapping software.

  Outstanding accomplishment on the quality of thinking, thinking of progress, Benedict Shou-cheng, a letter, propriety and learning the principles of life.

  Social practice, a four-year university life, I have strict requirements, competency-based training, in particular the practice of manipulative ability are my strengths. Low job-seekers holding a book, read the mind of self-confidence sincere, and I look forward to your company to become one!




  Dear Sir or Madam,

  It’s greatly appreciated that you can share your time to read my self—recommendation letter. My name is Wang Jiang,22,majoring in English. I will graduate from HuBei Normal University in June XX with honors. In the course of four—year university study,I was appointed as vice monitor and the chairman of the League Member. Now I am the member of CPC. Thanks to my industry,I have passed TEM4, CET6 ,TEM8.Meanwhile,four years I reaped many rewards,such as national scholarship,the first ranking scholarship,the second ranking scholarship,3 good’s student,outstanding student leader9 f2 m and excellent League Member,etc.

  H,“Only after polishing, the sword will be sharp; only after suffering severe winter, the plum blossom will be fragment.” After four—year hard study, I have possessed the quality to be a qualified English teacher. I got the second price in teacher skill competition in HuBei Normal University as well as the first price in normal students’ teaching lesson .

  Four—year hard working arms me with solid specialized knowledge. Now, I have mastered the basic English skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation; and also have a good knowledge of grammar, phonetics, linguistics etc. Additionally, extensive reading has broadened my mind. It acquainted me with western countries’ culture and custom. Hard working also rewards me with high scores in examination.

  With a perfect mastery of specialized knowledge, I also developed myself in all-round way. I have been paying special attention to foster my managerial ability, coordinate ability and cooperative ability. So I have done lots of jobs during my college life, such as working as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies, an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. HuangShi Branch, a private tutor. I have not only done a good job but also have leant a lot from such experiences.

  Moreover, my self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion pave the way for conquering the difficulties which would occur in future work.

  All in all, please do believe I am competent enough and I can feel up to this position. I am positive about a success in this post.

  Your sincerely,



  dear sir,

  four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the new world products company have,i believe,given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in thursday#39;s


  since 1981 i have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales, including writing much of the correspondence. in the course of my work,i have become familiar with the various sales territories,and have also in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.

  the years before i was employed at the new world,i was a secretary for long brother,an accounting firm.there i became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.

  i was graduated at wah yan college,in june 1974.i am twenty-five years of age and single.

  i am leaving my present position because i can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope.my present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.

  may i see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well i can do the work you require.

  yours faithfully,










Distinguished leadership:

  A: hello! I would like to apply for your school recruiting English teacher position. First sincerely thank you in spite of being very busy toglance visitors a letter of recommendation. There is a warm and sincere heart longing for your understanding and help.

  In June this year, I graduated from jiangxi normal university business Japanese majors, during the period of school took part in the self-study examination, examination for jiangxi normal university English education professional (undergraduate) and smoothly passed the exam, even during the period of school I majored in business Japanese, but this does not affect my efforts in English. In English learning, has been through the English six levels. Talent requirements in order to adapt to era, at the same time, I taught myself and master self-study mastered the modern office automation at the same time, can freely use coal more presentation courseware.

  In the study, I also made a number of tutor, through communication, make me know more about the student's psychological activity. Also the faceless frank online communication with students, to the following create conditions to strengthen the education of students targeted, laid a foundation. Given that graduated from jiangxi province's oldest normal university, jiangxi normal university, good education and my teaching experience, I believe they can work in the English teaching and the teacher in charge. If you give me a development opportunity, I will work with full enthusiasm, diligent work style, fast and efficient work efficiency in return to your university.

  Thinning holding the book of job, with confidence for the thought of sincere, I am looking forward to become an English teacher of your school!

  To receive the recognition, please call 151 MMMMMMM. If have the opportunity to meet with you I will thank you very much.

  Finally, I wish your career developed, progresses day by day!




Dear xxxx:
  I am writing this letter to your company to recruit candidates of the # # # intern posts, I am pleased to know you in the recruitment site of recruitment advertisements, and have been expecting to have the opportunity to join your company.
  I am a **** undergraduate university students, professional is the automation, in the school system during the I accept the expertise of the training, such as the principle of automatic control, computer control theory, power drag, power electronics technology, College English courses. Of single-chip microcomputer control system, PLC control systems, embedded computer systems, field bus technology, control technology have been understanding and awareness of, and access to the laboratory during in-school, college teachers involved in a number of experimental projects, hands-on experience capacity strong. Familiar with c / c + + / visual basic / assembly language of MCS 51/avr are more familiar with (with the teachers to do the project two main single-chip system). The design, testing both the closed-loop control system awareness and understanding.
  I have a good standard of English in school during the smooth passage of the University of cet4 and cet6, obtain the certificate, have good command of English oral expression and writing ability to describe. University Vice-year college during the long term, with better organization and coordination, self-confidence to deal with a variety of emerging difficulties and challenges.
  I very much hope that your company can join and play to my potential. Enclosed herewith is my curriculum vitae. If the opportunity to interview with you, I would be very grateful.
  Add: Which well-wishers to help the translation into English, not the kind of translation translator, also most grateful!


  Richard P. Ruby

  1128 2nd Avenue South Edmonds, Washington 98020 October 25, 20xx

  Mr. Michael B. Dixon

  Holland and Hart

  P. O. Box 2147

  Denver, Colorado 80302

Dear Mike,

  I was interested to hear that your firm is considering ways to acquire more capability regarding international business transactions.

  As you know, I have worked as an independent consultant these past two years dealing with the business, financial and governmental problems that accompany overseas investments. I have found, however, that companies large enough to have significant international exposure are bombarded by major league players such as:

  a) the large investment banking houses,

  b) major law firms,

  c) consulting firms such as McKinsey and Arthur D. Little,

  d) and, increasingly, by the consulting units operating within the major accounting firms.

  It has become pretty clear that marketing my "Lone Ranger Act" in the face of this kind of competition is, at best, a difficult job. For the past few months I’ve been investigating ways to merge my talents into a better known and more broadly based entity. If you are looking for additional arrows to round out Holland and Hart’s quiver of talent, then perhaps we should do some talking.

  The many hi-tech firms in the Front Range area are beginning to push into the international arena, and you mentioned that you have already taken steps to strengthen your intellectual property team. These hi-tech groups often face significant trade issues in Washington as well as complex government and financial negotiations abroad.

  There are many other exporters in this area--such as the U.S. Meat Exporter Federation (composed of entities such as Monfort)--that are large enough to have real international needs as well.

  Some of your "competition" has already mounted a campaign to try to serve these needs--see the attached flyer on "Going International."

  The clipping from the Wall Street Journal of October 16, 19-- shows what firms such as Stearns Roger and Morrison-Knudsen are up against internationally. I’ve marked the clipping to show how the things we did for Cuajone parallel what Bechtel is doing now.

  The resume information attached after the clippings just mentioned is probably a bit on the over-kill side, but lawyers love to read and it does demonstrate the extent and depth of my international experience.

  I expect to travel back east the 6th and 7th of November to talk to Price Waterhouse’s new affiliate partnership that deals in "International Financing Consultancy Services," but will be here Monday, November 5.

  Best regards,

  Richard P. Ruby


Dear Sir/Madam:

  Your advertisement for a Microbiology Engineer in the November 10 Tianjin Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

  According to the advertisement,your position requires Doctor in Microbiology Science or equivalent field and proficient in Biology Engineering. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Tianjin University Of Technology and Science in this year with a Doctor degree. My studies have included Microbiology, Biochemistry, Nutrition and Food Hygiene and some other subjects related to my specialty. During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

  I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

  With many thanks,


Dear Dr. Anderson,

  Mr.xxx who has just returned to China from your university informed that you are considering the possibility of offering a Chinese language course to your students in the next academic year and may have an opening for a teacher of the Chinese language. I am very much interested in such a position.

  I have been teaching Chinese literature and composition at college level since 1980. In the past three years, I have worked in summer programs, teaching the Chinese language and culture to students from English-speaking courtries. As a result, I got to know well the common problems of these students and how to adapt teaching to achieve the best results.

  With years of intensive English training, I have no difficulty conducting classes in English and feel queit comfortable working with American students.

  I will be available after February 1998.Please fell free to contact me if you wish more information. Thank you very much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.




  Room 212 Building 343

  Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084

  Ms. Yang:

  I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your Auditor Program.

  I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office of CCCC. I will be receiving my MBA this May from Tsinghua University. I am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company. I understand the level of professionalism and communication required for long-term success in the field. My background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive Auditor upon completion of your development program.

  I will be in the Shanghai area the week of April 16. Please call me at 136001216901 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs. I look forward to meeting you then.


  Cheng Dan









