


時(shí)間:2022-05-04 16:03:24 求職信 我要投稿




大學(xué)英文求職信 篇1

dear sir:

  good morning, my name is , which is indeed a great honor to have the opportunity to interview, i would like to answer you may increase and i hope i can become a good performance today, the final register for the prestigious the university in september.

  now i will briefly introduce myself, i am21years old, born in heilongjiang province, northeast of china, i curruently senior students in beijing are mainly two packaging i received my bachelors degree, i graduated the past four years, i spent most of my time to learn, i have been through cet4/6, so as to alleviate. i have a basic knowledge of the packaging and publication in the theory and practice.

  in addition, i also took part in some of the packaging exhibition held in beijing, which is our advantage here to learn, i have taken to visit a number of large factories and companies. through these i have a profound understanding of the domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries, such as us, unfortunately, although we have made remarkable progress since1978, chinas packaging industry is still underdeveloped, chaos and instability, which the staff in this regard the awkard. but i have full confidence in a brighter future, if only we can maintain the economic growth pace still.

  sincerely yours!

大學(xué)英文求職信 篇2

  Dear S×r/Madam:

  Are you search×ng for a telecommun×cat×ons manager w×th expert×se ×n project management and team leadersh×p?

  × spec×al×ze ×n creat×ng and ×mplement×ng h×gh-performance strateg×es that d×rectly ×mpact growth and prof×tab×l×ty of large telecommun×cat×ons compan×es. ×n add×t×on to my knowledge of bus×ness processes, × also offer prof×c×ency ×n telecom software development and cutt×ng-edge technolog×es.

  × am relocat×ng to Shenzhen and would be ×nterested ×n opportun×t×es w×th your f×rm. Currently, × serve as manager for B×T Company‘s ×nformat×on ×ndustry D×v×s×on. Br×efly, some of my accompl×shments ×nclude:

  Developed a tool to track and forecast pr×ce,quant×ty,and revenue, wh×ch enables cl×ent to mon×tor bus×ness performance

  ×mplemented a custom×zed end-to-end test×ng process and SQL database

  My bus×ness acumen, techn×cal expert×se, and leadersh×p capab×l×t×es have contr×buted to a number of successful projects. The enclosed resume outl×nes my credent×als and accompl×shments ×n greater deta×l. × would welcome an opportun×ty to meet w×th you for a personal ×nterv×ew.


大學(xué)英文求職信 篇3

  Respect for competent:


  I am guangdong light vocational technical college of accounting professional a graduating student. I am honored to have the opportunity to present my personal data in society, in order to find his professional and interested in the job, better use of their talents, to achieve their life values, and give you a recommendation.

  My name is XXX, 19xx, was born in a beautiful coastal city of chaozhou. The local conditions and customs of simple home made careful I sincerely, is my faith, the hobby is widespread, challenge, active, and healthy, open and bright, optimistic, sincere, caring and willing to study, perseverance, love is my characteristic, good professional knowledge and a strong sense of team work is my life's first wealth.

  The university three years, I notice the basic knowledge of learning, and individual ability. In the school strict instructive and personal efforts, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, comprehensive and systematic completed including financial and accounting, the budget accounting, cost accounting, management accounting, and accounting information system, a series of accounting professional courses, English listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, Familiar with the basic operation of the computer and software operating, Understand the basic etiquette foreign work. At the same time, the use spare time widely read all kinds of books, horizons, increase

  Long experience, enriching themselves, a wide range of skills, let oneself can follow the pace of The Times. In addition, many use summer school experience such time out in society, several different natures of the part-time job, let oneself in close contact with society and life, learning to communicate with people, to get out of the society in the new environment as soon as possible after ready to society. During school, served as the minister, class as competitive person, busy working for others, let me learn how to better service, let me know how to efficient work, let me get precious

  The organization management planning experience, let his eloquence and daring get good exercise, but also in the department of debating contest champions.

  I love my choice of accounting professional and sincerely hope that you can be in the lead and guidance for the career, for you, contributes an own strength, and work in the process of self, expertise and realize their life values. Opportunities for preparation, and I have prepared. Hope you can give me a chance. Whatever you choose whether finally

  Choose me, please accept my sincere gratitude!

  Wish your business!

大學(xué)英文求職信 篇4

Dear Sir/Madam

  I was referred to you by Mr. Wang, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your Auditor Program.

  I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office of CCCC. I will be receiving my MBA this May from Peking University. I am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company.

大學(xué)英文求職信 篇5

  dear leaders:


  my name is xx, is the economic law of a tvu graduates.

  in school during the strict mentorship lessons and personal efforts, i have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, a systematic grasp of marketing and other related theories; familiar with the work of popular foreign etiquette; with good english listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation and other capabilities; be able to skillfully operate a computer office software. at the same time, my spare time to extensively studied under a large number of books, not only enriched his own, but also develop their own multi-faceted skills. more importantly, the rigorous style of study and correct learning attitude shaped me simple, stable and innovative traits.

  in addition, i also actively participate in various social activities, to seize every opportunity to exercise their own. university for four years, i deeply feel, with the best students to work to benefit me in the competition; to challenge the practical difficulties, let me grow up in frustration. grandparents have taught me hard work, responsibility, kindness, integrity; xxx university, has trained i am being pragmatic, pioneering and enterprising style. i love your organization are engaged in the cause, eagerly look forward to your leadership, the building blocks for this glorious cause; and in practice, learning and progress.

大學(xué)英文求職信 篇6

  Respect leadersh×p:


  Thank you for read×ng th×s letter, please allow me to offer one's own serv×ces.

  My name ×s * *, study×ng at the We×fang College of econom×cs and trade, ×nternat×onal f×nanc×al graduates, r×gorous, pragmat×c, truth-seek×ng, hard work ×s my study and work style.

  × read your company's recru×tment ×nformat×on, × th×nk × can be competent for th×s job. Because th×s pos×t×on ×s closely related to my major. The un×vers×ty three years, × read the bus×ness management, the profess×onal courses ×n market×ng, market research, econom×cs, econom×c law, bas×c account×ng, stat×st×cs, management bas×s. At the same t×me but also to learn Engl×sh, Marx ph×losophy, legal bas×s of publ×c course.

  Now, enter the soc×ety, can not s×mply rely on the stand and surv×ve, those s×mple ×nvestment knowledge has been unable to meet the×r own, hop×ng to learn more knowledge, × hope you can g×ve me a chance, × bel×eve ×n our unrem×tt×ng efforts, w×ll make due contr×but×ons to the development of your company.

  Look forward to hear×ng from you, br×ng me good news, please accept my s×ncere grat×tude:

  S×ncerely w×sh you success, w×sh your company br×ll×ant prospects!

  Yours fa×thfully,


大學(xué)英文求職信 篇7


  Please consider me as an applicant for the position which you have advertised in JobsPower.com. I am 25 years of age, a graduate of the department of Business Administration in the class in 1984. After my graduation, I spent a year in travelling round the world. I now would like to seek employment. You will probably think that I have no experience in your line of business but, in fact, I am well-acquainted with what you have have been dealing, because my father used to, in the same kind of business. My daily contact with my father's working staff made me to understand all the procedures of foreign trade. Besides, I am a hard-working man who speaks little and works more.

  Please kindly give my application the first consideration.









