


時間:2023-02-27 12:36:18 英語論文 我要投稿
  • 相關(guān)推薦


[作者]  趙文斌/蔡艷芬





    (be) of ┤no,little(表示否定) ├+名詞

    └any (用于疑問句) ┘




    (2 )該結(jié)構(gòu)中形容詞后接的名詞常見的為抽象名詞value ,importance,

use,help,benefit,int erest,difference, courage,fun等。

    (3)該結(jié)構(gòu)中的名詞也可以是表示年齡、顏色、尺寸、 樣式的詞,如age,


    The meeting is of great importance to me.

    =The meeting is very important to me.

    This kind of dictionary is of no use to us students.

    =This kind of dictionary is useless to us students.

    What he has done is of great benefit to the people. 他所做的事對人


    Everything that we saw was of great interest to us.

    The dictionary will be of great value to the students whoare learners

of English.

    Though what he said was of little help to me, I thankedhim all the


    This is a book of some use.=This is a useful book.

    I thought the doctor's advice of much help to you.

    Mountaineering is of great fun, but at the same time wemust not forget

the danger.

    We are of an age.= We are of the same age.

    These two rooms are of a size. = These two rooms are ofthe same size.


    ┌no...but... ┐

    A.┤nothing but... ├"只有",


    B. not...but..."不是……而是……"

    ┌not only(或just)... ┐

    C.┤ but(also)... ├"不僅……

    │not only(或just)... │而且……"

    └ but...as well ┘

    (1)A中的but為介詞,意為"除了",相當(dāng)于except,而B、C 中的but

均為連詞,but前后須為對等成分 。

    (2)not only(或just)后接句子置于句首時, 句子要采用部分倒裝,

但but(also)后的句子則不要倒 裝。C中的結(jié)構(gòu)連接兩個并列主語時,不需要


    (3)"動詞+nothing but+動詞"結(jié)構(gòu),意為"只得干……,除了干……

別無選擇"。前面謂語動詞部 分若含有do的形式,but 后的動詞為省略to的

不定式,若前面無do的形式,則but后用帶to 的不定式形式,即 "帶do不


    [考例]①The man looked at the looms but could see______empty frames.

    A.anything but B.everything but

    C.something but D.nothing but(86上海)②I don't want to go not because

being busy

    but because I

    ── ───── ──────

    A B Cenjoy being alone.(B處錯誤,將其改為I am b usy)(93上海)



    No one but he knew about it.

    There's nothing in my pocket but a pen.

    He is not a teacher, but a worker, a very famous workerin our factory.

    They were not the bones of an animal, but (the bones) of a human being.

    He went not to help his father but to borrow money fromhim.他不是

去幫父親的忙,而是去向父 親借錢。

    He failed not because he isn't clever but because hedidn't work hard.

    He can speak not only English but French as well.

    He not only swims very fast but also skates very well.

    The singers do not just come from Hefei but from all overthe country.

    Not only did he teach at school, but he wrote novels. 他不但在學(xué)校



    ┌keep in touch with... ┐

    │ (與……保持聯(lián)系) │

    │get in/into touch with... │

    ┤ (與……取得聯(lián)系) ├(表示動作)

    │lose/ge out of touch with... │

[1] [2] [3] [4] 下一頁

    │(與……失去聯(lián)系) │

    └ ┘

    ┌ be in touch with... ┐

    │ (與……有聯(lián)系) │

    ┤ be out of touch with... ├(表示狀態(tài))

    └ (與……失去聯(lián)系) ┘

    (考例)Here's my card. Let's keep in _________.

    A.touch B.relation

    C.connection D.friendship


    We must keep in touch with what is happening in foreigncountries.

    I haven't been in touch with him since we left schoolfive years ago.

    Write to me as often as you can. I don't want to losetouch with you.

    If you live in the country,you soon get out of touch withthings.

    I'm trying to get in touch with my brother.

    We have been out of touch with them for about ten years.


    (1)請坐!┌Sit down, please.

    │Be seated, please.

    ┤Have a (或your) seat, please.

    │Take a (或your) seat, please.

    └Seat yourself, please.

    (2)┌seat oneself+(地點狀語)

    ┤sit +(地點狀語) (表示動作)

    └be seated+(地點狀語) (表示狀態(tài))

    ┌sitting ┐

    (3)動詞(如see,find)+sb+┤seated ├

    └seating oneself┘


    (4)take(或have)a(或one's)seat就座, 但表達自己坐下時,不能

使用have a (one's)seat。

    [誤]I entered and had a seat.

    [正]I entered and took a (或my)seat.


    The great hall can seat(=hold)2000 people.(考例)①A tall woman

dressed in mourning

    walked through

    ────── ────

    A Bthe door quietly and seated her at t he table in the corner of

    ───── ────────

    C Dthe room.(C處錯誤,將her改為herself)(' 91上海)

    ②Seated himself in a chair, Mr Crossett began to look

    ─── ── ───

    A Bthrough the evening paper and suddenly he heard a knock at────

    ── C Dthe door. ('93上海)(A處錯誤,將Seated改為Seating)

    ③Shortly after we________, a waiter came over to ourtable with a


    A.seated B.were seated

    C.sat ourselves D.took places('95上海)

    They were found seated in the classroom, preparing forthe exam.

    —When did the lecture begin?

    —When all the students were seated, the professor beganhis lecture.


    (1)wish/expect/hope/want to do sth.

    (2)wish/expect/want sb. to do sth. (hope 不能用于該句型,但可用

hope for sb. to do sth.)

    (3)wish/expect/hope that從句(want一般不能用于該句型)wish(that)

┌S+V-ed(與現(xiàn)在事實情況 相反)




    └ (與將來事實情況相反)

    (4)wish/hope for sth.(expect和want不能用于該句型)

    (5)wish sb. sth.(只有wish可用于該句型,主要用于表示祝愿)wish sb.

success(a pleasant jou rney, good luck, a MerryChristmas, a Happy New



    A.┌expect,want┐to have done sth.

    └hope,wish ┘


    had┌hoped,wanted ┐to do sth.



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>    (7)hope so/hope not或don't hope so[考例]①—He is a very brave


    —Yes, I wish I _______ his courage.

    A.have B.had

    C.will have D.would have (MET85)

    ②I wish I_______you yesterday.

    A. seen B.did see

    C.had seen D.were to see


    ③I hope________happy while you are here.

    A.you to be B.for your being

    C you will be D.your being ('90上海)

    ④We_______each other the best of luck in the examination.

    A.hoped B.wished

    C.expected D.wanted(NMET91)

    He said he hoped to be back soon.

    I hope I can pass the examination.

    Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

    —Will it be fine tomorrow?—I hope so.

    I hardly expected to find you still here.

    I expected you to be here promptly.

    You can't expect that she should receive him.

    He wants you to see him in his office tomorrow.

    I wish I could give you a hand.

    Mother wished me to become a doctor.

    How I wish for a computer of my own!

    How I wished I hadn't told him about the sad news!

    I wish you had sent him a message yesterday.

    I hope to have seen you off yesterday, but I haven't time.

    =I had hoped to see you off yesterday, but I haven't time.


    (1)defeat sb.

    (2)beat sb.(或team)

    (3)win a game (war,prize,race,bet, match, one's respect,the

election,one's admiration)

    After eight years of fighting, the Chinese people at lastdefeated the

Japanese invaders.


    My sister came first and won the race yesterday.

    I'm sure he will win the game.

    He won the love and respect of the surrounding peasants.

    The enemy was beaten in the battle.

    She beat her brother at tennis.



    adj.(1)be good at

    (2)be good for sth.

    [反]be bad for sth.

    (3)be good to sb.(good=kind)

    (4)be good to do(good=fit)

    (5)It's good (of sb) to do sth.(good=nice,kind)

    (6)good and+adj./adv.(good=nice)


    (7)Would you be so good as to do sth.

    =Would you be good enough to do sth.(good=kind)

    (8)a good┌many+n.(復(fù))+v.(復(fù))

    ┤number of (good=great=large)

    └deal of(good=great)

    比較:many a+n.(單)+v.(單)


    (9)make good use of (good=full)

    (10)have a good look at

    (11)give sb. a good beating

    (12)teach sb. a good lessonn. (1)do sb.good=do good to sb.

    比較:do sb. harm=do harm to sb.

    do sb. wrong=do wrong to sb.冤枉某人

    (2)for the good of (good=benefit)

    (3)It's (There's) no good doing sth.(good=use)

    (4)What's the good of...?(good=use)(考例)John is very

good_____sports. He's a member of ourfootball team.

    A.to B.at

上一頁  [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一頁

>    C.from D.of('86上海)

    I suggested that you not drink so much just for the goodof your health.

    Vegetables are good for your health.

    The water in the well is good to drink.

    He's always been good to me.

    Their team gave us a good beating.

    It's good of you to help me with my English.

    It's no good crying now!

    What's the good/What good is having a car if you can'tdrive!

    We must make good use of our time.


    (1)prepare sth.準備……

    (2)prepare for sth.為……作準備

    (3)be prepared for sth./to do sth.對(干)……有心理上的準備=get/be

ready for sth./to do sth.

    (4)make preparations for

    (5)prepare sb./oneself for sth./to do sth.使某人(自己)對(干)……


    (6)prepare to do sth.

    (7)prepare sb. sth.為某人準備……(考例)The secretary worked late

into the night, ___ ____along speech for the president.

    A.to prepare B.preparing

    C.prepared D.was preparing


    The students are preparing for the sports meet.

    =The students are getting ready for the sports meet.

    =The students are making preparations for the sports meet.

    We're preparing to go on a holiday to Beijing next week.

    Yesterday when he came to see me, I was preparing mylessons.

    We should prepare the children for the examination. 我們應(yīng)該使孩子


    Jack is preparing himself to sit for the examination. 杰克正在準備


    You must be prepared to take the work.

    九、reach v. &n.

    (1)reach(更正式)=arrive in/at=get to


    (3)reach sb.送達某人手里

    (4)reach sth.夠到什么

    (5)reach (out)(sth.) for sth.

    (6)within one's reach=within the reach of sb.某人能夠到……

    (7)out of one's reach=out of the reach of sb.某人夠不到……

    [考例]—Where is the new dictionary?

    —It's on the top shelf, out of_________.

    A.reach B.sight

    C.touch D.order ('97海淀模擬)

    The banana was out of the monkey's reach.

    The sound reached to the back of the hall.

    Your letter reached me this morning.

    I can't reach the book on the shelf. Can you help me?

    He reached (out) for a piece of cake.

    The beggar reached out his hand for money.

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語文 -擴展語句08-16

