


時間:2023-02-27 05:48:48 高二英語教案 我要投稿
  • 相關(guān)推薦


Unit One
1. inspiration
You can’t paint a picture without an inspiration.
The artist’s inspiration was from nature.
inspire inspired inspiring
inspire sb. to do sth.
He is inspired by the sweet words.
He gives us an inspiring speech.
2. undertake
We undertook the task of cleaning the house.
He undertook to finish the job by Friday.
I can’t undertake that you’ll enjoy the party.
3. obvious
Her displeasure was obvious.
He obviously enjoyed his work.
3. within
The farmhouse is within five miles from here.
The task was within the man’s power.
He promised that the roof should be prepared within two days.
from within --- from under --- from behind ---
4. similar
They have similar political views.
My wife and I have similar tastes in music.
be similar to
His views are similar to mine.
be the same as --- be different form ---
similarity similarly
My brother was taught to read by my mother, and similarly, so was I.
There’s not much similarity between the two brothers.
5. debate
We debated until the bar closed.
I debated whether to accept the job.
debate with sb. on/upon/about sth.
debate sth with sb.
have a debate over/against 辯論反對
talk about/discuss
6. genius
She has genius.
have a genius for ---
She has a genius for maths.
7. need
The house needs/wants/requires repairing.
There is no need (for sb.) to do sth.
There is no use doing sth.
I need to do the work.
*. mind He is the greatest mind of our time.
8. imagination
He is a person of great imagination.
imaginary imaginative
imagine sth./clause
imagine(sb.) doing
imagine sb. to be ---
You can’t imagine how I missed the bird.
8. mind
His mind is not entirely on his work.
An idea has just come into my mind.
out of sight, out of mind
keep sth. in mind
have sth. in mind
change one’s mind
make up one’s mind (keep one’s mind on ---
be engaged in --- be addicted to --- be buried in --- )
9. be known for/as be famous for/as
10. It won’t make any difference to me.
11. on fire on leave/on business/on holiday/on a trip to
catch fire make a fire light a fire start/cause a fire play with fire open fire set fire to sth set sth. on fire
12. in common
have a lot/much/little/nothing in common
in common with --- common mistakes/diseases
13. be prepared for prepare for
14. knowledge
Knowledge is power.
I learned a lot of knowledge from his lesson.
I have a wide/good knowledge of history.
15. There’s no doubt that --- I have no doubt that ---
16. promise promising
make/break/tear up/keep carry out a promise
He is a poet of promise. = He is a promising poet.
promise sb. sth. promise to do/promise sb. to do
I’ve promised her to attend her wedding.
It promises to be fine tomorrow.
a promising graduate
graduate from --- in --- 畢業(yè)于某大學(xué)某專業(yè)。
after graduation/after one’s graduation
17. cure
cure sb. of sth. a cure for cancer.
18. hope for the future 對本來的希望
19. There is much/little/no point in doing ---
There seems no point in doing ---
There happened to be/used to be/must be/might be/can’t be ---
20. work on a new project work out a plan
work at a problem
21. go by Times go by.
Don’t let the chance go by
22. rather You’ve done rather well.
I had a rather hard time./ I had rather a hard time.
It rather surprised me. rather too ---
23. be engaged to sb. be engaged in ---.
I have an engagement at four.
24. in order to/so as to/in order that/so that
25. instead of/instead
26. go on with/to do/doing sth.
27. stop/prevent/keep sb. from doing sth.
28. dream a dream dream of going abroad
29. a thought came to him a thought struck him.
It occurred to him that he had left his key at home.
at the thought of --- at the sight of ---
deep in thought have no/some thought of
30. seek
seek one’s fortune seek happiness seek one’s advice
They are seeking work.
seek to do (試圖、設(shè)法、企圖做某事)
We sought to change her mind.
seek for (look for) I’m seeking for information.
31. on the one hand --- on the other hand ---
32. turn out (to be)
33. You can’t match him in knowledge of wild plants.
I want a tie that will match this suit.
34. He gave me some sound and practical advice.
35. be used to do be used for
36. usual than usual as usual
37. use up/run up
Their money has been used up. His money has run up.
38. search for look for
39. take measures to do sth. take steps/ action to do sth.
40. realize/come true
41. be satisfied with ---
satisfying satisfactory satisfaction
42. be curious about/to do sth. curiously curiosity
43. What if we are late for class?
44. a solution to ---
45. It’s outside/beyond my power to help you this time.
He lost his power to speech.
He took power last year and is still in power now.
a powerful swimmer
46. take a closer look at --- have a closer look at ---
be close to a close friend
47. describe --- as
give a description of sth. beyond description
48. at one time at a time at the same time
in no time at no time ahead of time on time
in time behind the times for the first time
for the time being kill time take one’s time
48. I was in heaven when I heard the news.
Good heavens! What has happened to him?
49. position
The house has a good position.
get a position/hold a position in the company.
He is a man of high position. a high position in society
What’s your position on this matter?
50. from season to season from house to house
from door to door from mouth to mouth from hand to hand
from generation to generation from village to village.
51. believe in/believe
52. on the other way around
53. punish punishment
He escape punishment.
54. mean doing sth./mean to do sth. meaning
55. come up (with)
He came up with a new suggestion.
The question came up at the meeting.
56. intelligent intelligence
He is a man of high intelligence.
57. prove I’ll prove to you that I’m right.
Your advice proved to be useful.
58. success
have success in --- be successful in ---
successfully succeed in doing ---
The play proved to be a great success.
Unit Two
1. media medium
Money is a medium for buying and selling.
The news media are covering the election thoroughly.
2. one’s opinion on/upon/of --- 某人對--- 的意見、看法。
What’s your opinion of this matter?
in one’s opinion
3. comparison
make a comparison compare A with/to B
in comparison with compared with/to
by comparison beyond comparison
4. reliable rely rely on sb. to do sth.
Is this information reliable?
5. interview interviewer interviewee
have an interview with sb.
give an interview to sb.
6. face: face the park face south
The difficulty facing us is transportation.
be faced with ---
We are faced with the same problem.
face to face in one’s face in (the)face of
make a face/make faces
7. nosy
I don’t like him, because he is very nosy.
have one’s nose in a book.
nose about/around
9. generous
be generous to sb.
be generous with sth/in doing sth.
a generous meal a generous harvest.
10. positive ; 肯定的,確切的,明確的 negative
She was positive (sure) she had seen him before.
His answer is negative.
11. elect: election elect sb. to be/as
12. rob:
rob sb. of sth. rob sth./sb. robber robbery
13. burn down/burn sth. to the ground
14. beat: (heart) beat fast beat the wings
(waves) beat the shore (rain) beat the window beat sb.
15. go up rise go down fall
raise bring up bring down
His temperature is going up.
16. would rather
would rather (not) do would rather (not) have done
would rather --- than --- I’d rather you came tomorrow.
17. What do you think of --- How do you like/find --- ?
18. have some/much/a lot of/plenty of/ little/no difficulty in doing sth/with sth.
There’s some/lots of /plenty of/ little/ no difficulty in doing sth/ with sth.
get over the difficulty get/run into difficulty in difficulty
out of a difficulty with difficulty without difficulty
19. more than:
There were more than 100 people at the party.
This museum is more than a museum. I have learned a lot in it.
She is more weak than lazy.
20. record:
set/hold/keep/break/beat/a record
He has a fine record at school.
play a record make a record
keep a record/records of sth.
Please keep a record of what was said.
21. experienced:
He is an experienced worker.
be experienced in ---
a person of great experience
22. informed inform information
make informed decisions 做出了解情況的決定
Keep me informed of the latest developments.
a well-informed person.
inform sb. of sth. inform sb. that ---
inform sb. wh- to do
23. relate related two related questions
relate to 和 --- 有關(guān); 和 --- 相處得好、合得來。
be related to 1.與…有關(guān) 2.與…有親戚關(guān)系
This paragraph relates to the October Revolution.
She\'s best at relating to people.
She doesn’t relate very well to her step-mother.
They are related to me by marriage.
24. talented adj.有天才的,有天份的 talent
John is a very talented boy.
have a talent for = have a genius for
Writing poetry is one of his many talents.
25. switch roles:
switch of the machine, please.
switch on/off Switch off the machine, please.
He is always switching from one job to another.
26. rather than: 而不是; 與其 --- 寧愿 ---
The color seems green rather than blue.
He left rather than cause trouble.
This is rather for your father than for you.


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