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新高一 unit 15 教案第一課時

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新高一 unit 15 教案(第一課時)

Unit 15 The necklace

新高一 unit 15 教案(第一課時)

.Teaching Goals:

1.Talk about drama and theatre.

2.Use the modal verbs:must,can/could,may/might

(1)ask for permission;(2)ask about possibilities

3.Write and act a simple play.

Ⅱ.Teaching Time:

Four periods

The First Period

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the following words:

footprint shoeprint fingerprint tire mystery mysterious scary dormitory

2.Do some listening.

3.Do some speaking by acting out some short plays.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Do listening and speaking practice.

2.Improve the students' listening ability.

3.Improve the students speaking ability by acting out some short plays in English.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to finish the task of speaking.

2.How to make up short plays.

Teaching Methods:

1.Warming up to arouse the students' interest in creating good stories.

2.Listening-and-choosing activity to help the students go through with the listening material and understand it.

3.Making and acting out simple plays to practise the students' speaking ability.

4.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Procedures:

Step . Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step . Lead-in

T:Have you read thrilling and exciting stories?

S1:Yes,I've read one.It is Huckleberry Finn.It was written by Mark Twain.It tells us something about a boy who met with much danger and trouble.

T:Have you seen the soul-stirring film?

S2:Yes.I have seen the film“Titanic”.It tells us that the largest and finest ship at that time sank because it hit an iceberg.It is terrible to see the ship sink under the sea.

T:I think most of you have seen the film.It is really a good and soul-stirring film.It won its Oscar.It is well worth seeing.OK.Which of you had adventurous experience?

S3:I had one.

T:Would you like to tell us your experience?

S3:I'd love to.One afternoon when I went home after school,I found our door open.Suddenly I felt something happen.It was a thief who broke into my house.I was about to leave for help when the thief saw me,He tied me to a chair and took away our money and some valuable things.It took me an hour to untie the rope and call the police.

T:What an advanture experience!Sometimes,all of us are likely to be in trouble.What should we do when we get into trouble?Now we'll have a discussion in pairs.Begin,please.

(After two minutes,teacher collects some advice from the students and shows them on the screen.)

Step . Warming up

T:Today a foreign senior boy and a Chinese senior girl are travelling on a small island.They have adventurous experience.Now open your books and look at the pictures in Unit 15.Make up a story about something happening to the boy and the girl.Prepare it in four groups.

(Teacher gives students enough time to prepare it.Then ask one group to read the story.)

T:(After some minutes.)Are you ready?Now I'll ask one group to read the story to the whole class.Which group will try?

Group 2:A foreign senior boy and a Chinese senior girl were travelling on a small island when they met an old wise man with long beard.They talked with the man,who had a map in his hand.He told them there were valuables in a certain castle according to the map.So the boy and the girl came to a secret chambers in a mysterious castle on the island and they found a box full of jewellery.They were very excited.And they were thinking about what to do when a huge monster appeared.The monster was angry with them and began to run after them.They were frightened and ran quickly.But the monster went on running after them and they couldn't get away from the monster.At that time the wise old man suddenly appeared before them and helped them leave the dangerous situation.At last he told them that everyone liked treasures.But only when we worked hard by hand to get treature could we own them.

T:Thank you for your story.

Step . Listening

T:Now let's do some listening.Listen to a short play on the tape.The play has three scenes.There are two questions for each scene.First we'll learn some new words on the blackboard.(Write the words“footprints,shoeprints,fingerprints”on the blackboard.)We have known“print”means“a mark mad e on a surface showing the shape pattern of a thing”.Can you guess the meaning of the words?

S4:I'll try.I think“footprint”is a mark made by the foot of a person or an animal.

S5:I think“shoeprint”is a mark made by a sole of a shoe.

S6:“fingerprint”is a mark or pattern of lines made by the end of a finger.

T:(Teacher shows some pictures on the screen.)

Yes.You are right.Look at the pictures.(Teacher points at them.)This is a footprint.This is a shoeprint and this is a fingerprint.

footprint             shoeprint fingerprint

(Teacher writes the words“tire,mystery”on the blackboard and explain them.)

T:Now look at your books on Page 11 and go through the information and make sure you know what you must do before listening.

(After a while.)

T:Now,do you know what you should do after you listen to the tape?


T:I'll play the tape three times.For the first time,you just listen to get a general idea.Then listen to the tape a second time and do the exercise.At last you can check your answers when I play the taperecorder for the third time.Let's begin.

(If the students have any difficulty,teacher plays it once more.At last,teacher checks the answers.)

Step . Speaking

T:You have read,seen and heard many exciting stories.Have you written any plays?

Ss:No,we haven't.

T:Today we'll write one to give the rein to your imagination.Before doing it,first read the situations and choose one of them to make up a short play,according to the situation you choose.Meanwhile,pay attention to the meanings of a few words:scary,mysterious,dormitory.

(Teacher writes them on the blackboard and explains them to the students.)Now you are divided into three groups.One group,one short play.After ten minutes,I will ask each group to act out the play in front of the class.

(After some time,teacher asks each group to act out the play before class.)

Step . Summary and Homework

T:In this class,we've made up a story and a play and listened to a short play.You have done very well in class.After class,please remember and use the new words of this period.(Pointing to the blackboard.)Tell your story and perform your play.The more you practise,the better you'll speak English.Practice makes perfect.We should always remember this.So much for this class.Class is over.


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