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初三下學期 Unit 17 The missing necklace

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初三下學期 Unit 17 The missing necklace




  2.掌握本單元的詞匯和短語,特別是look like,far away,come down等短語的用法。


  4.認真學習“Who stole the necklace?”,培養(yǎng)我們的分析能力、邏輯思維能力。




 。1) This is the present he gave me for my birthday.

 。2) Do you know everybody who came to the party?

  (3) My necklace is not the only thing that is missing.

 。4) This is the cage that Polly lives.

 。5) She is the person that I met at the school gate yesterday.

 。6) The cars which are produced in Hubei Province sell very well.

 。7) I don't like people who talk much but do little.

 。8) Have you called the police?

 。9) Thank you for coming.

 。10) There is no need to thank me.


 。1)Some has stolen my necklace!

 。2)I heard him speak.

 。3)Hands up!

 。4)I’ll shoot anyone who moves.

  (5)There’s no need to thank me.

 。6)Can you remember anything else about him?

 。7)Come down, Polly!


  本單元是圍繞“The missing necklace”展開教學活動的,要求我們在談論有關“失竊”話題時,要注意所使用的時態(tài)和語態(tài)的正確性。本單元的語法功能項目是定語從句。學習定語從句要搞清這么幾方面的關系:1.它是復合句;2.定語從句就名詞或代詞進行修飾;3是找準先行詞(被修飾的名詞或代詞); 4.定語從句緊跟先行詞。認真學習“Who stole the necklace?”,培養(yǎng)我們的邏輯思維能力,同時學會用定語從句來表達較長的句子,注意體會中西方的文化差異。




1. Someone has stolen my necklace. 有人偷走了我項鏈.

 。1) someone = somebody 某人、有人、屬于不定代詞,只有單數(shù)形式。


  例:He’s nobody here in town but he’s a somebody in his own village. 他在這城市默默無聞,但在他本村中并非等閑之輩。


2.He said, “Hands up! …” 他說,“把手舉起來!……”

  Hands up的意思是“舉手”。Hand和不同的介、副詞放在一起具有不同的含義,要注意總結。例如:

  hand in   上交,交給       hand down 傳下來,公布

  hand on   傳給,傳下來     hand out  分發(fā),提供

  hand over  傳(某物)給某人,交出

3.Who would you ask for help if you were robbed?


 。1)在本句中,would ask并非過去將來時,were并非過去時,而是一種虛擬語句表示一種不大可能發(fā)生的假設)的表現(xiàn)形式。

  例:If I were you,I would tell the truth.如果我是你,我就會講實話了。(但是我不是你)

 。2)ask(sb)for help(向……)求助。

 。3)rob(動詞)搶劫、剝奪,其常用句型是rob sb. Of sth.搶去/剝奪走某人的……

  例:That bank was robbed yesterday. 昨晚那銀行被劫。



  I was robbed of my watch.我的手表被搶走了。

  I had my watch stolen.我的手表被偷走了。

4.There is no need to thank me.  不用謝我。

  There is(no)need to do sth.= have(no)need to do sth.表示必須/不必做某事。need在句中作名詞表“需要;缺少,貧困”的意思。也可以作及物動詞或情態(tài)動詞,表“需要,必須”的意思。但需要注意的是:


  (2)didn’t need to do表示“不需要做某事”,而事實上也沒有做;needn’t have done則表示已經做了某事,而事實上“不需要做”,是虛擬語氣用法。例如:

  (1)He felt the need of a better education.他感到有必要受到更好的教育。

 。2)She helped me in my hour of need.她在我困難的時候幫過我。

 。3)He needs a new coat.他需要一件新外套。

 。4)Need they have sold the farm?他們那時非得把農場賣掉嗎?

5.Jim noticed it about an hour ago.吉姆半個小時前注意到了這件事。

  notice在句中是及物動詞,表“注意,觀察到,看到”的意思。notice sb.to do sth.表示“注意到某人做某事”;notice sb.doing sth.則表示“注意到某人正在做某事”。其也可以當名詞用,表“通知,布告,通告,注意”的意思。例如:

 。1)I noticed him dig a hole in the wall.我注意到他在墻上挖了一個洞。

 。2)The cook left without notice.那廚師沒有預先通知就走了。






  (1)What can you see in the picture?在圖畫中你能看到什么?

 。2)Look! How happily they are playing!看!他們玩得多高興!

 。3)He’s watched TV for over two hours.他看了兩個多小時的電視。

 。4)He noticed a purse lying on the road.他注意到地上有個錢包。

6.But when he went to feed her today, she’d gone.


  本句中的’d是had,had gone是過去完成時。它相當于had disappeared,或was missing或was gone。

7. When was the last time you saw the parrot?

  句中的time不是指時間,而是指“次數(shù)”。后面的you saw the parrot是定語從句,是省略了關系代詞that的定語從句,用修飾time的。

【例】(1)The car which/ that my uncle bought last month is very fast.


 。2)The house which/ that we live in is very old.


  (3)Is that the parrot you are looking for?


8.I'm afraid your parrot has seen too many films about stealing.


  句中too many是“許多、太多”的意思,其后接可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)形式;too much也是“許多、太多”的意思,其后接不可數(shù)名詞;much too是“很、非常”的意思,其后接形容詞或副詞。

【例】(1)There are too many books in your son's bag.


 。2)She drank too much water.


 。3)Big computers are much too expensive.


9.We have caught a man who matches Miss Shirley Brown’s description. 我們已逮到了一個與Shirley Brown小姐的描述相符的人。




  例:Can you give me a description of the thief? 你能說出那賊的模樣嗎?它等于Can you describe the thief?

語法:定語從句(The Attributive Clause)



 。╨)The man who lives next to us sells vegetables.

  (2)You must do everything that I do.





【例】A plane is a machine that can fly.

  Who is the man that is reading a book over there?


【例】They planted the trees which didn't need much water.

  The fish which we bought were not fresh.


【例】The boy who broke the window is called Tom.

  Mrs Read is the person to whom you should write.



【例】I’ll never forget the time when we worked on the farm.


【例】This is the house where we lived last year.



【例】The village that she lives in is twenty kilometres away.


  第65課是一段對話,通過妻子向丈夫述說有人偷了她的項鏈的事情。這一課的語法重點是由關系代詞who, that引導的限定性定語從句。有講解相關的知識時,可設計圖文并貌的教學過程,幫助學生理解和掌握定語從句這一語法難點。



  the handsome

  the tall

  the strong

  the clever

  the naughty





 1.The boy is Tom.  The boy has a round face.

  The boy who is smiling is Tom.


 2.The boy is in the lab. You want to talk to him.

  The boy (whom) you want to talk to is in the lab.

  The boy to whom you want to talk is in the lab.


  以上例句中的who 可以用that 來代替,在定語從句中that可以指人或物,代替who,whom,which;在從句中可以作主語、賓語,但不能放在介詞后作介詞賓語。如:

  This is the photo that (which) I took in Beijing last year.

  This is the man that/who lives next door.

  Is this the professor that you talked about yesterday? (about不能放在that前面)


  Which boy do you like better?

Answers list:

  The boy who has a big mouth / has not shoes / has long hairs / with laughing.

  The boy who wears a green sweater / has a plane / was hurt in his leg/ has little hairs / has big eyes.

  The boy who has a blue bag / has a hat / has green shoes.

  The boy who has red button / has purple shoes / is wearing a suit.

  The boy who wears blue coat / has a red bag / has black shoes.

  The boy who is smiling / who is naughty / has brown shoes.

課文Who stole the necklace 的教學建議




Lesson 65教學設計方案一

Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector.

Teaching Objectives:

  1. Understand the dialogue.

  2. Learn the grammar: The Attributive Clause.

Language focus: steal - stole - stolen, shoot - shot - shot, hands up

Teaching Procedures:

I . Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

     Check homework, and get the students to revise the grammar: The Past Perfect Tense

III. Leading in

     Say: Last year, my mother gave me a necklace for my birthday. It was very beautiful. It cost me one thousand yuan. Unluckily, I lost it when I went shopping, perhaps someone stole it. Today we're going to tell a story about the missing necklace.

IV. Presentation

     Play the tape or for the students to listen and answer the question: What happened to the woman? Check the answers with the whole class. Then listen to the tape again and answer the questions in the workbook, Exercise 1.

V. Practice

     Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Explain some language points: hear somebody do something.

     For example:

     1. I often hear him sing in the next room.

     2. I saw him coming into the room.

     Then let the students act out the dialogue.

VI. Presentation

     Write this sentence on the blackboard:

     1. The one that cost a thousand dollars.

     2. Did you see the person who stole it?

     3. I’ll shoot anyone who moves.

     Revise the use of “that” and “who”

VII. Practice

     Part 2. Go through the dialogue. Then let the students make dialogues using the words in the box. Practise the dialogue in pairs.

VIII. Teaching Grammar

     Learn the Attributive Clause, Give the students more examples:

     1. The house ( that ) we live in is very old.

     2. This is the present (that) he gave me for my holiday.

     3. Those are the shoes (that/ which) I lost last week.

     4. The cars which are produced in Hubei sell very well.

     Explain the grammar in Chinese. (在復合句中,修飾一個名詞或代詞的從句叫定語從句,引導定語從句的關系代詞有that, which, 和who。當關系代詞在定語從句中用作定語時,關系代詞常被省去。)

IX. Summary

                                  Exercises in class

     Fill in the blanks with that, which or who.

     1. Do you know the man ________ came to see Xiao Yang this morning?

     2. There are many plays _________ I’d like to see.

     3. The people _________ you were talking to were Australians.

     4. The train _________ has just left is for Xi’an.

X. Homework

  Revise the use of the Attributive Clause.

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