


時(shí)間:2023-05-28 16:06:25 合同范本 我要投稿




英文合同 篇1

  office lease agreement (agent)


  公司地址: 郵編:承租方(乙方):


  lessee (party b):


  post code:根據(jù)《中華人民共和國合同法》及有關(guān)規(guī)定,為明確出租方與承租方的權(quán)利義務(wù)關(guān)系,經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商一致,簽訂本合同。

  in accordance with “contract law of prc.” and other related regulations, in order to definite rights and duties of the lessor and the lessee, party a and party b agree to sign this office lease agreement after negotiation.第一條辦公室座落、間數(shù)、面積、面積計(jì)算

  article 1: location, amount, area of the room and its calculation

  甲方向乙方提供甲方貨運(yùn)站內(nèi) 樓no. 房間,使用面積


  party a shall provide party b with room(s) of no. with the utility area of

  square meters as party b’s operation office in pactl.第二條辦公室配套設(shè)施及服務(wù)

  article 2: auxiliary equipment and service


  party a shall hand over the room(s) at the present natural condition to party b, and provide the facilities use and services in pactl as follows:


  illumination power supply


  running water (not including drinking water)


  air condition equipment


  public toilets


  cleaning in public area乙方同意按其辦公室內(nèi)獨(dú)立的電表讀數(shù)和上海市物價(jià)局規(guī)定的電費(fèi)價(jià)格,支付每月的用電費(fèi)用。

  party b agrees to pay electricity fee monthly according to the electricity price regulated by shanghai pricing bureau and the readings of separate ammeter for its office.第三條租賃期限

  article 3: lease term

  1.租賃期共 年零 月,出租方從 年 月 日起將出租辦公室交付承租方使用,至 年 月 日收回。

  lease term is (years) (months). party a shall hand over the rooms to party b on and take them back on .2.任何一方終止合同或變更合同內(nèi)容,均需提前60天書面通知對(duì)方, 否則, 本合同被視為自動(dòng)延續(xù)。

  each party has to furnish the other party at least 60 days with prior written notice for termination or change in this agreement, otherwise this agreement shall be deemed to extend automatically.第四條權(quán)利和義務(wù)

  article 4: rights & duties


  during the term of this contract, party b should comply with the bylaw << shanghai regional administration regulations of civil airport >>, the administrative rules and regulations regarding to cargo terminal operation & security.2.乙方對(duì)其租賃辦公室區(qū)域內(nèi)所有財(cái)產(chǎn)實(shí)施管理,并對(duì)其安全負(fù)責(zé)。甲方對(duì)該區(qū)域內(nèi)屬于乙方的財(cái)產(chǎn)的損壞、滅失等不承擔(dān)責(zé)任,除非該損失是由于甲方的疏忽或故意行為造成的。

  party b should hold the responsibility for management and security of all its properties in the office leased by party b. party a shall not be liable for any loss of and damage to the properties that belong to party b, unless such loss or damages are caused due to negligence or willful misconduct of party a.3.乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可以終止合同、收回辦公室:

  if any of the situations mentioned below occurs, party a has the right to terminate the agreement and take the office back.


  party b rents, or sells or lends the office to third party without party a’s permission.


  party b uses the renting office for illegal activities and harms the public benefits.

 。ǎ常┮曳酵锨纷饨鹄塾(jì)達(dá) 3 個(gè)月的;

  party b delays payment for 3 months.


  party b has activities that party a does not permit as in article 6.4.合同期滿后,如甲方仍繼續(xù)出租辦公室的,乙方享有優(yōu)先權(quán)。如乙方無故逾期不搬遷,由此給甲方造成的一切損失由乙方承擔(dān)。

  party b will have priority to lease if party a continues to rent out the office when this contract expires. if party b delays to move out at the end of lease term without acceptable reasons, party b will bear all loss caused to party a.第五條租金、物業(yè)管理費(fèi)、電費(fèi)以及交納期限

  article 5: rent, property management fee, electricity fee and payment

  1.租金:每平方米 220.00元/月,總計(jì) 元/月。

  the rent shall be cny 220.00 per square meter per month based on utility area with the total rent of cny .2.物業(yè)管理費(fèi):每平方米 5.00元/月,總計(jì) 元/月。甲方有權(quán)根據(jù)市場(chǎng)物價(jià)指數(shù),每年上調(diào)該物業(yè)管理費(fèi)不大于15%。

  property management fee is cny5.00 per square meter per month, totally cny . party a has the right based on the pricing index to increase with certain amount (not surpass 15%).3.租金及物業(yè)管理費(fèi)的交納期限:乙方同意租金按季度于每季度的第一個(gè)月的'10日前提前交付于甲方指定帳戶內(nèi)。

  payment of rent and property management: party b agrees to transact the payment to bank account appointed by party a before 10th of the first month for each quarter.4.電費(fèi)的交納期限:甲乙雙方商定,除非另有約定,在每月的最后一天共同核定電表讀數(shù),然后由甲方向乙方發(fā)出付款通知書,乙方在收到該通知后的7個(gè)工作日內(nèi)將該月的電費(fèi)交付于甲方指定帳戶內(nèi)。

  payment of electricity fee: unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties, party a and party b together confirm the reading of ammeter on the last day of each calendar month, then party a issue party b a payment statement. party b will pay the electricity fee to the bank account appointed by party a within 7 working days upon the receipt of the statement.(帳號(hào):上海浦東發(fā)展銀行空港支行 0763894135002616)。

  (account no.: shanghai pudong development bank shanghai konggang subbranch, 0763894135002616)第六條辦公室的裝修及使用


  party b shall not change the structure and original style of the office during decoration without party a’s written consent. party b is required prior decoration to render to party a a statement detailing the office decoration scheme, including design drawing, decoration materials, list of equipment to be used and so on. only with written consent from party a, which shall not be unduly withheld, can the decoration be carried out.2.乙方如對(duì)辦公室進(jìn)行裝修時(shí),不得擅自改變辦公室內(nèi)的電源、通訊等線路和空調(diào)、噴淋等各種管路的原有走向,如確因使用電腦或其它辦公設(shè)備而需增加電源插座時(shí),應(yīng)在裝修方案中列明,獲允許后方可施工,施工完畢后由甲方查驗(yàn)。如有損壞,除負(fù)責(zé)修復(fù)外,還應(yīng)對(duì)造成的后果承擔(dān)全部責(zé)任。

  party b shall not change the power supply and communication lines, pipelines for airconditioner and sprinkler without permission of party a during decoration. however, if some additional power outlets for computers and other office equipment will really be installed, they should be listed in the office decoration scheme, and only with party a’s permission can the decoration be carried out, which must be checked by party a after the completion of the decoration. if any damage occurs to those facilities, party b should repair the facilities at its own cost and be responsible for any consequence of these damages.3.鑒于辦公室和地坪承載負(fù)荷限制,乙方如對(duì)辦公室進(jìn)行裝修時(shí),不得使用花崗石、大理石等重質(zhì)材料作為地面裝飾。

  considering the bearing capacity of the floor, party b shall not use any heavy materials, such as granite and marble, to decorate the floor.4.為保持整個(gè)貨運(yùn)站建筑和裝飾的統(tǒng)一性,乙方在進(jìn)行辦公室裝修時(shí),不得擅自變換辦公室原有的門、窗及其外部顏色。

  in order to keep the unity of the architecture and decoration of the whole cargo terminal, party b shall not change the doors, windows and their exterior color without permission from party a during decoration.5.鑒于甲方已為乙方提供了空調(diào)設(shè)備,乙方在進(jìn)行辦公室裝修時(shí)或辦公室使用過程中,不得再安裝任何形式的空調(diào)設(shè)備或取暖裝置。乙方同意,在辦公室租用期間,不使用單體耗電量超過300瓦的電氣設(shè)備,每個(gè)接電插座用電容量不超過10安培,以確保貨運(yùn)站的用電安全。

  since party a has provided aircondition equipments to party b, party b shall not install any other airconditioner or heating device when decoration or in duration of the office leased. to ensure the electrical safety of the cargo terminal, party b agrees not to use electric appliances with power consumption surpassing 300w in single, and capacity of each electricity outlet is no larger than 10 a.6.乙方同意不論何種原因致使乙方中止本合同,乙方在遷離貨運(yùn)站時(shí),不得對(duì)原屬于甲方所有的固定設(shè)備或裝置造成損壞,并負(fù)責(zé)將所租用辦公室恢復(fù)至租賃前原樣,但辦公室的正常損耗除外。

  party b agrees that, when party b terminates the agreement, no matter whatever reason will be, party b shall not damage the fixed facilities or equipment owned by party a and be liable to restore the office leased to its original shape and state, normal wear and tear accepted, when withdrawing from the cargo terminal.第七條違約責(zé)任

  article 7: responsibility of agreement violation


  party a shall pay 10%(ten percent) of the annual total rent as compensation to party b in the event party a fails to hand over the lease office to party b at due time specified in articles hereof or has other performance that violates the agreement.2.承租方逾期交付租金或有其他違約事項(xiàng)的,應(yīng)支付違約金為租賃期全部租金的10%。

  party b shall pay 10%(ten percent) of the annual total rent as compensation to party a in the event party b delays payment of rent or has other performance that violates the agreement.第八條免責(zé)條件

  article 8: liabilityfree condition


  party a and party b shall not be responsible for each others’ losses arising from the damage to the office leased and/or property owned by party b caused by force majeure.第九條爭(zhēng)議的解決方式

  article 9: settlement of dispute


  any dispute occurring in the term of this agreement should be settled through negotiation. if it cannot be settled after negotiation, either party can, in compliance with the arbitration law of prc, apply for arbitration in shanghai arbitration committee. the arbitration award shall be final and binding on both parties.第十條 本合同未盡事宜,一律按《中華人民共和國合同法》的有關(guān)規(guī)定,經(jīng)合同雙方共同協(xié)商,作出補(bǔ)充規(guī)定,補(bǔ)充規(guī)定與本合同具有同等效力。

  article 10: any matters not stipulated in this agreement shall be settled in the addendum after mutual negotiation between party a and party b as per the relevant regulations in the “contract law of prc”. the addendum and the agreement shall be equally authentic.第十一條 本合同正本采用中英文兩種文字混合,一式2份,出租方、承租方各執(zhí)1份,兩種文字具有同等法律效力。兩種文字如有不符,以中文文本為準(zhǔn),經(jīng)雙方簽字后正式生效。

  article 11: this agreement is executed in 2 (two) originals (mixture of english and chinese), 1 (one) for each party. the two languages have the same legal effects, and chinese version will prevail if any conflicts existing between two language contents. this agreement shall become effective on the date of execution.簽約方 :


  pactl west





  signerbettina ganghofer


  title付總經(jīng)理/deptuty genertal manager



英文合同 篇2

  農(nóng)信借字( )第 號(hào)


  借款人: 經(jīng)貸款人、借款人協(xié)商一致,根據(jù)國家有關(guān)法律、法規(guī)、規(guī)章的


  第一條 貸款人同意向借款人發(fā)放以下內(nèi)容貸款:



  (三)借款金額 (大寫)

  (四)借款期限:自年月月日止。 具體用款、還款計(jì)劃如下(略)



  第二條 借款人承諾:








  第三條 貸款人承諾




  第四條 借款方因特殊情況不能按期償還貸款,應(yīng)在貸款到期前 天內(nèi)向貸款方提出書面申請(qǐng)。經(jīng)貸款人同意,簽訂展期協(xié)議后,方可延長(zhǎng)還款期限,但貸款利率要按累計(jì)期限檔次確定。

  第五條 違約責(zé)任:

  1、 不按期歸還貸款本金又獲準(zhǔn)展期,從逾期之日起利率萬分之 計(jì)收利息;

  2、 不按期償付貸款利息,貸款人對(duì)借款人款支付的利息計(jì)收復(fù)利;

  3、不按合同規(guī)定使用貸款,按擠占挪用處理,此期間對(duì)擠占挪用部分按日利率萬分之 計(jì)收利息。



  1、貸款人不能按期、按額向借款人提供資金時(shí),按違約數(shù)額和延期天數(shù)處以日利率萬分之 的違約金;


  第六第 貸款到期收回貸款或依照本合同條五條提前收回貸款均可直接從借款人賬戶中扣收。

  第七條 本合同發(fā)生糾紛



  第八條 其他約定事項(xiàng)

  第九條 本合同未盡事宜,遵照國家有關(guān)法律、法規(guī)和規(guī)章辦理。

  第十條 本合同一式二份,借款、貸款人各待一份。本合同自各方簽章之起生效。

  簽約時(shí)間 年 月 日


英文合同 篇3


  采 購 合 同

  Contract NO.








  Add. :

  電話: 傳真:






  Add. :

  電話: 傳真:


  This purchase contract (hereafter abbreviated “contract”) is signed by and between the Buyer and the Seller upon equal negotiations based on the Contract Law of P..R .China and other relevant laws and

  regulations.. Both parties agree to sell and buy goods on following terms and conditions.

  此銷售合同(以下簡(jiǎn)稱“合同”)根據(jù) <<中華人民共和國合同法>>及相關(guān)法律法規(guī)并經(jīng)由買賣雙方經(jīng)平等協(xié)商后共同簽定,買方與賣方均同意以下條款和條件購買和出售貨物。

  Purchasing Contract terms and conditions of ***garments Season: ***服裝采購合同條款:

  1. Description, quantity, unit price, total amount and

  other details of the goods ordered please refer to detail order, invoice and packing list. The name of the issuing company of invoice must be the same as the seller.


  2. Country of origin: China


  Delivery: The seller shall deliver the goods to the warehouse as previously agreed between the two parties.


  The quality of all the garments shall answer for the updated, valid Standard of the Nation and the industry. In case the garments are unqualified or for other reason that shall ascribe the seller’s fault, which brings losses of or damages (including but not limited to fine, expropriate, damage to Goodwill, lawyer’s fee and other losses for the buyer ’s breach of law or

  contract because of the seller fault) to the buyer, the buyer shall has the right to ask seller for damages.


  Seller shall provide 7 original copies of "Approved" Quality Inspection Certificate for each fabric used to produce

  MOTIVI different models 7 days before the delivery date. The certificate must be issued by a Chinese official quality testing

  department, the samples that the seller send to quality test lab shall be representative, can represent the quality of the goods, and the test must follow the Basic Standard GB18401 and include the composition of the fabric. The buyer will settle the payment according to the contract after received the test report and other related documentations (Packing list, Invoice of Goods etc.).

  賣方應(yīng)于交貨日 七 日前向買方提供由中國官方質(zhì)檢部門認(rèn)可的質(zhì)檢機(jī)構(gòu)出具的所有用來制作。***服裝的面料的合格質(zhì)檢報(bào)告原件 7 份,賣方向質(zhì)檢機(jī)構(gòu)送檢的樣品應(yīng)具有代表性,能夠代表大貨質(zhì)量,質(zhì)檢報(bào)告應(yīng)包含纖維含量及國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn) GB18401 的安全技術(shù)要求事項(xiàng)。買方在收到質(zhì)檢報(bào)告、裝箱單、貨物發(fā)票等其他文件后按合同約定付款。

  4. For all the goods, the seller shall issue invoice to the buyer, the invoice shall be invoiced to: *** Co., Ltd


  Kind of invoice issued: People’s Republic of China VAT invoice 發(fā)票開立種類:中華人民共和國增值稅專用發(fā)票。

  5. Terms of Payment: Total amount of payment of goods shall be paid in RMB within 30 days issued the invoices.


  Upon signing the contract, the seller shall provide bank information for the buyer to effect payment.

  買賣雙方簽定訂購合同后,賣方需提供公司銀行資料給予買方支付貨款.。 Payee:




  A/C No.:


  6. Intellectual Property Right

  All the goods, documents and materials that the Seller gets to may concerns intellectual property right of the buyer and *** Group, especially may contains trade marks, copyright and business

  secret of the buyer and *** group. The seller shall keep secret and shall procure that its employee, agent and any other persons who may have access to the above-mentioned information keep

  confidentiality and shall not use it for any purpose at any time or disclose to any third party. The seller shall not

  sell, transfer any products or materials to any third party except for the buyer and *** group that concerns trade marks, other logo or marks, copyright and other intellectual property right of the buyer and *** group, even if for the out season products, substandard products, rest products and unused/waste products or materials. In case the seller breaches, the buyer has the right to ask for indemnification including but not limited investigation fees, lawyer’s fees,compensation as well as all other fees according to the stipulations or Chinese laws.


  7. Both parties will try to resolve any dispute concerning the contract amicably. If the dispute can not be resolved by negotiation, any party may initial legal action.



  All appendixes to this contract should be bonded to the contract as a whole. 本合同所附帶之所有附件及附帶協(xié)議或合同將作為本合同不可分離之一部份. The contract includes two originals signed by the authorized signatories from each party on the following date, each party shall retain one fully signed originals and each copy has equal legal effect.


  This agreement is written in one form of two versions in English and Chinese, if both versions of English and Chinese are found inconsistent, the Chinese version should be the basis to follow.

  本合同為中英文版本書寫, 如合同條款有中英文本不一致之處則以中文為準(zhǔn). Seller:Seller:

  賣方: 買方:

  Authorized representative: Authorized representative:

  授權(quán)代表 授權(quán)代表

  Signature: Signature:

  簽名: 簽名:


  蓋章: 蓋章:


  日期: 日期:

英文合同 篇4


  甲方:Party A: 乙方:Party B:

  合同編號(hào): Contract No


  簽約地點(diǎn):Signed at:



  Witnesses that the Party A for considerations hereinafter named, contracts and agrees with the Party B that Party A will, within_____ days, next following the date hereof, build and finish a Libarary Building for Party B. ( the building hereinafter is referred to as the said building.) The said building is of the following dimensions, with reinforced concrete, brick, stones and other materials, as are described in plans and specifications gereto annexed.


  In consideration of the foregoing, Party B shall, for itself and its legal representatives, promise to pay Party A the sum of one million RMB yuan in manner as follows, to wit:







  RMB_____at the beginning of the said work.

  RMB_____on _____/ _____/_____( for example: 3/21/20xx)

  RMB_____ on_____/ _____/_____

  RMB_____ on_____/ _____/_____

  RMB_____ on_____/ _____/_____

  And the remaining sum will be paid upon the completion of the work.


  It is further agreed that in order to be entitled to the said payments ( the first one excepted, which is otherwise secured ), Party A or its legal representatives shall, according to the architect's appraisement, have expended, in labor and material, the value of the payments already received by Party A, on the building, at the time of payment.


  For failure to accomplish the faithful performance of the agreement aforesaid, the party so failing agrees to forfeit and pay to the other_____RMB yuan as fixed and settled damages, within one month form the time so failing.



  In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and year first above written.

  Signed, sealed and delivered

  in the presence of

  甲方:Party A : 乙方:Party B:

英文合同 篇5

  出租方(甲方)lessor (hereinafter referred to as party a) :

  承租方(乙方)lessee (hereinafter referred to as party b) :


  in accordance with relevant chinese laws 、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations ,party a and party b have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.

  一、 物業(yè)地址 location of the premises


  party a will lease to party b the premises and attached facilities all owned by party a itself, which is located at _______________________________________ __________________________ and in good condition for_____________ .

  二、 房屋面積 size of the premises


  the registered size of the leased premises is_________square meters (gross size).

  三、 租賃期限 lease term


  the lease term will be from _____(month) _____(day) _______(year) to ________(month) _____(day) _______(year). party a will clear the premises and provide it to party b for use before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year).

  四、 租金 rental

  1. 數(shù)額:雙方商定租金為每月人民幣_(tái)____________元整, 乙方以___________形式支付給甲方 。

  amount: the rental will be ____________per month. party b will pay the rental

  to party a in the form of ____________in ________________.

  2. 租金按_____月為壹期支付;第一期租金于_______年_____月_____日以前付清;以后每期租金于每月的______日以前繳納,先付后。ㄈ粢曳揭詤R款形式支付租金,則以匯出日為支付日,匯費(fèi)由匯出方承擔(dān))。甲方收到租金后予書面簽收。

  payment of rental will be one installment everymonth(s). the first installment will be paid before_______(month)______(day)__________(year). each successive installment will be paid_____________each month.

  party b will pay the rental before using the premises and attached facilities (in case party b pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter.) party a will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment.

  3. 如乙方逾期支付租金超過十天,則每天以月租金的0.5%支付滯納金;如乙方逾期支付租金超過十五天,則視為乙方自動(dòng)退租,構(gòu)成違約,甲方有權(quán)收回房屋,并追究乙方違約責(zé)任。

  in case the rental is more than ten working days overdue, party b will pay 0.5 percent of monthly rental as overdue fine every day, if the rental be paid 15 days overdue, party b will be deemed to have with drawn from the premises and breach the contract. in this situation, party a has the right to take back the premises and take actions against party b's breach.

  五、 保證金 deposit

  1. 為確保房屋及其附屬設(shè)施之安全與完好,及租賃期內(nèi)相關(guān)費(fèi)用之如期結(jié)算,乙方同意于______年_____月_____日前支付給甲方保證金人民幣 _________元整,甲方在收到保證金后予以書面簽收。

  guarantying the safety and good conditions of the premises and attached facilities and account of relevant fees are settled on schedule during the lease term, party b will pay _________to party a as a deposit before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year). party a will issue a written receipt after receiving the deposit.

  2. 除合同另有約定外,甲方應(yīng)于租賃關(guān)系消除且乙方遷空、點(diǎn)清并付清所有應(yīng)付費(fèi)用后的當(dāng)天將保證金全額無息退還乙方。

  unless otherwise provided for by this contract, party a will return full amount of the deposit without interest on the day when this contract expires and party b clears the premises and has paid all due rental and other expenses.

  3. 因乙方違反本合同的規(guī)定而產(chǎn)生的違約金、損壞賠償金和其它相關(guān)費(fèi)用,甲方可在保證金中抵扣,不足部分乙方必須在接到甲方付款通知后十日內(nèi)補(bǔ)足。

  in case party b breaches this contract, party a has right to deduct the default fine, compensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit . in case the deposit is not sufficient to cover such items, party b should pay the insufficiency within ten days after receiving the written notice of payment from party a.

  六、 甲方義務(wù) obligations of party a

  1. 甲方須按時(shí)將房屋及附屬設(shè)施(詳見附件)交付乙方使用。

  party a will provide the premises and attached facilities (see the appendix of furniture list for detail) on schedule to party b for using.

  2. 房屋設(shè)施如因質(zhì)量原因、自然損耗或?yàn)?zāi)害而受到損壞,甲方有修繕并承擔(dān)相關(guān)費(fèi)用的責(zé)任。

  in case the premise and attached facilities are damaged by quality problems, natural damages or disasters, party a will be responsible to repair and pay the relevant expenses.

  3. 甲方應(yīng)確保出租的房屋享有出租的權(quán)利,反之如乙方權(quán)益因此遭受損害,甲方應(yīng)負(fù)賠償責(zé)任。

  party a will guarantee the lease right of the premises. otherwise, party a will be responsible to compensate party b's losses.

  七、 乙方義務(wù) obligations of party b

  1. 乙方應(yīng)按合同的規(guī)定按時(shí)支付定金、租金及保證金。

  party b will pay the rental, the deposit and other expenses on time.

  2. 乙方經(jīng)甲方同意,可在房屋內(nèi)添置設(shè)備。租賃期滿后,乙方將添置的設(shè)備搬走,并保證不影響房屋的完好及正常使用。

  party b may decorate the premises and add new facilities with party a's approval. when this contract expires, party b may take away the added facilities which are removable without changing the good conditions of the premises for normal use.

  3. 未經(jīng)甲方同意,乙方不得將承租的房屋轉(zhuǎn)租或分租,并愛護(hù)使用該房屋如因乙方過失或過錯(cuò)致使房屋及設(shè)施受損,乙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)賠償責(zé)任。

  party b will not transfer the lease of the premises or sublet it without party a's approval and should take good care of the premises. otherwise, party b will be responsible to compensate any damages of the premises and attached facilities caused by its fault and negligence.

  4. 乙方應(yīng)按本合同規(guī)定合法使用該房屋,不得擅自改變使用性質(zhì)。乙方不得在該房屋內(nèi)存放危險(xiǎn)物品。否則,如該房屋及附屬設(shè)施因此受損,乙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)全部責(zé)任。

  party b will use the premises lawfully according to this contract without changing the nature of the premises and storing hazardous materials in it. otherwise, party b will be responsible for the damages caused by it

  5. 乙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)租賃期內(nèi)的水、電、煤氣、電訊、收視費(fèi)、等一切因?qū)嶋H使用而產(chǎn)生的費(fèi)用,并按單如期繳納。

  party b will bear the cost of utilities such as communications, water, electricity, gas, management fee etc. on time during the lease term.

  八、 合同終止及解除的'規(guī)定 termination and dissolution of the contract

  1. 乙方在租賃期滿后如需退租或續(xù)租,應(yīng)提前兩個(gè)月通知甲方,由雙方另行協(xié)商退租或續(xù)租事宜。在同等條件下乙方享有優(yōu)先續(xù)租權(quán)。

  within two months before the contract expires, party b will notify party a if it intends to extend the leasehold. in this situation, two parties will discuss matters over the extension.

  2. 租賃期滿后,乙方應(yīng)在當(dāng)天將房屋交還甲方;任何滯留物,如未取得甲方諒解,均視為放棄,任憑甲方處置,乙方?jīng)Q無異議。

  when the lease term expires, party b will return the premises and attached facilities to party a within days. any belongings left in it without party a's previous understanding will be deemed to be abandoned by party b. in this situation, party a has the right to dispose of it and party a will raise no objection.

  3. 本合同一經(jīng)雙方簽字后立即生效;未經(jīng)雙方同意,不得任意終止,如有未盡事宜,甲、乙雙方可另行協(xié)商。

  this contract will be effective after being signed by both parties. any party has no right to terminate this contract without another party's agreement. anything not covered in this contract will be discussed separately by both parties

  九、 違約及處理 breach of the contract

  1. 甲、乙雙方任何一方在未征得對(duì)方諒解的情況下,不履行本合同規(guī)定條款,導(dǎo)致本合同中途中止,則視為該方違約,雙方同意違約金為人民幣_(tái)__________元整,若違約金不足彌補(bǔ)無過錯(cuò)方之損失,則違約方還需就不足部分支付賠償金。

  during the lease term, any party who fails to fulfill any article of this contract without the other party's understanding will be deemed to breach the contract. both parties agree that the default fine will be________________. in case the default fine is not sufficient to cover the loss suffered by the faultless party, the party in breach should pay additional compensation to the other party.

  2. 若雙方在執(zhí)行本合同或與本合同有關(guān)的事情時(shí)發(fā)生爭(zhēng)議,應(yīng)首先友好協(xié)商;協(xié)商不成,可向有管轄權(quán)的人民法院提起訴訟。本合同一經(jīng)雙方簽字后立即生效;未經(jīng)雙方同意,不得任意終止,如有未盡事宜,甲、乙雙方可另行協(xié)商。

  both parties will solve the disputes arising from execution of the contract or in connection with the contract through friendly consultation. in case the agreement cannot be reached, any party may summit the dispute to the court that has the jurisdiction over the matter.

  十、 其他 miscellaneous

  1. 本合同附件是本合同的有效組成部分,與本合同具有同等法律效力。

  any annex is the integral part of this contract. the annex and this contract are equally valid.

  2. 本合同壹式貳份,甲、乙雙方各執(zhí)一份。

  there are 2 originals of this contract. each party will hold 1 original(s).

  3. 甲、乙雙方如有特殊約定,可在本款另行約定:

  other special terms will be listed bellows:



  甲 方:

  party a


  id no



  電 話:


  代 理 人:


  日 期:


英文合同 篇6

  Contract No.: LYLS-01-20121228


  Date: 20xx-12-28


  Place: ZIYANG, CHINA 合 同 Contract 合同號(hào):


  The buyers: Sichuan LianYou Textile Industry Corporation (LMT)

  General Manager: Huang De


  The sellers: German Textile Machinery Company

  Sales Manager: David Paul


  This contract is made by and between the buyer and the seller: whereby the buyer and the seller agree to the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated below:

  1. 商品名稱和規(guī)格

  Name of Commodity and Specification

  Name of Commodity :Flexible Rapier Loom抗擾箭桿織布機(jī)

  Specifications: MIG,德國最新生產(chǎn)MIG型號(hào)


  Unit price: USD$150000.00/set CIF5% SHANGHAI, CHINA

  Total value: USD$ 7500000.00

  2. 原產(chǎn)國及制造廠商:

  Country of origin & manufacturer: Germany

  3. 裝運(yùn)期限:

  Shipping date: NOT LATER THAN MAR 30, 20xx

  4. 裝運(yùn)口岸:

  Port of loading: Hamburger Germany

  5. 到貨口岸

  Port of destination: SHANGHAI, CHINA

  6. 付款條件:

  Terms of payment: 100% of the total value will be paid by L/C at 90 days at sight.

  7. 包裝:需用適合長(zhǎng)途海運(yùn),防潮、防濕、防震、防銹、耐粗暴搬運(yùn)的包裝,由包裝不良


  Packing: The packages should be suitable for long distance freight transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling. The sellers shall be liable for any damage to the goods on account of improper packing and for any rust damage attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the sellers.

  8. 裝運(yùn)條款:賣方保證按時(shí)將合同所述貨物運(yùn)往買方港口。

  Terms of shipment: The seller shall ship the goods within the shipping date from the port of shipment to the

  port of destination. Transshipment is not allowed without the buyer’s consent.

  9. 裝運(yùn)通知:貨物全部裝船后,賣方將于10個(gè)工作日內(nèi)將合同編號(hào)、商品名稱、數(shù)量、毛重、發(fā)票金額、船名和開船日期傳真通知買方。

  Shipping advice: The seller shall within 10 working days after the completion of the loading of the goods advise by fax the buyers of the contract No., commodity, quantity, invoice value, gross weight, name of vessel and date of sailing.

  10. 保險(xiǎn):

  Insurance: Insurance shall be covered by the seller for 110% of the invoice value against Additional Risks and Strike Risks 11. 檢驗(yàn): Inspection 賣方須在裝運(yùn)前15日委托德國機(jī)械進(jìn)出口檢驗(yàn)機(jī)構(gòu)對(duì)本合同之貨物進(jìn)行檢驗(yàn)并出具檢驗(yàn)證書,貨到目的港后,由買方委托中國進(jìn)出口貨物檢驗(yàn)機(jī)構(gòu)進(jìn)行檢驗(yàn)。 The Seller shall have the goods inspected by 15 days before the shipment and have the Inspection Certificate issued by German Machinery I/E Inspection Bureau. The Buyer may have the goods reinspected by China I/E Inspection Corporation Shanghai Branch after the goods arrived at the destination.

  12. 索賠:貨物到達(dá)買方后,買方應(yīng)向中國進(jìn)出口商品檢驗(yàn)檢疫局申請(qǐng)對(duì)質(zhì)量、規(guī)格、數(shù)量進(jìn)行初步檢驗(yàn),并出具檢驗(yàn)證明書,如發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物品質(zhì)、規(guī)格、數(shù)量與合同不符,除保險(xiǎn)公司或船運(yùn)公司應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)的以外,買方在貨到90天內(nèi)有權(quán)換貨或索賠,一切費(fèi)用(如商檢費(fèi)、相關(guān)的運(yùn)費(fèi)、保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)etc)由賣方承擔(dān)。

  Claims: Within 90 days after the arrival of goods at destination should be quality, specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable. the buyers shall, on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China have the right to claim for replacement with new goods or for compensation and all the expenses (such as inspection charges, freight for returning the goods and for sending the replacement insurance premium) shall be borne by the sellers.

  12. 仲裁:凡有關(guān)本合同或執(zhí)行本合同而發(fā)生的一切爭(zhēng)執(zhí),應(yīng)通過友好協(xié)商解決。如不能解決,則應(yīng)申請(qǐng)進(jìn)行仲裁。仲裁將在中國貿(mào)易促進(jìn)委員會(huì)仲裁委員會(huì)進(jìn)行。其做出的裁決是最終的,買賣雙方均應(yīng)受其約束,任何一方不得向法院或其他機(jī)關(guān)申請(qǐng)變更。仲裁費(fèi)用由敗訴方負(fù)擔(dān)。

  Arbitration: All disputes in connection with this contract or the execution thereof shall be settled through friendly negotiation, in case no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the case under dispute shall be submitted for arbitration to the China Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Beijing in accordance with the provisional rules of procedures promulgated by the said arbitration commission. The award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon both parties for revising the decision. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing part.

  13. 不可抗力:由于人力不可抗拒事故,而賣方交貨遲延或不能交貨時(shí),責(zé)任不在賣方,但賣方應(yīng)立即將事故通知買方,并于事故發(fā)生后十四天內(nèi)將事故發(fā)生地政府主管機(jī)關(guān)出具的事故證明用空郵寄交賣方為證。

  Force Majeure: The seller shall not be held responsible for any delay in delivery or non-delivery of the goods due to force majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. However, the seller shall advise the buyer immediately of such occurrence and within 14 days thereafter, the seller shall send by airmail to the buyers for their acceptance a certificate of the accident issued by the competent government authorities of the place where the accident occurs as evidence thereof.

  14. 附加條款:本合同一式二份買賣雙方各執(zhí)一份。

  Supplements and other terms: This contract is made in two originals, one original to be held by each party. The original pieces have the same law effect to each party. All the disputes would be solved by the buyer within the people’s court of Sichuan province according to the Contract Law of PRC.

英文合同 篇7


  contract no:_______________




  signed at : _______________

  電 話:____________________

  tel: ______________________

  傳 真:____________________


  電 報(bào):____________________

  cable: ____________________

  電 傳:____________________

  telex: ____________________

  電 話:____________________

  tel: ______________________

  傳 真:____________________



  cable: ____________________


  telex: ____________________


  the undersigned sellers and buyers have confirmed this contract in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below :

  1. 貨號(hào)

  art no. 名稱及規(guī)格

  descriptions 單位

  unit 數(shù)量

  quantity 單價(jià)

  unit price 金額





  total value:(in words)


  ____% more or less in quantity and value allowed.

  2.成交價(jià)格術(shù)語:□ fob □ cfr □ cif □ ddu □

  terms: ________________


  packing: ______________


  shipping marks: _______

  5.運(yùn)輸起訖:由______經(jīng)______到 ________

  shipment________from_________to ________

  6.轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn):□ 允許 □ 不允許; 分批裝運(yùn):□ 允許 □ 不允許

  tran shipment: □ allowed □ not allowed

  partial shipments: □allowed □ not allowed


  shipment date: _______


  insurance : to be covered by the for 110% of the invoice value covering additional form ____to________


  terms of payment:


  the buyers shall pay 100% of the sales proceeds through sight(demand)draft/by t/t remittance to the sellers not later than

  買方須于_____年_____月_____日前通過 銀行開出以賣方為受益人的不可撤銷____天期信用證,并注明在上述裝運(yùn)日期后 天在中國議討有效,信用證須注明合同編號(hào)。

  the buyers shall issue an irrevocable l/c at sight through in favour of the sellers prior to indicating l/c shall be valid in china through negotiation within day after the shipment effected , the l/c must mention the contract number.


  documents against payment: (d/p)

  the buyers shall duly make the payment against documentary draft made out to the buyers at sight by the sellers.□承兌交單:買方應(yīng)對(duì)賣方開具的以買方為付款人的見票后_____天承兌跟單匯票,承兌時(shí)交單。

  documents against acceptance(d/a)

  the buyers shall duly accept the documentary draft made out to the buyers at days by the sells.


  documents require:the sellers shall present the following documents required for negotiation/collection to the banks.


  full set of clean on board ocean bills of lading.


  signed commercial invoice in___copies.


  packing list/weight memo in copies.


  certificate of quantity and quality in copies issued by ______


  insurance policy in copies.


  certificate of origin in copies issued by __________

  11.裝運(yùn)通知:一俟裝運(yùn)完畢,賣方應(yīng)即電告買方合同號(hào)、品名、已裝載數(shù)量,發(fā)票總金額,毛重,運(yùn)輸工具名稱及啟運(yùn)日期等。 shipping advice : the sellers shall immediately , upon the completion of the loading of the goods , advise the buyers of the contract no , names of commodity , loaded quantity , invoice values , gross weight , names of vessel and shipment date by tlx/fax.


  inspection and claims:

 、儋u方在發(fā)貨前由 檢驗(yàn)機(jī)構(gòu)對(duì)貨物的品質(zhì)、規(guī)格和數(shù)量進(jìn)行檢驗(yàn),并出具檢驗(yàn)證明書。

  the buyers shall have the qualities , specifications , quantities of the goods carefully inspected by the inspection authority , which shall issue inspection certificate before shipment.

 、谪浳锏竭_(dá)目的的口岸后,買方可委托當(dāng)?shù)氐纳唐窓z驗(yàn)機(jī)構(gòu)對(duì)貨物進(jìn)行復(fù)檢。如果發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物有損壞、殘缺或規(guī)格、數(shù)量與合同規(guī)定不符,買方須于貨到目的口岸的 天內(nèi)憑 檢驗(yàn)機(jī)構(gòu)出具的.檢驗(yàn)證明書向賣方索賠。

  the buyers have right to have the goods inspected by the local commodity inspection authority after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. if the goods are found damaged / short / their specifications and quantities not in compliance with that specified in the contract, the buyers shall lodge claims against the sellers based on the inspection certificate issued by the commodity inspection authority within days after the goods arrival at the destination.

  ③如買方提供索賠,凡屬品質(zhì)異議須于貨到目的的口岸之日起 天提出;凡屬數(shù)量異議須于貨到目的口岸之日起 天提出。對(duì)所裝貨物所提任何異議應(yīng)由保險(xiǎn)公司、運(yùn)輸公司或郵遞機(jī)構(gòu)負(fù)責(zé)的,賣方不負(fù)任何責(zé)任。

  the claims , if any regarding to the quality of the goods shall be lodged within days after arrival of the goods at the destination , if any regarding to the quantities of the goods , shall be lodged within days after arrival of the goods at the destination . the sellers shall not take any responsibility if any claims concerning the shipping goods is up to the responsibility of insurance company / transportation company /post office.

  13.人力不可抗拒:如因人力不可抗拒的原因造成該合同全部或部分不能履約,賣方概不負(fù)責(zé),但賣方應(yīng)將上述發(fā)生的情況及時(shí)通知買方。 force majeure : the sellers shall not hold any responsibility for partial or total non-performance of this contract due to force majeure . but the sellers shall advise the buyers on times of such occurrence.


  disputes settlement : 任何因該合同而發(fā)生或與該合同有關(guān)的爭(zhēng)議,應(yīng)提交中國國際經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易仲裁委員會(huì),按該會(huì)的仲裁規(guī)則進(jìn)行仲裁。仲裁地點(diǎn)在中國深圳。仲裁裁決是終局的,對(duì)雙方均有約束力。

  all disputes arising out of the contract or in connection with the contract , shall be submitted to the china international economic and trade arbitration commission for arbitration in accordance with its rules of arbitration in shenzhen , china . the arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.


  law application :


  it will be governed by the law of the people‘s republic of china under the circumstances that the contract is singed or the goods while the disputes arising are in the people’s republic of china or the deffendant is chinese legal person , otherwise it is governed by united nations convention on contract for the international sale of goods .

  該合同使用的fob、cfr、cif、ddu 術(shù)語系根據(jù)國際商會(huì)《incoterms 1990》


  versions : this contract is made out in both chinese and english of which version is equally effective .conflicts between these two language arising therefrom . if any , shall be subject to chinese version .


  additional clauses : (conflicts between contract clause here above and this additional clause , if any , it is subject to this additional clause)


  this contract is in copies , effective since being signed / sealed by both parties: ______

  賣方代表人:________________________ 買方代表人:_______________________

  representative of the sellers :____ representative of the buyers :____

  簽字:______________________________ 簽字:_____________________________

  authorized signature :_____________ authorized signature :____________

英文合同 篇8



  By and between





  Chongqing Guangxian Law Offices


  November, 20xx二O一三年十一月


  1. The Parties 締約方 ........................................................................ 3

  2. Backgrounds締約基礎(chǔ) .................................................................. 3

  3. Services Rendered服務(wù)內(nèi)容與責(zé)任 ............................................. 4

  4. Litigation or Arbitration Service訴訟和仲裁服務(wù) ....................... 5

  5. Obligations of Client當(dāng)事人的義務(wù) ............................................. 6

  6. Fee and Payment顧問費(fèi)用與支付 ............................................... 6

  7. Work Implementation 工作方式 .................................................. 7

  8. Remedies 違約責(zé)任 ...................................................................... 7

  9. Supplementary Agreements 補(bǔ)充協(xié)議 ......................................... 8

  10. Miscellaneous一般約定 .............................................................. 8



  Contract Number: 合同號(hào)

  1. The Parties 締約方 People’s Republic of China as of is entered into by and between:本服務(wù)合同(以下簡(jiǎn)稱合同)于20xx年11月6日在中華人民共和國重慶市由以下雙方訂立:

  1.1. (“Client”) 重慶當(dāng)事人(以下簡(jiǎn)稱當(dāng)事人)

  And 和

  1.2. Chongqing GuangXian Law Offices (“Guangxian”), a recorded law firm underlaws of People’s Republic of China of which address is 162 3rd Zhongshan Lu, Eich Int'l Plaza 16/F, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, 400015, People's

  Republic of China重慶廣賢律師事務(wù)所(以下簡(jiǎn)稱廣賢),系根據(jù)中華人民共和國法律成立的注冊(cè)律師事務(wù)所,地址位于重慶市渝中區(qū)中山三路162號(hào)中安國際大廈16層,郵編:400015

  1.3. Client and Guangxian shall hereinafter be referred to individually as the "Party"and collectively as the"Parties". 當(dāng)事人和廣賢可單獨(dú)稱為“一方”,合稱為“雙方”。

  2. Backgrounds締約基礎(chǔ)

  2.1. In accordance with the Lawyers Act and Contract Act of the People’s Republic

  of China, Client engages Guangxian as its retained Attorneys to deal with legal affairs in its business operation.根據(jù)《中華人民共和國律師法》和《中華人民共和國合同法》,當(dāng)事人聘請(qǐng)廣賢處理法律事項(xiàng)。

  2.2. Guangxian agrees to accept such engagement as stipulated in the last paragraph.


  INWITNESS THEREFORE, The Parties hereby agree as follows: 為此,雙方特此訂立如下條款:

  3. Services Rendered by Guangxian to Client 廣賢的服務(wù)內(nèi)容與責(zé)任

  3.1. Important Contract Review or Draft重大合同審查或起草

  According to Client’s request Guangxian shall legally review or draft contract

  documents for any kind of routine business including but not limited to the guarantee contract, loan contract, construction contract, technology contract, intellectual

  property transfer or license contract, materials procurement contract, product sales agreement, service contract, labor contract etc. for Client without specialized project contract;應(yīng)當(dāng)事人要求,對(duì)當(dāng)事人擬簽訂各類重要合同,包括但不限于擔(dān)保合同、貸款合同、建設(shè)工程合同、技術(shù)合同、知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓、許可使用合同、物資的采購協(xié)議、產(chǎn)品經(jīng)銷協(xié)議、產(chǎn)品服務(wù)協(xié)議、勞動(dòng)合同、勞務(wù)合同,進(jìn)行法律審查或起草合同文本,但屬于專項(xiàng)法律服務(wù)內(nèi)容的除外;

  3.2. Internal Rules and Regulations Review 制度審查

  According to Client’s request Guangxian shall review any important internal rules and regulations relevant to its employees, sales contributor, supplier or based on any legal or regulatory rules including environmental protection, fire fighting, accounting or financial issues;應(yīng)當(dāng)事人要求,就當(dāng)事人內(nèi)容涉及當(dāng)事人與其員工、經(jīng)銷商、供應(yīng)商或根據(jù)法律法規(guī)或監(jiān)管規(guī)則(例如:環(huán)境法規(guī)、消防法規(guī)、會(huì)計(jì)法或會(huì)計(jì)規(guī)則、財(cái)政稅法等)要求建立的,重要規(guī)章制度進(jìn)行法律審查。

  3.3. Attorney’s Opinions 法律意見

  According to Client’s request, Guangxian shall submit opinions for any issue revolved in Client’s business and internal management. 應(yīng)當(dāng)事人要求,就當(dāng)事人業(yè)務(wù)活動(dòng)和內(nèi)部經(jīng)營管理中涉及的法律問題提供法律意見。

  3.4. Attorney’s Letter發(fā)出律師函

  According to Client’s request, to resolve all relevant disputes of both internal and outside business with Attorney’s Letter to Client’s debtor or relevant party.


  3.5. Legal Training法律知識(shí)培訓(xùn)

  In accordance with Client’s request, Guangxian shall provide legal training for

  Client’s relevant employees.應(yīng)當(dāng)事人要求,對(duì)當(dāng)事人的`相關(guān)人員進(jìn)行法律知識(shí)和運(yùn)用技巧的培訓(xùn)或舉辦法律講座。

  3.6. Documents Legal Review文件的法律審查

  In accordance with Client’s request, review or draft any documents with legal binding force or take any obligation, including but not limit to post, publicity, representation, advertisement words, external promise or bids;


  3.7. Deals Introduction

  In accordance with the request of Client, recruit and introduce any partner or investment for Client, supply any operational project or relevant information;


  3.8. Monthly Report

  Provide legal information pertained to the business of Client. Such kind of report shall be delivered monthly.


  4. Litigation or Arbitration Service訴訟和仲裁服務(wù)

  4.1. Guangxian’s service shall exclude litigation or arbitration. Client may consult

  Guangxian for general analysis of any litigation before brings lawsuit or within three days after receiving a court summons. Guangxian shall supply legal

  consulting service based hereunder.


英文合同 篇9


  Contract NO.合同編號(hào):


  Buyer: 買方:

  Seller: 賣方:

  This purchase contract (hereafter abbreviated “contract”) is signed by and between the Buyer and the Seller upon equal negotiations based on the Contract Law and other relevant laws and regulations. Both parties agree to sell and buy goods on following terms and conditions.


  Purchasing Contract terms and conditions of garments Season: 服裝采購合同條款:

  1. Description, quantity, unit price, total amount and other details of the goods ordered please refer to detail order, invoice and packing list. The name of the issuing company of invoice must be the same as the seller.


  2. Country of origin: China原產(chǎn)地:中國

  3. Delivery: The seller shall deliver the goods to the warehouse as previously agreed between the two parties.


  4. The quality of all the garments shall answer for the updated, valid Standard of the Nation and the industry. In case the garments are unqualified or for other reason that shall ascribe the seller’s fault, which brings losses of or damages (including but

  not limited to fine, expropriate, damage to Goodwill, lawyer’s fee and other losses for the buyer ’s breach of law or contract because of the seller fault) to the buyer, the buyer shall has the right to ask seller for damages.


  5. Seller shall provide 7 original copies of "Approved" Quality Inspection Certificate for each fabric used to produce MOTIVI different models 7 days before the delivery date. The certificate must be issued by a Chinese official quality testing department, the samples that the seller send to quality test lab shall be representative, can represent the quality of the goods, and the test must follow the Basic Standard GB18401 and include the composition of the fabric. The buyer will settle the payment according to the contract after received the test report and other related documentations (Packing list, Invoice of Goods etc.).

  賣方應(yīng)于交貨日七日前向買方提供由中國官方質(zhì)檢部門認(rèn)可的質(zhì)檢機(jī)構(gòu)出具的所有用來制作服裝的面料的合格質(zhì)檢報(bào)告原件7 份,賣方向質(zhì)檢機(jī)構(gòu)送檢的樣品應(yīng)具有代表性,能夠代表大貨質(zhì)量,質(zhì)檢報(bào)告應(yīng)包含纖維含量及國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn) GB18401 的安全技術(shù)要求事項(xiàng)。買方在收到質(zhì)檢報(bào)告、裝箱單、貨物發(fā)票等其他文件后按合同約定付款。

  6. For all the goods, the seller shall issue invoice to the buyer, the invoice shall be invoiced 所有貨物應(yīng)由賣方向買方開具發(fā)票,發(fā)票抬頭需開列買方單位名稱為

  Kind of invoice issued: People’s Republic of China VAT invoice


  7. Terms of Payment: Total amount of payment of goods shall be paid in RMB within 30 days issued the invoices.

  付款: 開立發(fā)票后30日內(nèi)以人民幣支付。

  Upon signing the contract, the seller shall provide bank information for the buyer to effect payment.


  8. Intellectual Property Right 知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)

  All the goods, documents and materials that the Seller gets to may concerns secret and shall procure that its employee, agent and any other persons who may have access to the above-mentioned information keep confidentiality and shall not use it for any purpose at any time or disclose to any third party. The seller shall not sell, transfer any products or materials to any third party except for the buyer products, substandard products, rest products and unused/waste products or materials. In case the seller breaches, the buyer has the right to ask for

  indemnification including but not limited investigation fees, lawyer’s fees,

  compensation as well as all other fees according to the stipulations or Chinese laws. 賣方接觸到的買方及集團(tuán)的物品、文件資料均可能涉及買方及其關(guān)聯(lián)公司的知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán),尤其是可能包含的買方商標(biāo)、集團(tuán)的其他商標(biāo),著作權(quán)及商業(yè)秘密。賣方應(yīng)對(duì)其知悉的買方及其關(guān)聯(lián)公司的商業(yè)秘密進(jìn)行保密,并應(yīng)促使賣方所有接觸到買方秘密信息的任何雇員、代理人、客戶或其他人士對(duì)該信息保密,不得在任何時(shí)候?yàn)槿魏文康氖褂没蛘呦蛉魏蔚谌伺。賣方不得向除買方及集團(tuán)以外的任何單位和個(gè)人銷售、轉(zhuǎn)讓涉及買方及米羅利奧集團(tuán)的商標(biāo)、標(biāo)識(shí)標(biāo)記、著作權(quán)等知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)的產(chǎn)品或資料,即使對(duì)于過季品、等外品、富余品和廢棄不用的產(chǎn)品或資料也不例外。若賣方違反約定,買方有權(quán)根據(jù)約定及中國法律規(guī)定要求賣方承擔(dān)包括但不限于調(diào)查費(fèi)、律師費(fèi)、賠償金在內(nèi)的一切賠償責(zé)任。

  9. Both parties will try to resolve any dispute concerning the contract amicably. If the dispute can not be resolved by negotiation, any party may initial legal action.


  10. All appendixes to this contract should be bonded to the contract as a whole.










