

時間:2023-05-27 19:36:24 優(yōu)秀作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  The modern life is becoming more and more colorful. The Internet is an important part of our life. It makes our life more interesting. Do you know about the most popular Internet tool? It named micro blog . It means a small blog. The differences betwwn them are the micro blog is simpler and more convenient than a common blog. The first micro blog website is Twitter. And it’s also the most famous in the world. Now many famous persons in different professions have micro blogs such as Han Han, Liu Xiang, Lady Gaga, Bill Gates and so on.


  Chinese micro blog has about five years of history. Though it’s very short,the micro blogs in China are popular with young people, especially we students. We students believe that micro blog is very useful, we can do many things by using it. For example, we can get news and information quickly. And we can write our feelings, our sense of life and some small things everyday on it, just like keeping a simple diary in 140 worlds or fewer. We can enjoy or upload photos, videos and music easily. What’s more, we can find or create a hot topic, and then talk about the topic with others online. How interesting!


  Lots of my classmates and teachers have micro blogs. I also like using micro blog very much. I often upload my pictures and get some advice from others who can draw well. And it’s also a great way to learn English by using micro blogs. We can try to write three beautiful English sentences and then ask someone to modife them and teach us online.


  All in all,there are many advantages of using micro blogs, this can only give a brief introduction. But remember not to spend too much time on the Internet. Let’s surf the web healthily and grow up happily!


英文作文 篇2



  事實上提供給寫作的時間不止30分鐘。一般來說,各考場會提前5分鐘左右將答題卡一發(fā)到學生手里,大一點的考場甚至可能提前10分鐘發(fā)卷。這5到10分鐘不允許學生作答,但考生完全可以用來做作文部分的審題和構思工作。注意審題一定要仔細,按要求寫作,不得擅自改動題目,給定的提綱不得有遺漏,否則會按比例扣分。尤其注意,不要因為事先自己背過或練過哪篇相似的文章而死搬硬套。否則后果很嚴重。如,20xx年12月六級寫作真題題目是College Students’ Mental Health,提綱為

  1. 心理健康對于大學生很重要

  2. 鑒于此,學?梢浴

  3. 我們自己應該……”

  而在考試之前我出過一道類似的模擬題,題目為“Psychological Problems Among College Students”, 提綱為

  1. 很多大學生有嚴重的心理問題

  2. 產(chǎn)生這些問題的原因

  3. 如何解決這些問題”



  Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On the Importance of a Name. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

  1. 有人說名字(或名稱)很重要

  2. 也有人覺得名字(或名稱)無關緊要

  3. 我認為……

  構思第一段時,想到可以來一句鋪墊的話,如“名字重不重要是個有爭議的話題”,可以寫下controversial或topic,作為關鍵詞;下一句是“有人說名字(或名稱)很重要”,可以先寫下important。再往后想兩條理由或例證即可。理由如“好名字容易被記住,因而可以給人來更多機會”(關鍵詞remember或opportunity),和“按照傳統(tǒng)理論起的名字可能會對人起到暗中庇護的作用”(關鍵詞tradition或shelter);例證如“有人認為毛澤東偉大是因為名字就大氣,Bill Gates有錢是因為他的名字可以表示鈔票,姓表示很多大門,很多大門都來錢,所以有錢”。第二、三段情同此理。其實第一段想好了,后兩段也就容易了。比如第二段可以將第一段的理由或例證反過來用,第三段可以總結或折中一下。字數(shù)還是比較容易寫夠的。





  首保正確,再求閃光(correct):這一條是最核心的,因為在寫作時間和篇幅都比較短的情況下,考生寫出的內(nèi)容幾乎是一樣的,唯一的判斷標準幾乎就是語言的質(zhì)量。要首先保證語法和拼寫正確,哪怕用小詞、短句也可以。有能力的的話再追求閃光的詞句。例如,有考生在寫20xx年6月的作文時,寫出了這樣的開頭句:There is no denying the fact that the vital of name has been a hotly debated topic in China. 這句話是套用我以往范文給過的句子,基本結構是對的,但有兩處明顯的錯誤。一處為vital,是個形容詞,而這里應該用名詞。作者可能想用一個牛詞來替換importance以顯示用詞多樣,結果弄巧成拙。另外一處錯誤為name之前應該有冠詞a,其實題目中都給了,結果這位同學忽略了,缺乏基本的語法意識。其實作文中常犯的語法錯誤除了冠詞錯誤,還包括時態(tài)錯誤、名詞和動詞單復數(shù)錯誤、代詞不一致錯誤、詞性錯誤以及句子主謂不完整錯誤。下筆時一定要謹慎。篇幅關系這里不能贅述。

  先總后分,連詞用上(coherent):這里說的是段落的結構和連貫性的問題。英語文章特別喜歡先總后分或開門見山的格局,另外,段落之間和句子之間的形式連接手段特別明顯,即關聯(lián)詞用的很多。在寫作的時候,幾乎就是把給出的三點提綱作為每段的開頭句,然后再加上兩三個擴展句即理由或例證句就可以了。當然有時候為了論證自然或擴展字數(shù)也可以加上一點鋪墊的句子。如20xx年6月真題作文開頭一句既可以是Some people claim that names are of great importance. 也可以是There is no denying the fact that it is a controversial topic whether names are important or not. 然后再說Some hold the positive view.后面再加上兩三句論證的`話。論證句或擴展句之間最好有連接詞,如First, Second, Besides, Also, Similarly, In the same way, However等等。

  語言簡練,論據(jù)得當(concise):不要啰嗦,不要過于重復和堆砌。有些考生背誦了一些經(jīng)典的句型,為了湊字就全用上了,給人低層次的感覺。如最后一段用同學寫道:As far as I am concerned, weighing the pros and cons of the arguments, I am inclined to agree with the latter point of view. 其實As far as I am concerned和weighing the pros and cons of the arguments用一個就行了。另外,盡管內(nèi)容不及語言重要,但也肯定會影響分數(shù)的?忌鷳M量平時多練,以期在考場上也能很快想到一些有力的理由和貼切的例證。另外,要敢于表達自己的思想,不要一味地為了保證語言正確而裹步不前,只說一些小學生的話。如有同學寫09年真題第一段時寫道:Some people think that names are important. They say that, if a person has a name, we can remember him. If he does not have a name, we cannot remember him. 這樣的作文倒是沒有語言錯誤,但肯定也得不了高分。








  Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on University Ranking. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.

  1. 目前高校排名相當盛行

  2. 對這種做法人們看法不一

  3. 我認為……

  My View on University Ranking

  There is no denying the fact that it has become a prevailing trend for some individuals or organizations to rank universities. Taking a look around, we can find examples too many to list. To this phenomenon people’s attitudes differ sharply.

  Some hold the positive view. They claim that ranking universities can help high school graduates or their parents to make a sound choice when enrolling in a university or college. Besides, this practice can help promote the level of higher education as a whole in that many universities will exert efforts to elevate their position.

  Others, however, hold the opposite view. They point out that the result of ranking is not always credible, for many individuals or institutions do it merely for the purpose of colleting money. Furthermore, some universities overemphasize the result of ranking and waste large amounts of resources.

  Personally, I believe that we should not go to extremes. On the one hand, it must be admitted that ranking is an effective means to encourage universities or colleges to compete with each other and improve their work. On the other hand, it should not be conducted and used in the wrong way.

英文作文 篇3

  Last Children’s day, I had lots of fun. I played my two favorite games. The first game that I played was word guessing. The other one I played was a kind of race, but I don’t know what that race is called. I won two prizes, one is a puzzle, and one is a bouncy ball.

  After playing all those fun games, I made paper stars. We had lunch and a nap.

  After nap time, we had a birthday party. We ate a birthday cake, fruits ,orange juice, chips, ice-cream, candies ,cookies, and lots of food. It was a really fun day.

  At dinner time, I ate my favorite kind of noodles. After dinner time, we all watched lot of shows. My favorite show is the magic show, because the magician broke the banana and everyone laughed.

  It was the best Children’s Day I had at school. I wonder what I will do for next Children’s Day. I hope to have lots of fun.

英文作文 篇4

  the lunar new year

  the lunar new year is a great occasion to the chinese people. it lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. students do not go to school, and shops are closed.

  several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. farmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens. city dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. houses are cleaned; couplets

  are posted on the doors. colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.

  on the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner. after the meal they watch tv until the clock strickes twelve. then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year. on the first day of the new year, almost everyone is dressed in his or her best. when

  people meet on the way, they say to each other "happy new year". friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. children indulge themselves in games.

英文作文 篇5

  We call the Yellow River our “Mother River” and we also see the Chang, jiang River as our “Father River” since these two rivers are the source of the civilization of Chinese people. Our remote ancestors lived along the river, so both rivers have witnessed the growth of Chinese people and they are our valuable heritage. My childhood is closely associated with the Changjiang River.


  When I was young, my father often took me to the riverside.I was always struck by the beautiful scenery of the river. The water was pure, clean and blue. Some birds flew down, scraped the water and roared up suddenly and some grass floated in the water quietly. Looking into the distance, I saw the river wandering toward the east. However, after the thunderstorm, the water was turbulent with some whirls in the middle of the river.The fresh breeze gave my face a feeling of moisture. Even today I still remember the magnificent scene and the impressive feeling. Some unpleasant changes have taken place since then. Many hills alongside the river have become bald. More and more mud and dust are being washed down into the river each year. Worsestill, driven by economic profits, some factories keep pouring pollutants into the river. Luckily people have been awakened to their obligation.


  They learn a lesson from the big flood in 1998 that we have to nourish our Changjiang River just as it has nourished us and protect it just as it has protected us. Only after a harmonious relationship has been established between men and the river can we prevent the tragedy happening again and restore beauty to our Changjiang River.


英文作文 篇6

  I didn’t realize the importance of working in groups until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school. At first, I did most of the duties myself while other students care little about class activities. As a result, I was tired out and depressed. Then I turned to my teacher and he advised me to cooperate with others. Thus I began to recognize the strengths of my classmates and have everyone do their part in class. From my experience, I strongly feel that it is working in teams instead of on my own that has freed me of trouble and made my work more efficiently. So we need the spirit of team work in our life.

英文作文 篇7

  China Dining Custom Table Manners The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality. And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.

英文作文 篇8

  "No water, no creatures" It's ture that the human being will run the end if there is no water in the world. Man can live for about 7days without any food, but 3 days without water. But I know that environmental pollution in our country is becoming more and more serious. In the country, we can see women washing clothes in the river. Litter is floating on the river. Waste water produced by a chemical factory is being discharged into the river. We do not see any fish in the river. The river is not so clear as before. Water quality is very bad. I am worried about it because water is important to all living things. Man can not live without water. I hope people pay more attention to this problem, especially the government. Try to control the pollution of water as early as possible. At last I would like to say, "To protect water resource is to protect life."

英文作文 篇9

  Near the Spring Festival, cities and provinces such as nanjing and jiangxi have experienced a rare snowstorm in decades. Although it has brought a lot of inconvenience to people's life, it has not reduced the atmosphere of the festival in the least, but it has made this year even stronger.

  Strong in unity, concentrated in love, concentrated in dedication, still concentrated in the busy. A rare snowstorm has left the railway stations, long-distance bus stations, highways and other places stranded in the rush to return home. To solve their problems. Our country leaders, braving the cold, personally to the first line of command, the PLA officers and soldiers in the snow to sweep snow and ice, electric workers risked their lives to repair the damaged lines... Everywhere reflects the unity of the national people and the determination to overcome the snowstorm. The Spring Festival gala, the most popular cultural feast, also temporarily increased the poetry reading dedicated to the disaster area. Look at the supermarket, it's different. In front of the supermarket, there is a red, hot and noisy festive scene, with big red lanterns hanging around the supermarket. Walking into the supermarket, the goods in the street are dazzling. Shopping people are pushing shopping carts, some carrying baskets, some carrying all kinds of things...

  They shuttled back and forth, as if all goods were free of money. Snapping up the beautiful New Year goods that they need, the face is full of bright smile. NianWeiEr most concentrated to the fireworks firecracker, New Year bell sounded, sot, deafening firecrackers, a variety of colorful fireworks the dark night sky into a colorful world, to see this scene, I can't help thinking of wang anshi "ganjitsu" : "for a New Year's eve firecrackers, spring breeze gifts into the toso.

  Thousands of families, on the day of the day, always replace the new ones with the old ones. There are many more years, such as eating New Year's eve dinner, enjoying flower lanterns and sticking to Spring Festival couplets.










