


時間:2023-05-17 11:54:34 合同范本 我要投稿




英文合同 篇1


  To protect commercial secretes of Party A and Party B hereof,following the principle of fairness, equity and mutual benefit, the two parties involved hereby reach this non-disclosure agreement:


  All the information provided by Party A to Party B are in the scope of commercial secrets, and Party B has the obligation to keep them confidential. The scope of commercial secrets of Party A that Party B has the obligations to keep confidential includes but is not limited to the followings:


  mold contract (including variety, specification, quantity and price factor, delivery date, etc.), mold inspection standard and product inspection standard;


  All information, parameters, drawings, fixtures and tools concerning parts of the product;


  models and samples of products concerning appearance and function of Party A;


  Any product marked with “OPPO” or equivalent signs including IC card, LCD display, packing material such as color dispenser, product manual, handbag, advertising product and casing;


  mold technology, mold patent, product patent and system flow of development provided by Party A;


  Information of mold produced by Party B, product model, detailed information of purchase order (including color, quantity and date of delivery) of Party A, etc.;


  Original technical data and actual product of Party A concerning appearance, industrial design, color matching, trial product of mold (including elements of trial mold and sample of coating) of the model that have not entered market yet;


  Other structure design schemes to which Party A owns intellectual property rights, and information and actual product with exclusive LOGO of Party A;


  Party B has the following obligations to keep the abovementioned commercial secretes of Party A confidential:


  Take active measures to protect the abovementioned commercial secretes in case they are learnt or used by a third party;

  2.2保證接觸甲方商業(yè)秘密的員工不泄露知悉的甲方商業(yè)秘密,保證非接觸甲方商業(yè)秘密的員工不得刺探 或者以其他不正當手段(包括利用計算機進行檢索、瀏覽、復制等)獲取甲方的商業(yè)秘密;

  Ensure that all the employees of Party B to whom disclosure of commercial secrets of Party A is to be made will not have the commercial secrets disclosed, and ensure that all the employees of Party B for whom the commercial secrets of Party A are inaccessible shall not detect or obtain in illegal method (including but not limited to searching, browsing and copying on computer);


  Do not disclose the commercial secretes of Party A to a third party;

  2.4乙方除為履行義務且經(jīng)甲方事先同意外,均不得為自己或他人之利益直接或間接使用上述機密資料及 知識產(chǎn)權(quán);

  Unless for performing obligations specified in the agreement and with prior consent from Party A, Party B shall not directly or indirectly use the abovementioned confidential information and intellectual property rights for benefits of Party B or anyone else;


  Do not permit (including lending, presenting, releasing, transferring, etc.) or assist a third party in using the commercial secrets of Party A;


  Party B acknowledges that Party A has set up special system of public statement and information disclosure, and promises to strictly abide by this system;

  2.7不論因何種原因終止與甲方合作后,都不得利用甲方的商業(yè)秘密為其他與甲方有競爭關(guān)系的企業(yè)(包 括自辦企業(yè))服務;

  In case of termination of cooperation with Party A due to any reason, Party B shall not use the commercial secretes of Party A to provide service to the enterprise in competition with Party A (including self-invested enterprises);

  2.8乙方所占有、使用、監(jiān)督或管理的.與甲方知識產(chǎn)權(quán)有關(guān)的資料、機密資料均為甲方財產(chǎn),應于合作結(jié) 束時悉數(shù)交還甲方,未經(jīng)許可不得自行復制、傳真、利用網(wǎng)絡對外傳送等。

  All the related information and all the confidential information concerning intellectual property rights of Party A possessed, used, supervised or controlled by Party B, are under ownership of Party A, and shall all be returned to Party A at termination of cooperation. All the information are prohibited to be copied, faxed and transmitted through network in case of no authorization;

  2.9乙方同意甲方商業(yè)秘密之界定范圍,無論故意或過失、無論以任何形式泄露甲方商業(yè)秘密均屬違法行 為,甲方有權(quán)視違法情節(jié)和危害程度,采取向警方報案、采取強制措施、追究刑事責任等非常手段。

  Party B agrees on the scope of commercial secretes specified by Party A. Disclosure of the commercial secretes of Party A in any form purposely or by fault is illegal. Party A has the right to report to the police, take compulsory measures and claim for criminal responsibility based on illegal condition and harm extent.


  When Party B finds that the commercial secretes of Party A are disclosed or divulged for fault of Party B, Party B shall take effective measures to stop further disclosure and timely report to Party A;


  All the commercial secretes specified in this agreement are under the ownership of Party A, and Party B shall not apply for intellectual property rights by making use of learning about the commercial secretes of Party A it has learnt to any extent, those legally owned by Party B before signing this agreement excluded.

  3、甲方保密義務: Non-disclosure obligations of Party A:


  Based on requirements of Party B on the sample, DEmO panel, test and inspection tool/software, drawing, specification etc. provided by Party B to Party A, Party A accordingly has the obligation to keep them confidential as per this non-disclosure agreement.

  4、保密期限 Term of non-disclosure


  Party A and Party B hereof confirm that non-disclosure obligations of Party B come into force on signing of this agreement till the confidential information is voluntarily disclosed by Party A. Whether Party B will continue further cooperation with Party A or not will not affect the performance of non-disclosure obligations by Party B;

  5、違約責任 Responsibility for breach of contract


  Provided Party B fails to perform non-disclosure obligations stipulated in this agreement, Party B shall pay RmB500, 000 as compensation for breach of contract. In case that the compensation for breach of contract is not sufficient to compensate for the losses of Party A, Party A has the right to claim against Party B for the insufficiency.


  If Party B violates this non-disclosure agreement, Party A has the right to take all legal actions including deducting payment, suspending payment, cancelling supplier qualification, legally claiming for all the losses etc. to defend all the rights and interests of Party A.

  6、特別條款 Special Provisions


  Party B shall properly keep the special materials of Party A (e.g. plastic casing, hardware casing, key, lens, battery, touch screen, earphone, charger, data cable, color dispenser, product manual, handbag and advertising product), and shall not have them flow into false product market or other places harmful to Party A. If it is verified that materials have flown out from Party B, Party B shall pay Party A RmB500,000 for each outflow as compensation for breach of contract; in case of serious outflow, Party A has the right to make no payment for the paid balance of Party B and cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier, and Party B shall be investigated for legal responsibility.

  6.2 對于上述甲方專用物料,乙方不得以何形式提供給其他個人(甲方樣品階段乙方提供給甲方工程師簽樣除外)。如甲方查證物料確實從乙方流出,乙方應向甲方支付每次伍萬圓人民幣的違約金,情節(jié)嚴重者,甲方有權(quán)利取消乙方的供應商資格。

  Party B shall not provide the abovementioned special materials of Party A to any individuals in any form (At sample phase of Party A, the sample provided by Party B to engineer of Party A for approval is excluded.). If the materials are proven to be outflow from Party B, Party B shall pay Party A RmB50, 000 for each outflow as compensation for breach of contract; in case of serious outflow, Party A has the right to cancel the qualification of Party B as a supplier.

  7、一般條款 General Provisions


  In case of any agreement upgrade, the old version of agreement shall be automatically terminated as long as the new version of agreement is signed.


  This agreement is made in duplicate. Party A and Party B shall hold one original each. The agreement will come into force at signature and seal of both parties.


  This agreement is construed in accordance with, enforced pursuant to and governed by laws of the People’s Republic of China. Any dispute arising from this agreement shall be settled through consultations. In case no agreement reached by the two parties, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the local people’s court in the location of Party A.

英文合同 篇2

  【】FUND L.P.

  AND 【】INC.


  ___ ___, 20__

  This Term Sheet is not a legally binding agreement between the Investors and the Company, except the sections of “Confidentiality”, “Exclusivity” and “Administrative Fee”.

  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, any obligations of the Investors to complete or provide funding for any transaction, whether contemplated herein or otherwise, are subject to the receipt of internal approvals, completion of due diligence to the satisfaction of the Investors in their sole and absolute discretion, and the parties having negotiated, approved, executed and delivered the appropriate definitive agreements. Until execution and delivery of such definitive agreements, the Investors shall have the absolute right to terminate all negotiations for any reason without liability.


  The Company agrees that within forty five (45) days from the date of the signing of this Term Sheet, the Company and its shareholders, board members, employees and their respective relatives or affiliates shall not, directly or indirectly, take any action to solicit or support any inquiry, proposal or offer form, furnish any information to or participate in any negotiations or discussions with, any third party, or enter into any

  agreement or arrangement, regarding any equity/debt funding or sale, without the prior written consent of the Investors.

  This exclusivity is automatically extended to the period necessary for the Company to satisfy the closing conditions outlined in the Stock Purchase Agreement section of this Term Sheet. Notwithstanding the

  foregoing, if neither the Company nor the Investors give written notice of its wish to terminate this Term Sheet at least five days prior to the end of the exclusivity period, the Term Sheet shall remain in full force and effect, and the Company shall continue to negotiate exclusively with the Investors until the Company or the Investors give written notice of termination.

  In this Term Sheet,

  "$" or "dollar" means United States dollars;

  "Ordinary Share Holders" mean the holders of Ordinary Shares;

  "Preferred Shares" mean shares of the Series A Preferred Stock; and

  "Shareholders" mean holders of Ordinary Shares and Preferred Shares.

英文合同 篇3


  反稀釋條款 The Conversion Price shall be adjusted on a full-ratchet basis for issuance of any securities of the Company at a purchase price less than the then-effective conversion price. Additionally, the Conversion Price shall be proportionally adjusted for share splits, share dividends, recapitalizations and the like.


  Protective Provisions

  保護性條款 The consent of 75% of the CN holders will be required for any of the following actions of the Company and its subsidiaries:


  1) Amendment to the Memorandum of Articles of Association


  2) Make any material change in the nature of its business


  3) Merger, consolidation, reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, or winding-up


  4) Acquire, grant an operating right in relation to or otherwise dispose of any shares or securities or material part of its business or assets (excluding current assets)


  5) Sell, mortgage, pledge, lease, transfer or otherwise dispose of a substantial portion of assets 重大資產(chǎn)的出售、抵押、擔保、租賃、轉(zhuǎn)讓或處置

  6) Issuance of equity or debt securities, repurchase or redemption of any equity security: re-classification of issued securities; increases, decreases or alters the existing issued share capital 股權(quán)或債權(quán)證券的發(fā)行,任何股權(quán)證券的贖回,已發(fā)行證券的重新分類,現(xiàn)有股本的增加、減少或改變

  7) Declaration or payment of dividends


  8) Enter into any joint venture, partnership or consortium arrangement


  9) Termination, or material amendment to the terms of stock option plan including number of options, vesting period, and exercise price of options


  10) Any loans to any director, officer or employee


  11) Any related party transaction outside the ordinary course of business


  12) Incurrence of any external borrowing by the Company which exceeds US$ [ ], or a series of external borrowing by the Company which in the aggregate over any 12 month period exceed US$ [ ].

  公司超過[ ]美元的任何外部借貸,或12個月內(nèi)累計超過[ ]美元的一系列外部借貸的發(fā)生

  13) Change the terms of employment of any employee whose base salary is in excess of US$50,000 per annum


  14) Hire or dismiss key management staff


  15) Enter into any contract or arrangement which involves a consideration or payment exceeding US$[ ] to be made within any one year

  任何1年內(nèi)須支付對價超過[ ]美元的合同或安排的達成

  16) Change of the Auditors or any material change in accounting practices or policies


  17) Select the listing exchange or the underwriters for an IPO or approve the valuation and terms and conditions for the IPO, whether or not the IPO is a Qualified IPO


  18) Annual budget including capital expenditure.


  Undertakings by Founders

  創(chuàng)始人股東保證 The Founders undertakes with the Investors that, at all times after the Closing Date, they will not sell or transfer any of their shares prior to the completion of a Qualified IPO, unless the prior written consent is obtained from the Investors.


  Pre-emptive Rights

  優(yōu)先購買權(quán) The Investors shall have a pro-rata right, based on their percentage equity ownership on a as-if converted basis, to participate in any subsequent equity financing of the Company on the same price and terms and conditions as the Company proposes to offer such new securities. The Investors will have a right to subscribe any portion of the new issue that is not subscribed by the existing shareholders.


  Right of First Refusal, and Co-Sale Rights

  優(yōu)先受讓權(quán)和共同出售權(quán) The Investors shall have first refusal rights and co-sale rights whereby any holder of Ordinary Shares who proposed to sell all or a portion of his shares to a third party must first permit the investors at their option (i) to purchase such shares on the same terms as the proposed transferee, or (ii) sell a proportionate part of their shares on the same terms offered by the proposed transferee. Such rights of first refusal and co-sale rights would terminate upon the closing of a Qualified IPO.

  投資人享有優(yōu)先受讓權(quán)和共同銷售權(quán),任何欲向第三方出售全部或部分股份的普通股股東須首先允許投資人 (i) 以與擬受讓人同等條款購買該股份,或 (ii) 以同等條款按比例向擬受讓人出售股份。合格IPO完成后,該優(yōu)先受讓權(quán)和共同出售權(quán)即終止。

  Information Rights

  信息獲取權(quán) The Company shall provide to all Investors:


  1) audited consolidated profit and loss accounts, balance sheets and statements of cash flow of the Company within three (3) months after the end of each financial year;


  2) monthly management accounts of the Company and individual company standard accounts for each entity within the Company, to be provided within 15 business days after each month end; 每月度結(jié)束后15個工作日內(nèi)提供公司月度管理報表及公司內(nèi)每一主體單獨的標準報表;

  3) quarterly consolidated management accounts within 30 days after each quarter end;


  4) annual budgets and forecasts not less than 30 days prior to the commencement of each financial year;


  5) all other information which Investors may reasonably require within 7 days of the Company’s receipt of a notice requesting such information, or a clear demonstration of best efforts if more than 7 days are required;


  6) full details of any progress in relation to any IPO of all or part of the business as soon as practicable;


  7) access to books and records, the facilities, properties, management, employees, and accounting and legal advisors of the Company at any reasonable time after reasonable prior notice by Investors;


  8) prompt notification of any withdrawal of bank facilities of the Company, and the Company’s best efforts to restore adequate banking facilities;


  9) prompt notification of any material litigation or any circumstances that would likely give rise to material litigation; and


  10) prior notification of any change in the equity percentages of any subsidiary or affiliate, or any joint venture to which the Company is a party.


  All financial statements shall be prepared to Investors in English and prepared in accordance with IAS.


  These information rights shall terminate upon the IPO of the Company.


  Registration Rights

  注冊權(quán) 1) Demand, S-3, F-3 or Equivalent, and Piggyback Rights: The specific terms of registration rights would include at least the following: (i) starting three years after the Closing Date, the holders of 50% of the outstanding CN may request a Form F-1 registration statement to be filed; (ii) starting one year after the IPO, two (2) demand registrations upon request of holders of 50% of the outstanding CN on Form S-3 or F-3 or equivalent if listed on a non-US stock exchange; (iii) unlimited piggyback registrations in connection with registrations of shares for the account of the Company or selling shareholders exercising demand rights; and (iv) cut-back provisions providing that registrations must include at least 25% of the shares requested to be included by the holders of registrable securities and employees, directors, etc. must be cut back before the holders of registrable securities would be cut back.

  要求注冊、按S-3、F-3(或相當?shù)谋砀瘢┳院透綆ё詸?quán):注冊權(quán)的特定條款至少包括如下內(nèi)容:(i) 本次融資完成3年后,持有50%已發(fā)行可轉(zhuǎn)換債券的股東有權(quán)要求公司向美國SEC提交F-1注冊申請; (ii) IPO后1年內(nèi),持有50%已發(fā)行可轉(zhuǎn)換債券的股東有權(quán)向公司提出兩次按S-3、F-3(或相當?shù)谋砀,若在美國之外的股票交易所掛牌)請求注? (iii) 次數(shù)不限的當公司或其他出售股票的股東注冊時的附帶注冊權(quán)或與其相當?shù)臋?quán)利;以及 (iv) 注冊削減條款:任何注冊削減條款應規(guī)定,所有注冊(除與IPO相關(guān)的注冊)應至少滿足原持有人要求注冊數(shù)的25%,且股東要求的注冊數(shù)被削減的前提是公司的董事、高管、員工、顧問和普通股股東要求的注冊數(shù)首先被削減。

  2) Expenses: The Company would bear the registration expenses (excluding underwriting discounts and commissions but including all other expenses related to the registration) of all such demand, piggyback and S-3, F-3 or equivalent registration.


  3) Transfer of Rights: The registration rights may be transferred.


  4) Termination: The registration rights would terminate on the earlier date of: (1) five (5) years after the closing of this financing, or (2) when any holder can sell all of such holder’s shares in any three-month period without registration pursuant to Rule 144 under the 1934 Act.

  權(quán)利的終止:注冊權(quán)在下述較早實現(xiàn)之日終止:(1) 本次融資完成5年后,或 (2) 任何股東可以依據(jù)美國1934年《證券交易法》第144條在任何3個月期內(nèi)出售所有股份而不必登記之時。


  排他性 The Investors will have the exclusive right to negotiate and complete the Investment for a period of eight weeks from the signing of this Term Sheet. During this Exclusive Period, neither the Company, nor the Founders, shall provide information, solicit or entertain proposals, or conduct any discussion or negotiation with any third party regarding the issuance of shares or other securities or instruments by the Company, or any other subsidiary or affiliate of the Company.



  費用 The Company shall bear all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by the Investors in relation to the Investors’ investment contemplated under this Term Sheet including but not limited to the preparation, negotiation and execution of Transaction Documents and the legal, financial, commercial and technical due diligence undertaken by the Investors, up to a maximum limit of US$200,000.


  In the event Completion does not take place, the Company and the Investors shall bear their own costs and expenses, provided that if the Company unilaterally decides not to proceed with Completion, the Company shall bear all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by or on behalf of the Investors in relation to the Investors’ intended investment under this Term Sheet including but not limited to the preparation and negotiation of the Transaction Documents and the due diligence undertaken by the Investors, up to a maximum limit of US$200,000.



  保密性 The terms and conditions stipulated in this Term Sheet, including its existence, and the information about the Company shall be confidential information and shall not be disclosed to any third party unless required by applicable law or regulations of any stock exchange. This restriction does not apply to employees, legal counsels, accountants, and other professional advisors of the Company, the Founders, or the Investors, on a need-to-know basis.


  Language of Performance

  履行語言 All notices, communications, and proceedings relating to this Investment and the exercise or performance of the parties’ respective rights and duties will be in English.



  終止 The CN and CN Holders’ rights hereunder terminate upon the closing of any Qualified IPO, except for any public offering or registration rights, which continue for the respective agreed periods. In the event of a Qualified IPO, the terms of the CNs and CNs will have to be disclosed in the offering document / prospectus and therefore the confidentiality clause can no longer be able to complied with.


英文合同 篇4







  Party AEngaging Party:Address: rdTel: Fax:


  Party B Engaged Party: The Universal Legal Corp.

  Address:30Fl, The Youdianguangtong Bldg, 11 East Hubin Road, Xiamen, 361004, P.R.C. Tel: 86-592-2680710 Fax: 86-592-2680760

  E-Mail: [email protected]

  With the development of its business, Party A would like to invite Party B’s lawyer to assume the post of the former’s permanent Legal Counsel (“PLC”). Party A and Party B have entered into the following agreement (“Agreement”) to be observed by both contractual parties.

  I. Party B accepts the invitation from Party A and designates Lawyer assumethe post of PLC of Party A. The term of validity of this engagement of PLC will be from

  Upon request, the PLC shall furnish Party A with services as below:

  * to attend / participate in / handle lawsuits & actions

  - to deal with criminal cases, acting as the advocate or the agent / deputy

  - to deal with civil and commercial cases, acting as the agent / deputy

  a) cases of labor dispute

  b) cases of economic dispute

  c) maritime cases

  d) other civil cases (matrimonial cases, case of succession, civil debt cases, etc.)

  * to deal with cases of administrative proceedings / litigation, acting as the agent / deputy

  - administrative cases of public security

  - administrative cases of patent, trademark, copy right

  - administrative cases of taxation

  - other administrative cases ( industrial & commercial administrative, environmental protection,

  administrative punishment cases, etc.)

  * to handle extra-judicial legal affairs

  - to provide legal consultancy or to give counsel, verbally or in writing

  - to assume the post of Legal Adviser / Counsel, permanently or case by case

  - to attend / participate in mediations, conciliations and arbitrations in all kinds of cases, acting as the deputy / agent

  - to do market research / surveys and to provide credit investigation service

  - to participate in the feasibility study of projects

  - to draft / amend / modify / revise or examine / vet legal documents, such as economic contracts, agreements and constitutions, etc..

  - to take part in negotiations and to issue lawyer’s letters

  - to witness juristic acts

  - to go through the legal procedures / formalities of ventures’ establishments, alterations or cancellations / nullifications and other related legal affairs

  - to participate in liquidation affairs on the ventures’ dissolution or bankruptcy / insolvency

  - to furnish agency for legal affairs on matters of insurance & taxation

  - to provide legal service / assistance for bid invitations & tender offers of construction projects - to go through the formalities of Customs declarations or to apply for import /export licenses or

  to participate in anti-dumping investigations

  - to handle legal affairs in real estate transactions, including the legal affairs on the grant or transfer of land-use-right

  - to go through the formalities / procedures in the matters of notarial acts or successions, transfers & trust of properties

  - to furnish agency for the applications, registrations and filing of industrial property rights

  - to deal with / handle the legal affairs on international loan / credit arrangements

  & international contracts of tenancy, including the legal affairs on FX regulation

  - to act as agent of ventures for their administrative appeals or mediations

  - to undertake extra-judicial legal affairs authorized / entrusted by lawyers outside the country - to undertake other extra-judicial legal affairs

  * The PLC is obliged to visit Party A’s office at least once a month. With respect to the

  above-mentioned services, Party A may contact the PLC from time to time by telephone, fax or e-mail. In case Party A would like to meet with the PLC in person, an appointment should be made 24 hours prior to such meeting and such meeting generally shall be held at Party B’s office;

  * The total length of working time of the fore-mentioned services (extra-judicial legal affairs only;

  same hereinafter) shall be not more than hours. During the term of validity of this

  engagement, any agency / advocacy in lawsuits or arbitrations by the PLC or any over-time service from the PLC should be initiated through Party A’s additional trust formalities to Party B and be charged favorably at 20% discount based on the state regulations governing counsel fee or Party B’s Charging Clauses & payment conditions, whichever is applicable.


  Upon receipt of full cash payment or remittance of the PLC annual fee, Party B shall commence performing its duties & obligations under Article I of this Agreement. In case party A fails to pay or to pay the full amount, Party B is entitled to terminate the Agreement and correspondingly claim damages arising from Party A’s default.

  The incidental expenses should be paid up together with the PLC annual fee, fromwhich the PLC shall take responsibility for surplus or deficit. The PLC is also entitled to request reimbursement with vouchers/invoices for out-city traveling expenses arising from the PLC’s handling of matters entrusted or engaged by Party A .

  III. Party A is obliged to offer Party B true statements/descriptions of facts necessary for the PLC to

  perform its contractual duties & obligations and to provide relevant documents, materials & other essential assistance upon Party B’s request. The legal liabilities incurred from Party A’s misrepresentations, falsifications or other negligent acts shall be undertaken by Party A itself. Party A is also obliged to indemnify Party B for the claims/damages/losses arising from Party A’s fore-mentioned negligent acts. In such a case, Party B is concurrently entitled to terminate the Agreement and the PLC annual fee paid under the Agreement by Party A shall not be reimbursed.

  IV. The PLC is obliged to perform earnestly its duties & obligations within the scope of Party A’s

  authorizations and state legal provisions. In case Party B terminates the Agreement without valid causes or Party A’s lawful rights/interests is prejudiced owing to the PLC’s negligent acts, the PLC annual fee shall be reimbursed in full to Party A.

  V. Any transfer of or modification to the Agreement shall not be permitted without prior mutual written

  consent between Party A and Party B.

  VI. In case the term of validity of the engagement of PLC expires, the Agreement shall automatically

  extend for another one-year term unless a written notification of termination is issued by either party and the PLC annual fee shall thereupon be increased by 5% while other clauses shall remain unchanged, and so on and so forth.

  VII. The construe, interpretation & jurisdiction of the Agreement is subject to the law of the PRC. Any and

  all dispute(s) in connection with or arising from the performance of the Agreement shall first be settled amicably through friendly consultations & negotiations between Party A and Party B. If this fails, the said dispute shall then be submitted to the Xiamen Arbitration Commission for a final finding.

  Party A shall defray Party B a PLC annual fee of and incidental expenses of RMBfor telecommunications, mails, typing/duplicating of documents, city transportation, etc., totally

  VIII. Other clauses:

  IX. The Agreement shall be made in two originals and each Party holds one, which becomes effective

  as from the date of signature.

  Party A :

  Date of Signature:

  Party B : The Universal Legal corp. Account No.: 4100021419224845582 Bank Name:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Xiamen Branch, Wucun Sub-BranchBankAddress: 30th Fl.,The Youdianguangtong, Bldg,11East Hubin Road, Xiamen, 361004, P.R. China : Date of Signatur

英文合同 篇5


  Contract No.: __________

  Date of Signing: _________

  Place of Signing: _______

  The two Parties:

  Party A: ________________________________

  Address: ________________________________

  Tel:_________________Fax: _______________

  E-mail: _________________________________

  Party B: ________________________________

  Address: _______________________________

  Tel:_________________Fax: ________________



  Whereas Party B has machines and equipment, which are now used in Party B's manufacturing of _______, and is willing to sell to Party A the machines and equipment; and

  Whereas Party B agrees to buy the products, _______, made by Party A using the machines and equipment Party B supplies, in compensation for the price of the machines and equipment, and

  Whereas Party A agrees to purchase from Party B the machines and equipment, and

  Whereas Party A agrees to sell to Party B the products, _______, in compensation of the price of Party B's machines and equipment; Now therefore, in consideration of the premises and covenants described hereinafter, Party A and Party B agree a follows:


  A) Party B agrees to provide Party A with _________ machines to be used in production, their auxiliary machinery, accessories and spare parts and a variety of measuring and testing instruments required in the process of production. The details of the models, names, specifications,quantity, prices, packing, delivery , etc. thereof shall be specified in an additional equipment-import agreement to be concluded by and between both parties which shall serve as an component part hereof.

  B) The total value of the machines, auxiliary equipment, etc. supplied by part B shall be paid off by Party A with part of the manufactures made therewith and/or other goods, or with(designate name)products made in (Name of the plant)if both parties agree. The specific name(s), quantity, price, delivery, etc. of the goods granted as the make-up payment shall be decided in an additional compensation goods-supply agreement made by the parties which shall serve as a component part hereof. The equipment-import agreement and compensation-goods-supply agreement aforesaid may be merged as one called sales agreement on compensation trade(See appendix).


  Both parties agree to open letters of credit in favor of each other, i.e. Party A will open, at regular intervals, long term letters of credit in favor of Party B to pay by installments the total cost of the machines and auxiliary equipment provided by Party B; whereas Party B will open sight letters of credit in favor of Party A to pay the products to be delivered by Party A. Party A shall pay for the total cost of the machines and auxiliary equipment with the money remitted by Party B as reimbursement for the products to be delivered by Party A. In case the sum to be paid by Party B fails to cover the value of the long-term letters of credit opened by Party A, the difference shall be made up by Party B by paying that much to Party A in advance, before the long-term letters of credit are due, to enable Party A to reimburse on time the long-term letters of credit it opens. The payment of the long-term letters of credit opened by Party A is based on Party B's opening a sight letter of credit under the provisions and on its paying the advance required herein. Thus, Party B warrants, guarantees and covenants that it will open the letters of credit and pay the advance as provided herein.


  Party A shall reimburse Party B for all the machines and auxiliary equipment supplied by Party B by delivering goods to Party B on a monthly basis and the reimbursement will last for___ year(s) and ____months(s). The reimbursement shall start approximately ____month(s) after the first delivery of the machines and, in principle, the money to be reimbursed per month shall be ______percent of the total amount due for the machines. With a ______month(s) notice to Party B, Party A may reimburse Party B in advance.

  Within the reimbursement period, Party B shall, under the provisions of the additional sales agreement aforesaid, open, sight, irrevocable, divisible and assignable letters of credit, covering the full amount, in favor of Party A.


  The standard money for this transaction is (Name of currency). All the machinery, auxiliary equipment and measuring and testing instruments , etc. provided by Party B shall be valued with (Name of currency), while the goods provided by Party A to Party B as reimbursement shall be valued with the basis price (Name of currency) of the same goods exported by Party A at the time when this agreement is entered into, and the total price (Name of currency) shall be changed into that of (Name of currency) in accordance with the exchange rate then.


  Party A shall pay the interest on its long-term letters of credit and the interest on the cash in advance rendered by Party B. The annual interest rate is agreed upon at_____%.


  The machinery, after arrival at its destination, shall be installed by Party A, Party B shall dispatch its technicians to render spot instructions and other necessary technical assistance during the installation of the main machines, as may be requested by Party A in case of necessity, Party B shall be liable for the losses resulted in such a course of installation from technical default on its part.


  During the enforcement of this agreement, if it is found necessary that, in addition to the machinery and equipment listed herein, some new accessories or measuring and testing instruments are needed for completion of the project, (an) additional order(s) may be made through negotiation by the parties. The new items thus added shall be incorporated in agreement.


  The machinery and auxiliary equipment, after shipment, shall be insured by Party B. The title thereof shall be transferred into Party B after full payment therefore is made by Party B, thereafter, the unforeseeable losses concerning the machinery and auxiliary equipment shall be indemnified for first by the Insurance Company to Party B, then Party B shall remit for Party A,in proportion, the sum already paid by Party A for the machinery or equipment involved in the contingency.


  Party B shall , if it fails to comply with this agreement to make purchase of the goods delivered by Party A as reimbursement, or Party A shall, if it fails to comply with this agreement to deliver the goods it is due to provide, be deemed liable for a breach of agreement and shall compensate the non-breaching Party for the loss caused thereupon and shall pay the non-breaching Party a fine accounting for % of the total value of the goods in question.


  To guarantee the implementation of this agreement, each party shall submit to the other party a letter of guarantee issued by its bank respectively. The guaranteeing bank of Party A is ______ Bank, ______, while the guaranteeing bank of Party B is ______Bank, ______.


  The modification of this agreement in particular cases shall be agreed upon by both parties through negotiations.

  ARTICLE 12 Force Majeure

  In case that one or both parties are impossible to perform the duties provided herein on account of force majeure, the party (or parties) in contingency shall inform the other party (or each other) of the case immediately and may, provided the case is duly verified by the competent authorities, delay in performance of or not perform the relevant duties hereunder the be partially or entirely exempted from the liability for breach of this agreement.


  Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission,Shenzhen Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission's arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties and the applicable law is the material law of P.R.C.

  Notwithstanding any reference to arbitration, both Parties shall continue to perform their respective obligations under the Contract unless otherwise agreed.


  There are two originals hereof made respectively in Chinese and ______, both of which are of the same effect.

  This agreement shall come into effect on the date when both parties set their hands hereunto and remain effective for_____ years. Upon its expiration, the parties may, if they choose, extend the term hereof for _____years or execute a new cooperation agreement, provided they apply to and approved by the Authority agencies concerned.

  Party A Party B

  Representative of___ Representative of____

 。ˋuthorized Signature)___ (Authorized Signature)

英文合同 篇6


  日期: 合同號碼:

  Date: Contract No.:

  買 方: (The Buyers) 賣方: (The Sellers)


  This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:

  (1) 商品名稱:

  Name of Commodity:

  (2) 數(shù) 量:


  (3) 單 價:

  Unit price:

  (4) 總 值:

  Total value:

  (5) 包 裝:


  (6) 生產(chǎn)國別:

  Country of Origin :

  (7) 支付條款:

  Terms of Payment:

  (8) 保 險:


  (9) 裝運期限:

  Time of Shipment:

  (10) 起 運 港:

  Port of Lading:

  (11) 目 的 港:

  Port of Destination:




  Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable.

  The Buyers shall, have the right on the stren

  gth of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers.



  Force Majeure:

  The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after. The Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptance certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the delivery of the goods.




  All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rule

  s of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission. The Arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. And the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.

  買方: 賣方:

 。ㄊ跈(quán)簽字) (授權(quán)簽字)

英文合同 篇7

  編號: No:

  日期: Date :

  簽約地點: Signed at:


  地址:Address: 郵政編碼:Postal Code:

  電話:Tel: 傳真:Fax:


  地址:Address: 郵政編碼:Postal Code:

  電話:Tel: 傳真:Fax:


  The sellers agrees to sell and the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below:

  1 貨號 Article No.

  2 品名及規(guī)格 Description&Specification

  3 數(shù)量 Quantity

  4 單價 Unit Price

  5 總值:


  Total Amount

  With _____% more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the sellers option.

  6 生產(chǎn)國和制造廠家 Country of Origin and Manufacturer

  7 包裝: Packing:

  8 嘜頭: Shipping Marks:

  9 裝運期限:Time of Shipment:

  10 裝運口岸:Port of Loading:

  11 目的口岸:Port of Destination:

  12 保險:由賣方按發(fā)票全額110%投保至_____為止的_____險。

  Insurance:To be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.

  13 付款條件:

  買方須于_____年_____月_____日將保兌的,不可撤銷的,可轉(zhuǎn)讓可分割的即期信用證開到賣方。 信用證議付有效期延至上列裝運期后15天在中國到期,該信用證中必須注明允許分運及轉(zhuǎn)運。


  By confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before ___/___/_____ and to remain valid for ingotiation in China until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment. Tje L/C must specify that transhipment and partial shipments are allowed.

  14 單據(jù):Documents:

  15 裝運條件:Terms of Shipment:

  16 品質(zhì)與數(shù)量、重量的異義與索賠:Quality/Quantity Discrepancy and Claim:

  17 人力不可抗拒因素:


  Force Majeure:

  Either party shall not be held responsible for failure or delay to perform all or any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war or any other events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided or overcome by the relative party. However, the party affected by the event of Force Majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible and thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after its occurrence.

  18 仲裁:



  All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the Foreign Trad Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for Arbitration in accordance with its Provisional Rules of Procedure. The decesion made by this commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.

  19 備注:Remark:

  賣方:Sellers: 買方:Buyers:

  簽字:Signature: 簽字:Signature:


  日期: 合同號碼:

  Date: Contract No.:

  買 方: (The Buyers) 賣方: (The Sellers)


  This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated hereinafter:

 。1) 商品名稱:

  Name of Commodity:

 。2) 數(shù) 量:


  (3) 單 價:

  Unit price:

 。4) 總 值:

  Total Value:

 。5) 包 裝:


  (6) 生產(chǎn)國別:

  Country of Origin :

 。7) 支付條款:

  Terms of Payment:

 。8) 保 險:


 。9) 裝運期限:

  Time of Shipment:

  (10) 起 運 港:

  Port of Lading:

 。11) 目 的 港:

  Port of Destination:

  (12)索賠:在貨到目的口岸45天內(nèi)如發(fā)現(xiàn)貨物品質(zhì),規(guī)格和數(shù)量與合同不附,除屬保險公司或船方 責任外,買方有權(quán)憑中國商檢出具的檢驗證書或有關(guān)文件向賣方索賠換貨或賠款。


  Within 45 days after the arrival of the goods at the destination, should the quality, Specifications or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the contract except those claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, the Buyers shall, have the right on the strength of the inspection certificate issued by the C.C.I.C and the relative documents to claim for compensation to the Sellers

 。13)不可抗力:由于人力不可抗力的原由發(fā)生在制造,裝載或運輸?shù)倪^程中導致賣方延期交貨或不 能交貨者,賣方可免除責任,在不可抗力發(fā)生后,賣方須立即電告買方及在14天內(nèi)以 空郵方式向買方提供事故發(fā)生的證明文件,在上述情況下,賣方仍須負責采取措施盡 快發(fā)貨。

  Force Majeure :

  The sellers shall not be held responsible for the delay in shipment or non-deli-very of the goods due to Force Majeure, which might occur during the process of manufacturing or in the course of loading or transit. The sellers shall advise the Buyers immediately of the occurrence mentioned above the within fourteen days there after 。 the Sellers shall send by airmail to the Buyers for their acceptancea certificate of the accident. Under such circumstances the Sellers, however, are still under the obligation to take all necessary measures to hasten the deliveryof the goods.

  (14)仲裁:凡有關(guān)執(zhí)行合同所發(fā)生的一切爭議應通過友好協(xié)商解決,如協(xié)商不能解決,則將分歧提 交中國國際貿(mào)易促進委員會按有關(guān)仲裁程序進行仲裁,仲裁將是終局的,雙方均受其約束,仲裁費用由敗訴方承擔。

  Arbitration :

  All disputes in connection with the execution of this Contract shall be settled friendly through negotiation. in case no settlement can be reached, the case then may be submitted for arbitration to the Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure promulgated by the said Arbitration Commission 。 the Arbitration committee shall be final and binding upon both parties. and the Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing parties.

  買方: 賣方:

  -------------------- ---------------------

 。ㄊ跈(quán)簽字) (授權(quán)簽字)










