

時(shí)間:2023-04-26 12:02:32 優(yōu)秀作文 我要投稿




英文作文 篇1

  People always complain about the society, because they think they are treated unfairly and so many things are unpredictable. It seems that if everything is under controlled will be the wonderful thing for them. However, after seeing the movie about the controlled life, I don’t think the wonderful world is a good choice.

  When people’s consciousness is no longer belong to them, what will happen? Then things are predictable and they don’t feel anything They can’t feel the real happiness and sorrow, then life becomes meaningless.

  Though people don’t have any annoyance in the wonderful world, they are the walking dead. I’d rather to live with happiness and sorrow, which make my life meaningful.

英文作文 篇2

  Today, the sky is clear and the climate is pleasant. One after another "Games song" deafening. The opening ceremony of the Games began in this atmosphere. The class of students lined up in neat square, marching at a strong pace, one by one into the venue. It's time for us to enter, &ldquo. Challenge yourself and break through the limit. ” our slogan of moving to … …

  Look, ran to the athletes such as Eagle Wings: heroic bearing, jump on the field, the bar rises: solid ball, such as grenades continue to fly to the sky, falling into the distance. There are thrilling matches everywhere, and there are enthusiastic applause everywhere, and the wonderful performance of athletes is everywhere.

  In the face of the 200 meter race, I walked confidently toward the playing field, like a winning general. 200 meters, small meaning, in class, I was called “ God leg ” HA ha! The champion must be mine. I think holding the cup appearance, I was wild with joy. Can not help shouting: "I am the best!"!

  “ &rdquo know what is the meaning of dumb as a wooden chicken;? If you don't know, just look at me. Standing here, I know what is stronger and stronger. The athletes in the 200 meter preparation ground are actively preparing. Leg lift, swing arm, every rhythm. Look at the posture, is much stronger than me, it looks like it will be a tough battle. “ Peng ” the beginning of the game, I tried my best to run. But in the end, I only took third. Everyone ran over to me and said to me, "&ldquo, don't lose heart. Well, try harder next time."! ” the students gave me a cup of water being … … like to take care of sister like to take care of me, my heart is warm, what better than this trophy.

  The school Games ended in joy and boiling; … …

英文作文 篇3

  "Ten thousand books, ten thousand miles." There are countless good books in the world, but you can't do without accumulating them! Do as you say. First, make a reading plan.

  Here is the plan:

  1. I will choose to read in a clear morning.

  2. The time of reading is the same and the content is different.

  3. I will choose a book in four days as the standard, but I must clearly understand and do not know the words marked with Pinyin. Read it again after preview, and read it again for the purpose of reading it again.

  4. The first four days I want to read "if give me three days of light", the next four days I want to read "Jane Eyre", in turn read "Robinson Crusoe", "China up and down five thousand years" and other primary school students must read classics.

  5. Make reading notes for each book you read, and make necessary experience in the book to ensure that the key knowledge of each book will not be lost.

  With a reading plan, you have a goal. Go to the next step and start to act!









英文作文 篇4

  Writing Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the title Immoral Behavior in Public according to the following OUTLINE given in Chinese. Your composition should be no fewer than 120 words.




  To witness immoral behavior in public, one need only visit the Beijing subway. I still remember the first time I took the Beijing subway. It was an early morning. I was in a hurry to go to school. When I was trying to get a ticket, I found a lot of people waiting in front of me, but nobody was in the line.

  Immoral behaviors in public exert a series of problems. One of the most serious ones is that it may exert a negative impact on our sense of social responsibility. We will keep ignoring other people’s rights and feelings, and in turn, we too will be disrespected some day.

  The improvement of this phenomenon is certainly not easy. With an eye on practical implementation and cost effectiveness, I propose that society make it clear in every way that people who fail to respect the common good will be seriously punished. Stricter policies for this should be made to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible.

英文作文 篇5

  My name is Chen Wei.Female.I was born at Taizhou,Zhejiang in March,1983.I began my schooling at Huanshan Primary School in 1996 and learned there for six years.After that I entered Taizhou Middle School in 1996 and graduated in 20xx.In the autumn of the same year I was admitted to Zhejiang University,majoring in English in Foreign Language College.Besides,I also studied Chinese,politics,history,geography and computer science.Drawing,taking photos and swimming are my hobbies.What's more,I am skilled in typing and I once won the first prize in the typing contest in English held by our college.(107)

英文作文 篇6

  Festival is a great pleasure for our children. We can get a handsome lucky money to play and eat a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner. Of course, my family is no exception.

  Today is the new year thirty. Mom and dad have invited many guests to have the new year's Eve dinner. They are busy preparing the dishes -- chicken, duck, fish, everything, and all kinds of vegetables. Look, my master of cooking - "Chef king" (DAD) comes. He saw his right hand with a frying pan, his left hand with a spoon, and into the kitchen. Stir fry the garlic at the end, then put it in the ear and put the tremella in the ear. Suddenly heard the sound of crackling, stir in the kitchen, but also drifting out bursts of fragrance. Dad put all kinds of meat Bianzhuohuayang make a variety of dishes, I give the cold and hot dishes are a good name: floating on the water, a hundred flowers contend in beauty and the lotus lotus seed soup, Fresh Fruit Salad...... Just listen to these names and you must have salivate three thousand feet in the morning. This house also sounded crackling sound of firecrackers. The bustling scene outside the house was mixed, like a symphony orchestra. After a while, the guests came one after another: a cousin, a cousin, a cousin, a grandmother, and Grandpa...... We immediately give the people a new year: "good new year!" The adults were happy, and they pulled out their red bags. After a few dozens of minutes, we began to eat dinner. So everyone sat around the table, filled a full cup of wine, and blessed each other. In addition to the rich dishes, there is a traditional dessert dumpling, which reminds me of my cousin's bad appetite last year to eat dumplings with coins. I'm really worried that he can't eat any other delicious food when he eats his belly again.

  "Why do you have to eat the night dinner?" The cousin asked me curiously.

  "The legend of Gaoyang had three sons and became a pestilence after death. The two lived in the riverside, a corner that lived in the house, and came out to scare children on New Year's Eve. Because the fire can be evil, people will fire at the new year's Eve, plus the family reunion, loimic ghost dare not disturb the child out. Besides, when they eat new year's Eve dinner, they talk about their daily lives and share their joys with their families. I told my cousin.

  "Yes, your cousin is right, that's the way it is." The aunt said. "This is for you." My aunt handed me a box with a red dragon on the box. Open the box and look inside, there are two small wine cups in it, and the cup is written with "Moutai" two words, I think this cup can be used for the small amount of the father.

  Then I and cousin, cousin, cousin together drink wine and said: "I wish mom and dad have to work smoothly." Mom and dad said, "I wish you a good health, and you learn to go up all the time." A toast: "cheers!"

  Then I and cousin, cousin, cousin to give us a show program. The first program is a chorus: Happy New Year. The command is me, and I also presided over. With my cousin and cousin waving hands, every single word or phrase singing a happy new year, although the cousin can't sing, but he is still learning the way we yiyiyaya singing, it provoked laughter. The second program is for me to guess the puzzle. Riddle is a bite off a cow's tail. Everyone could not guess. After a while, suddenly her mother raised his hand. "I know it's' tell '!" I took out the prize at once - a chocolate. Mother was happy to kiss me in the face. Then, we play. I got up first: "lighting." "Ming, star." "Star, star." "Light, light, light..." The cousin seemed to be unable to think of it for a moment, when he touched his little head: "a light head!" Everyone uproarious up.

  Then Dad came out of the kitchen, with a plate of squid in his hand and said to us, "don't laugh, come and try the squid!" We were just about to eat, and the cousin called up, "don't eat it!" When you eat the squid, you'll really get fired! We heard it again and laughed...

  It should be said that the Spring Festival, as the largest festival in the traditional Chinese national program, has its profound significance. It is an important link and a golden time for social communication. In the development of the times and the progress of the society, the ideas of the people will be constantly updated. I hope that in the future "year" can cross the more flavour and cross the happier.

英文作文 篇7

  我們班來了個(gè)“大家伙 “耳聽為虛,眼見為實(shí)!”瞧,那不就是我們班新來的“大家伙”——等離子多媒體嗎?它可是我們老師上課的好幫手哦! 一個(gè)銀灰色的多功能講臺,里面竟然安裝著一臺電腦,真是神奇,一個(gè)正方形的中央控制器嵌在桌面中間,拉開多功能講臺左面的拉手,里面竟然藏著一個(gè)白色的實(shí)物展示臺,別提多奇怪了!這套多媒體的顯示器是一個(gè)高50厘米,寬45厘米的49寸的等離子電視,一個(gè)黑得發(fā)亮的外殼外面還套著一個(gè)水晶似的履膜框,真是氣派! 它不但外觀精致,內(nèi)部構(gòu)造新穎,還挺實(shí)用,大大提高了我們上課的效率。記得有一次學(xué)一篇課文《圓明園的毀滅》,我無論如何也想象不出圓明園被毀滅之前是怎么樣的,所以覺得這篇課文也沒什么意思。誰知上課時(shí)裘老師神秘地打開了它,不一會兒,大屏幕上竟然出現(xiàn)了一幅幅美麗的畫面:有金碧輝煌的殿堂、玲瓏剔透的亭臺樓閣、富麗堂皇的.宮廷、仙境般的蓬萊瑤臺同學(xué)們看得一次又一次地張大了嘴巴!當(dāng)然學(xué)課文也變得津津有味,甚至到了下課還意猶未盡呢!本來

  不喜歡上語文課的同學(xué),現(xiàn)在也天天盼望上語文課,期待著這個(gè)“大家伙”的精彩亮相。 當(dāng)然那個(gè)實(shí)物展示臺也能發(fā)揮不小的功能。在欣賞同學(xué)寫的優(yōu)秀作文的時(shí)候,老師會用到它;在展示班上同學(xué)的書法作品的時(shí)候會用到它;數(shù)學(xué)老師也經(jīng)常會用它跟我們講解一些關(guān)于圖形的數(shù)學(xué)問題我們班的“大家伙”猶如一位“大神仙”讓我們感到神奇。

英文作文 篇8

  There is a saying in China that "people eat for the day". I like eating food very much. Eating food is a kind of taste enjoyment for me, which makes my mood very pleasant. I always spend a lot of money on food. I like pasta, sausage, butter bread, pizza, etc. I like juice, coke and porridge. I also spend a lot of time cooking food, which is a kind of happiness and satisfaction for me. Do you like eating good food? I think no one doesn't like food.

英文作文 篇9

  What is life?What is the purpose of life?The purpose is not to say unimportant, the purpose decides the direction of life, but life is not equal to the purpose, life is also to the purpose of the whole process, life is a process!Ah, this is the simplest and least noticed mistake.The goal of life is our eternal tomorrow, our life is always today, is now, is fleeting now!

  People who have goals are people who live meaningfully, who value the process of life itself and who are sure of the process are living to the fullest and the real people "never live forever!"It should be both objective and process quality.The goal is to say, aim high, start from the province, people will get the ideal education.However, many people have lived a lifetime, and in the end, they have not been enjoying the process of life, and have not enjoyed life, which is a lack of life consciousness and introspection.

  The ups and downs are all life, and every situation is realized. Not pleased by external gains not saddened by personal losses is the gift of life.










